Lust Knight

Chapter 700 Have Faith in the Devil (2/3)

Chapter 700 Have Faith in the Devil (2/3)

Thousands of Mermaids and female Nagas have similar feelings for Lucien. All those women envy his wives and imagine what it would be like to have him taking care of them.

But those same women quickly discover a painful truth about such a relationship - while it is good to be under his care, it is also very tormenting to see him exerting so much effort to protect them and not being able to be there beside him, helping him.

As they watch Lucien fighting against Tyrion in the sky and enduring so many brutal blows, all the women who care about him are going crazy with anxiety.

"We have to do something to help him!!" Saria can no longer watch the fight as tears stream down her beautiful face.

"We cannot interfere..." Sophia comments in an exhausted tone; she and Sloth no longer have the energy to help Lucien.

"But..." Saria looks at her mother beside the other wives of Lucien, all of them trying to send their energy to him.

The young Mermaid Princess understands that, but she cannot stand still and watch Lucien fight alone, especially when she and thousands of other Mermaids are willing to help.

As even her mother seems to be obeying Lucien's orders, Saria concludes that she has to take the initiative, so she turns to her people and raises her sword.

"Don't do this, Saria!" Claire notices what her friend is trying to do and tries to stop her.

But it's too late to stop the wave of motivation that runs through the bodies of those Mermaids and female Nagas. Saria's words are just the icing on the cake.

"Will you all just stand by while your King fights and suffers alone?!?!"

"No!" The response immediately resonates within each of those Mermaids and female Nagas.

Saria can feel their strong desire to help Lucien, so she quickly points her sword at Tyrion in the sky. "Then let's kill that bastard!!"

"YEAHH!!!" The thousands of loyal troops and Lucien exclaim in unison as they advance towards him in the sky, all ready to sacrifice their lives to help their King.

Only when she hears that massive commotion, Eve realizes what is happening. "Shit!!"

In the sky, Lucien also hears the cries of the troops below, which makes him concerned.

He quickly speaks to Sophia mentally. "What's happening??"

"They... they want to help you," she explains.

Lucien would like to be able to accept the help of his troops; after all, one of the goals of strengthening them is to ensure that his enemies have no chance of hurting his family.

The problem is that Tyrion's power currently far surpasses that of those troops, and that's what Lust quickly reminds him of. "You can't let them get close, or Tyrion will kill many..."

Lucien doesn't stop fighting Tyrion and even tries to lead him further away from Crystal City and his troops while speaking to Nea mentally.

"You can't let them get close, it's too dangerous!" he quickly communicates with her.

"I... I..." Nea feels very guilty because she hasn't been able to send her energy to Lucien through their soul contract like his other wives.

She really wants to help him in any way she can, and seeing that Saria and her people want to do the same, she can't find the will to stop them, even though it's very dangerous.

"Nea??" Lucien is confused by her hesitation.

"I can't stop them now," Nea responds. "Even my people won't listen to me now, you're sacrificing yourself for them, so they will do the same for you."

"Damn!!" Lucien wants to smile at the loyalty of his troops, but he can only worry that Tyrion will kill thousands with his devastating attacks.

And the Naga King doesn't take long to realize what is happening around him. He sees thousands of Mermaids and female Nagas flying towards him, initiating a clear joint attack.

"Oh?" Tyrion's lips curve into a sinister smile, especially when he sees the concern on Lucien's face.

"So you can't fight anymore and you're using them to escape?" The Naga King tries to provoke Lucien.

"Do you think we're alike?" But Lucien returns the provocation, quickly wiping the smile off Tyrion's face.

"You stupid boy!!!" Tyrion exerts even more effort and destroys the bodies of Pride and Lust before using his tail to attack Lucien.


Lucien is disoriented by that brutal attack and tries to regain control of his body before reaching the water.

But as soon as he stabilizes again, he notices his troops initiating a massive coordinated long-range attack against Tyrion. Thousands of arrows and spells are being launched simultaneously, covering the sky with various colors.

Most people even at the top of the Immortal Realm would be obliterated under such a barrage of attacks, but Tyrion has nothing to fear as the natural defenses of his Cosmic Realm body can easily deal with those attacks.

Still, the Naga King doesn't stand still but quickly starts channeling Dark Energy into his trident, creating dark clouds above him.

"He's going to counterattack!!" Lusty quickly exclaims in Lucien's mind.

The sight of thousands of his lovely Mermaids dying right before his eyes leaves Lucien extremely concerned.

"No!!!" Without a second thought, he uses the remaining of his spatial mana to teleport behind Tyrion.

Lucien doesn't have defenses like Tyrion's, so those attacks from the troops will harm his body, but he doesn't care about it now.

He uses his golden naginata and both Katanas to attack Tyrion, opening a long wound in the Naga King's scales.


Black blood splatters everywhere, including on Lucien. But Tyrion ignores the wound and focuses all the power of his Dark Magic into his trident, unleashing a wide and deadly beam from its tip.

Lucien sees the wound on Tyrion's scales close before he can pierce his defenses with another attack. So, considering other options, he releases his soul weapons and attempts to hold onto Tyrion's trident to prevent that deadly beam from reaching his troops.

Directly holding the soul weapon of an opponent is never a good choice. Such weapons are made from the manifestation of a person's soul power, carrying the weight of that person's energies.

In the case of Tyrion, his trident is a manifestation of malice and corrupted Dark Energy, causing Lucien's hands to burn upon the first contact.

"ARGHH!!" Lucien has to grit his teeth to suppress the scream of pain as he uses all his strength to prevent Tyrion from aiming that trident at his lovely Mermaids and loyal Nagas.

Tyrion is surprised that Lucien still has so much strength and determination to fight, but he revels in that moment of despair.

"You want to protect them so badly??" The Naga King asks as he continues to push his trident forward. "You think you can kill me?!?"

"I will stop you!!" With clenched teeth, Lucien pushes his body beyond its limits.

"Tsk!!" Tyrion scoffs as he also pushes his body beyond its limits. "You are so weak... so pathetic..."

"..." Lucien remains silent as he uses every ounce of energy to hold back his opponent.

Lust materializes her body behind Tyrion and wildly attacks him with her whip, but besides minor scratches, she cannot inflict any significant damage on the Naga King.

"You shouldn't cling to your servants..." Tyrion continues to taunt Lucien. "You're just a foolish boy who knows nothing about leadership!"

"..." Lucien wants to ask for the help of his wives, but he cannot allow anyone to get close to that deadly beam. He doesn't want to accept losing anyone.

In reality, there are few people who can do anything in that moment. His sisters are exhausted as they use every drop of energy to materialize their bodies as the Sins.

Most of Lucien's wives have already passed out due to having sent all their energy to him, except for the strongest ones who are still sending the remainder of their energies.

Maya is still recovering while Saria is advancing toward Tyrion, and Nea, who still has a significant amount of energy, finds herself in a complicated situation.

The Mermaid Queen wants desperately to help Lucien, but she also wants to save her people, and that's why she is following Lucien's orders.

But seeing the situation reach such an extreme point, she considers stopping her attempts to send her energy to Lucien and flying towards him to attack Tyrion directly.

"Let me help you!!!" She exclaims in Lucien's mind.

"You have to stop them!!!" Lucien asks her to stop their troops once again.

"They won't stop, let me fight by your side!" Nea pleads.

"It's too dangerous, Tyrion is too strong!!" Lucien explains.

Nea understands that with her current power, she wouldn't be able to inflict any damage on Tyrion, which makes her feel terrible.

"There has to be a way..." Her tone becomes increasingly saddened, which frustrates Lucien.

As he feels his energy dwindling, Lucien knows that there is only one way for Nea to help him. "You have to make it!"

She understands that he is referring to her sending her energy to him just like his other wives do, but she doesn't know how to use such an ability. Well, not even his other wives truly understand how to do it.

"I don't know how to do it!!" She exclaims in frustration.

Lucien tries to recall what his wives have mentioned about using that ability and explains it to Nea. "Try to focus on the feelings you have for me..."

Nea heard that from his wives as well, especially from Angela, who said she was able to activate such ability by focusing on the love she feels for Lucien and their connection.

The problem is that Nea doesn't think she loves Lucien. In fact, she only started liking him a little recently.

She doesn't want to distract him in such a critical moment, but she also needs to explain why she can't send her energy to him.

"Lucien, I... I don't know if..." She hesitates to say that she doesn't love him, for many different reasons that she herself doesn't fully understand.

But she doesn't need to say that for him to understand her feelings through their soul contract.

"It's okay, Nea," he speaks in an affectionate tone. "You don't have to love me now, just focus on any good feeling you have for me... you can't hate everything about me, right?"

Lucien shouldn't be trying to improve his relationship with Nea at a time when Tyrion is about to kill thousands of Mermaids and Nagas, but he can't think of any other way to gain the power necessary to stop his opponent.

Nea understands that and opens her heart completely, trying her best to use such ability.

She doesn't think she loves him, but she quickly thinks of things she likes about him.

[His scent!] That's the first thing Nea thinks of. For most women, it might be his devilishly handsome face, but for her, his fragrance is even more pleasant.

[How good his kisses were...] So she thinks about the taste of his kiss, which still lingers on her lips.

Nea also thinks about the growing powerful connection between them, not just because of the soul contract but also because of the ideas they share and their willingness to protect their families and people.

In just a second, Nea manages to think of so many things she likes about Lucien and strengthen her bonds with him.

That's how his other wives were able to activate the ability to send energy to him, and in the same way, the tattoo on Nea's belly begins to glow with intense purple light.

"It's working!!!" Lucien wanted that result, but when he feels Nea's energy flowing into his body through their soul contract, he is still surprised, pleasantly surprised, of course.

"Really???" Nea also feels her energy flowing to Lucien, but she can't believe it was that easy. She had been trying since the beginning, and the answer was right in front of her all along.

The third person to be surprised by this is Tyrion. He doesn't know about such ability of Lucien and his wives, but he senses the sudden surge in his opponent's strength.

"What the hell?!?" Tyrion exclaims in confusion as he feels his trident being pushed back by Lucien.

Lucien manages to smile confidently as the power of Nea's energy fills his body.

Tyrion continues to push his body beyond its limits, but it seems ineffective because Lucien is literally overpowering him.

"This is not possible!!!" Tyrion panics, which breaks his concentration.

His energy is rapidly draining from that failed attempt at attack, so he stops channeling the remaining Dark Mana into the trident and tries to attack Lucien with his tail again.

But as soon as he attempts that move, Lucien acts faster and headbutts Tyrion in the face.


Now it's Tyrion who is paralyzed by that brutal attack. His vision blurs, and his balance is in disarray.

"It's not possible..." Tyrion refuses to believe that Lucien is turning the tide of the battle.

He tries to recover while tightly holding his dark trident, but as he is nearing his limit, Lucien has just gained a new breath of life with the incredible energy from Nea.

"It's not time to give up, Tyrion." Lucien smiles as he summons his soul weapons. "I want you to keep your head held high... so I can see the expression in your eyes as I kill you in front of everyone."

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