Lust Knight

Chapter 699 Have Faith in the Devil (1/3)

Chapter 699 Have Faith in the Devil (1/3)

Since Lucien began his journey with Lust, he has faced many difficult battles. Fighting against the odds has become customary for him.

This doesn't mean he has started to overestimate his skills, but rather that he is accustomed to pushing himself far beyond his limits to ensure the safety of his girls.

He and his wives are always working hard to become stronger, utilizing every tool and opportunity to the best of their ability.

But that doesn't mean their opponents are not preparing well for the battle, or that they cannot push themselves beyond their limits with the same level of determination as Lucien.

And this is the case with Tyrion, who, except for the mysterious Leviathan, is the most powerful enemy Lucien has faced so far.

The greedy Naga King, enraged and corrupted by dark mana, seems unstoppable, a grotesque amalgamation whose forces appear inexhaustible.

"LUCIENNNNN!!!" He shouts as he points his trident at the charming Handsome Devil, the demon who has everything he has ever desired.

"I'm going to take everything you have, everything you love, and make you see it!!" Tyrion continues to make threats as if his words have the power to make his will come true.

The Naga King is really desperate; his anger towards Lucien only grows, blinding him more and more, and making his fall closer and closer.

Everyone can see that while Tyrion has had to sacrifice companions who never truly loved him to gain such vile and grotesque powers, Lucien continues to shine brightly, supported by so many incredible women.

No one there has pity for Tyrion, but Lucien somehow understands how his adversary reached the lowest point alone, blinded by anger and consumed by darkness.

But just because his enemy is in such a bad state, Lucien won't hesitate now. In fact, killing Tyrion will also be an act of mercy.

"COME ON!!" Lucien points his naginata at his opponent, his eyes shining with golden and purple energies.

"YOU BASTARD!!!" Tyrion hates Lucien more and more each time he acts arrogantly. "I'LL KILL YOU!!!"

Tyrion focuses a large amount of dark energy on the tip of his trident and shoots a lethal ray of black energy towards Lucien.

But Lucien easily cuts that ray of energy in half with his naginata while Lust and Pride stand by his side, creating a barrier that helps deflect the attack.

Seeing Lucien deflect his attack while those two beautiful and perfect women stand by his side drives Tyrion even crazier with jealousy and anger.

"YOUUUU!!!" Without thinking twice, the Naga King unleashes his chaotic ability once again, creating a powerful destruction wave that destroys Lucien's and the Sins' defenses.


Lucien can't do anything against that attack and is thrown into the sea again with countless open wounds.

"Shit! How many times can he do that??" He asks the Sins.

"I think it was the last time!" Sloth's voice sounds different from usual, she seems too exhausted even to be slow. "He has used this ability so many times already, and there's no way he can generate so much chaotic mana so quickly... you have to..."

"What??" Lucien notices that the Sins are really exhausted due to the lack of demonic energy from his sisters.

Greed can no longer materialize her body and remains as Claire's soul.

Gluttony is the second to retreat. Without Naomi nearby with her large shield, her potential to absorb energy is quite limited.

"Sloth??" Lucien becomes concerned about her and quickly tries to communicate with Sophia. "My love?? Are you okay?"

"We ran out of energy... Sloth needs a break," Sophia responds mentally.

She has tried many times to use her illusion abilities on Tyrion, but her powers are not potent enough to penetrate the mental defenses of a Cosmic Realm person. Also, the Naga King's Dark Magic also helps him resist such abilities.

Sinking further into the ocean, Lucien notices Pride, Lust, Envy, and Wrath materializing their bodies again.

"Sloth meant for you to kill him before he can recover more chaotic mana," Lust explains while reaching out her hand to Lucien.

"So let's-" Lucien prepares to fly towards Tyrion again, but before he can flap his wings, he notices a second ray of black energy emerging from the water.

That ray is aimed at him, and the Sins know that his body is too hurt and his energies too low, so he couldn't completely dodge that attack. So, Envy and Wrath try to deflect it before the attack can harm Lucien. "No!!!" Lucien tries to reach the girls and use his naginata to block the attack again, but he no longer has spatial mana to use his teleport ability.

Tyrion's attack destroys the bodies of Wrath and Envy, reaching Lucien much weaker, allowing Lust to stop the remaining energy with a barrier.

Donna and Amelia are exhausted, and without demonic energy, their Sins also need a break. Only Lust and Pride remain by Lucien's side now.

"We have to finish him off quickly!" Pride exclaims as she resumes attacking Tyrion.

Lucien wastes no time and flies out of the water. But he feels that all of his wives are very tired; after all, they have been channeling all of their energies to him for a while.

Except for Nea, who still hasn't been able to use that mysterious ability despite her efforts to understand it.

In the sky, Lucien sees Pride fiercely fighting against Tyrion. But the Naga King still has plenty of strength, and Pride alone is unable to inflict serious wounds on him.

With a *WHOOSH*, Lucien flaps his wings forcefully and flies towards Tyrion, his golden naginata and katanas ready to fight.

Lucien lands a blow on Tyrion's back, and with a *BAM*, followed by a *CRACK*, the golden blade infused with life mana carves a gash in the flesh of the Naga King, revealing his darkened bones.

"ARRGH!!!" Tyrion screams in pain, but the dark mana quickly heals him, and in a furious counterattack, he spins his trident, striking Pride at the waist.

Her body is destroyed by Tyrion's brutal force before Lucien stops his trident with his three weapons. The katanas can still move against the enemy with the power of his soul gates, naturally.

The *CLANG* sound of the weapons' impact echoes for miles; Lucien's hands bleed on the naginata's handle as he pushes his strength beyond its limits.

Tyrion is also bleeding from multiple holes, black blood flowing. But when he sees Lucien's state, a cruel smile appears on his grotesque expression.

"Looks like you're all alone, boy!" The Naga King's raspy, corrupted voice is barely recognizable.

Lucien pushes his weapons even harder against Tyrion, causing more and more drops of his blood to trickle down the naginata's handle.

But instead of a fearful expression, Lucien's confident smile remains as bright as ever, driving Tyrion even crazier with anger.

"You're the one who's alone." Lucien calmly speaks as wounds all over his body reveal his golden bones; his life mana is also at its limit.

But as soon as he finishes speaking, Lust emerges behind Tyrion and wraps her whip around his throat. "You dirty sack of shit!!"

Lust's strength is just slightly below Lucien's, and with great effort, she manages to damage Tyrion's defenses and make her whip slowly tear through his flesh.

"AAAAAHHHH!!" Tyrion wants to attack Lust, but he can't stop the offensive against Lucien, obviously.

Using another substantial amount of dark mana, the Naga King creates black wings on his back, destroying Lust's body once again.

Lucien is caught off guard by this move, and Tyrion uses the moment to push him back and brutally kick his chest.

With a *BAM*, Lucien is thrown towards the ocean again. But this time, he manages to regain control of his body in the air.

He feels that his body is nearing its very limit, and even his once impeccable senses are failing due to his current state.

Pride reconstructs her body again and reappears by Lucien's side. Every time her and Lust's bodies are destroyed, they need more time to gather enough demonic energy to create new ones.

"Victory is close, he's nearing his limit!" Pride speaks to Lucien, trying to encourage him.

And Lucien's determination doesn't waver, but Pride's words make him even more motivated. "Let's make sure he reaches his limit before we do."

Pride nods, and they both fly towards Tyrion again. Soon, Lust joins the fight, and the three of them exchange brutal blows with their opponent.

Seconds and minutes pass rapidly as Lucien and the Sins inflict more and more wounds on Tyrion, but the Naga King doesn't stop counterattacking as they all approach their very limits.

And so, thousands of mermaids and nagas continue to watch that brutal spectacle in the sky. All the women there want to help Lucien, but they fear that merely approaching the battle could result in instant death for them.

Only Lucien can withstand those massive attacks from Tyrion and survive. Only he can save them all.

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