Lust Knight

Chapter 701 Have Faith in the Devil (3/3)

Chapter 701 Have Faith in the Devil (3/3)

Lucien's efforts are seen by everyone.

And those thousands of Mermaids and Nagas who wanted to help him can't help but feel useless as they see that their best ranged attacks didn't really harm Tyrion.

Instead of aiding their King, they hindered him, and he ended up having to save them once again. Any leader could be upset and disappointed in his troops after such a disaster.

But instead of appearing upset, Lucien gives a quick, gentle smile to Saria and his troops.

The Mermaids can sense it, and the Naga can see in Lucien's eyes that he is not disappointed in them but grateful for their attempt, even with it failing.

"Huh???" Thousands of women are confused, but their hearts are filled with happiness.

Lucien can't divert his attention from Tyrion now, so he quickly refocuses on the battle, but that brief look is enough for Saria to understand that they need to retreat.

"Stay back!" She orders the troops in the sky. "Our King can handle the enemy; we must have faith in him!!"

Those thousands of troops may not be able to send their energy to Lucien like his wives, but they try to be as positive as possible and express their support for their King.

"No, no, no!!!" Tyrion becomes furious as he sees that everyone is certain that Lucien will defeat him.

Tyrion could only give orders to his people out of fear, but Lucien has the love and respect of his troops, feelings that only grow during the battle.

He had wanted so desperately to humiliate and torture Lucien in front of everyone, but no matter how much he makes his adversary bleed, no one loses faith in Lucien.

Tyrion's priority has always been power, but like any other man in his position, it is normal for him to desire the respect and loyalty of his people.

But just like the love of beautiful women, Lucien has everything else that Tyrion could desire.

Now it's Lucien's turn to enjoy the desperation on his adversary's face. "Do you understand now, Tyrion??"

Lucien's arrogant smile only infuriates Tyrion further. "YOU BASTARD!!"

The Naga King tries to unleash another beam of Dark Energy at Lucien, but his energy reserves are so low that he can only advance and continue fighting in close combat.

"I WILL KILL YOU!!" Tyrion charges forward with all his rage, but his speed is not the same as it was a few minutes ago.

That's not a problem for Lucien, who has just received a new boost from Nea's energy. He manages to evade at the last moment.


"No, you can't kill me." Lucien taunts Tyrion as he effortlessly dodges his attacks.

"I will!!" Tyrion continues launching furious attacks towards his adversary. He ends up exerting too much strength and energy in such blinded-by-rage strikes.

Creating a symphony with sounds of *Whoosh* and more *Whoosh*, Lucien effortlessly evades several of Tyrion's attacks.

He doesn't attempt to counterattack because Tyrion is using all his strength in those attacks, and simply dodging is a smarter way to force the Naga King to come closer to total exhaustion.

"You can't kill me, Tyrion..." Lucien comments in a mocking tone. "This is not about individual power..."

"No, no, no!!!" Tyrion has finally lost what little sanity he had left.

With his mind corrupted by Dark Magic and his heart corrupted by frustration, he tries to attack Lucien wildly but fails in every attempt. His trident only cuts through the air.

Unlike his opponent, Lucien is rapidly generating new energy due to several factors.

As his confidence grows, he even flashes gentle smiles at his wives and his troops.

"Tyrion... you can't defeat me because I have the support of so many, and you..." Lucien sets aside his mocking expression and looks at his enemy with genuine pity.

"NO, NO, NO!!!" Tyrion knows what Lucien is going to say and tries to kill him more than ever, pushing his body to the very limit.

But the Naga King fails once again and is forced to hear the harsh truth from the person he hates the most.

"You're alone." Lucien's words are like an arrow to Tyrion's already broken heart, shattering any hope he might have had.

"It shouldn't be like this..." Unlike the viscerally hateful expressions Tyrion has shown until now, his face now displays despair and sadness.

Everyone is shocked to see black tears streaming down his pain-distorted face.

"Yes, things should be like this, you could only end up like this..." Lucien speaks in a neutral tone.

Tyrion avoids looking at Lucien, as he seems to shine like a sun. "Why? Why?!?"

Lucien's eyes glow purple and gold, and his voice booms like thunder, echoing for miles. "Because you are pathetic!"

As soon as Lucien speaks those words, Pride materializes her body beside him once again.

She and the other Sins were using every second to replenish Demonic Energy with Lucien's sisters, and now they can return to his side.

"Yes, so pathetic." Pride arrogantly speaks while standing beside Lucien.

Lust materializes her body on the other side of Lucien and also mocks Tyrion. "So fucking stupid."

Envy is the third one to appear and doesn't miss the chance to mock Tyrion as well. "You failed as a King."

"Failed as a warrior." Wrath also returns to Lucien's side.

"You failed as a father." Gluttony joins the group.

"Failed as a man." Greed also shows up.

Sloth is the last one to appear, speaking calmly as always. "You failed in every possible way."

As his heart and eyes bleed, Tyrion turns his attention back to Lucien, the light that extinguished his darkness. In the end, it's easier to blame someone else for his own failures.

"YOU! YOU ARE THE CAUSE OF ALL THIS!!" Tyrion once again charges towards Lucien, using every ounce of his remaining strength in a final desperate attack.


Tyrion's speed is still considerable, but Lucien sees his movements with his super-sharp senses and reacts equally fast.

He summons his golden naginata and wields it with both hands, while his katanas appear around him and move on their own.

Using all his strength, Lucien charges towards Tyrion, his three blades against the dark trident.

Lucien could dodge the attack and counter-attack Tyrion, but instead, he allows his blades to make direct contact with his opponent's trident.


The soul weapons collide with such force that they generate a powerful shockwave.


A deafening sound of metal clashing echoes, following the shockwave.

Tyrion clenches his teeth and wears a crazed expression on his face.

But Lucien has a confident smile on his lips as his eyes shimmer brightly.

Tyrion exerts all his strength, just like Lucien, but contrary to his expectations, it is his trident that cracks upon impact.

"No!" Tyrion doesn't even have time to comprehend how that happened before his trident is sliced in half by Lucien's blades.

"NOOOO!!!" It's the first time in a thousand years that his trident has been shattered by an opponent.

Like most soul weapons, that trident is the manifestation of Tyrion's power, and he could quickly recreate another one.

However, his will is broken, just like his mind and body.

In contrast, Lucien is more motivated than ever and uses that moment to kick Tyrion forcefully in the chest.


The Naga King can't react in time and is sent flying backward with great force.

He tries to regain control of his body, but Wrath materializes her body right behind him and strikes his head with her large mace.


Tyrion is once again sent flying backward until Envy appears behind him and strikes his back with her dual daggers.

Even without Dark Energy, Tyrion's body still benefits from the defenses of the Cosmic Realm, so the Sins are unable to inflict grave injuries on him, but they continue to attack brutally.


Except for Sloth, all the other Sins join the assault and unleash all their frustrations on Tyrion.

He is unable to react, devoid of strength, and ends up being tossed around like a ragdoll.

The brutal show lasts for several minutes, and not even the gentlest Mermaids miss a second of it.

It is by no means an adequate punishment for everything Tyrion has done, but it can at least provide some comfort to all those people he caused so much pain.

After hundreds of blows from the Sins, Tyrion's last defenses are pushed to the limit, his body drenched in black blood and grotesquely disfigured.

As he loses his remaining strength, unable to even stay airborne, Wrath and Envy grab him by the arms and bring him before Lucien.

Everyone knows what is about to happen next, and they all feel relieved that the nightmare has finally ended.

But until Tyrion takes his final breath, everyone keeps their full attention on what remains of the cruel Naga King, their expressions neutral, creating a tense atmosphere.

This is the end of a Tyrant.

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