Lust Knight

Chapter 702 The Sun Shine Again Above the Blue Star

Chapter 702 The Sun Shine Again Above the Blue Star

If any lingering doubts had nestled within the hearts of the Mermaids or Nagas regarding Lucien's formidable prowess, they have been thoroughly obliterated now.

In the face of an adversary as powerful as Tyrion, when all else faltered, Lucien tenaciously held his ground. He strained every sinew, pushed his body to limits unimaginable, invoking every vestige of determination and grit to persist in the grueling battle.

Ultimately, he triumphed over the savage enemy, a Cosmic Realm one. His radiant aura, a fusion of golden and purple light, banished the ominous darkness, ushering the sun's warm rays to bathe the Crystal City once more.

The majority of the onlookers remained perplexed, unable to fathom how Lucien vanquished the adversary with the energy he drew from his wives.

Yet, it's crucial to note that this potent energy was originally bestowed upon them by Lucien, and hence could be viewed as an extension of his own power.

In the aftermath, Lucien stands, a paragon of valor and strength, inspiring unparalleled admiration among all. The gratitude surging within the Mermaids and Nagas mirrors their reverence for the Water Spirit, their esteem for Lucien soaring to new heights.

Their sentiments for Lucien diverge significantly from those they harbor for Nea and Mira. Their Queens are bound by duty to protect them, but Lucien was under no such obligation.

He emerged from nowhere, and though he owed them nothing, he rose to their defense. Lucien didn't merely fight, he wrought a miracle.

As a sea of Mermaids and Nagas converge around Lucien, an electric anticipation charges the atmosphere. They eagerly await the next steps of the Handsome Devil, the one destined to dismantle Tyrion's terror-filled reign and shepherd the Blue Star into an unprecedented epoch of peace and prosperity.

Amidst the azure vastness of the sky, Lucien allows himself a brief pause to scan the multitude of expectant faces below. Never had he aspired to lead such a diverse multitude; yet, the whims of fate and circumstances steered his journey down this unforeseen path.

He could cast blame on the enigmatic woman who seemed to have nudged him onto this trajectory, or he could embrace the reality, accepting this leadership as his preordained destiny.

However, Tyrion had dared to menace those who nestled within Lucien's affections, and now, the Naga King is on the precipice of suffering the dire fate that inevitably befalls all of Lucien's adversaries.

His gaze leisurely traverses the throng of Mermaids and Nagas, eventually anchoring on his wives. The strongest among them still remain standing, albeit teetering on the brink of exhaustion.

He beckons to them, drawing them closer to his side. His sisters and Nea emerge from the crowd, but to his surprise, Saria and Maya also heed his call.

Celebration's moment has yet to dawn; thus, Nea and Maya only bestow upon Lucien a look brimming with gratitude. The tension in the air promises of a battle concluded, and a new era about to commence.

Lucien acknowledges their gratitude with a nod but extends his hand towards Mira. Without hesitation, she weaves her fingers into his, stepping into the comforting cradle of his embrace.

Mira, despite her unwavering faith in Lucien, couldn't completely mask the tendrils of fear that Tyrion had instilled within her. Now, with Tyrion's reign of terror conclusively over, her eyes well up, shedding crystalline tears that encapsulate an overwhelming rush of emotion.

"It's fine, my dear." Lucien whispers, his lips brushing against Mira's cheek in a tender kiss while his hand gently soothes through her hair. "He can't harm you anymore."

"Yes..." Mira's response is a teary smile, as she tightens her embrace around Lucien, drawing solace from his presence.

Tyrion hovers on the precipice of mortality, his body horrendously mangled. Yet, he registers the unfolding scenario, witnessing the woman who held prime importance in his life cradled in Lucien's protective hold.

"Mira..." Tyrion's voice emerges choked and hoarse, punctuated by bloody coughs. "I didn't mean to hurt—"


Before Tyrion could utter another syllable, Lucien's fist connects with his face, forcing him to choke back a mouthful of shattered teeth.

Mira directs one final glance towards Tyrion. "After countless years imprisoned within my own home... living in perpetual fear for my daughter's safety, terrified that her father could inflict harm upon her..."

Her voice wavers, weighted with painful memories from the bleakest chapters of her life. "No daughter should ever be subjected to such a monstrous father."

Witnessing Mira's poignant vulnerability, Angela steps forward, drawing her sister into a comforting embrace. "It's alright now. You and Kamala have a family that cherishes you."

"Mm." Mira nods, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. She casts an affectionate smile at Lucien before moving to stand behind him, flanked by her sisters.

Lucien then shifts his focus onto Nea. Their communication transcends the need for words, their intentions clear as day. She summons her exquisite blue rapier, its blade gleaming menacingly.

Lucien counters with his crimson katana. With a fluid, synchronized movement, they both drive their weapons into Tyrion's chest.


His defenses, previously battered down by the Sins, offer no resistance. Tyrion's body is rendered utterly vulnerable, unable to fend off the simultaneous assault from Lucien and Nea's soul weapons, the blades piercing his heart.

"AARRGH!!" He groans in agony, his cries echoed by a gory eruption of blood.

The resilience of beings in the Cosmic Realm is nothing short of miraculous. Despite his heart being impaled by two formidable soul weapons, Tyrion still wrestles desperately against the encroaching clutches of death.

The agony racking Tyrion's body, the result of Lucien and Nea's energies ravaging him from within, is intolerable, igniting within him an unthinkable yearning for the relief death would bring.

Lust employs her demonic energy, conjuring a purple screen that engulfs the sky. This spectral luminescence ensures that every being within a two-mile radius can bear witness to Tyrion's impending demise.

Nea retreats a step, fixing Lucien with an expression brimming with gratitude. "You vowed to vanquish him without allowing a single Mermaid to perish in the process..."

As the weight of her words washes over him, Lucien feels a twinge of self-deprecation, viewing his earlier promise as the ramblings of an overconfident and imprudent man. However, against insurmountable odds, and buoyed by the unwavering support of his wives, he managed to uphold his word.

"I could only accomplish it with your assistance," he smiles at Nea, gratitude evident in his eyes. "Because you trusted me."

Not wanting to betray the surge of emotions welling up within her, Nea responds with a discreet smile and an affirmative nod.

Lucien could have prolonged Tyrion's suffering, yet he understands that this grim spectacle demands closure, allowing everyone to finally attain the solace of rest.

As neither Mira nor Nea express a desire to deal the final blow to Tyrion, the honor naturally falls upon Lucien's shoulders.

With his crimson katana and Nea's sword still embedded in Tyrion's heart, Lucien summons his obsidian katana, poised to strike the fatal blow.

Wrath and Envy forcibly tilt Tyrion's head forward, setting up a scene reminiscent of a classic decapitation. However, before Lucien can make his move, Pride interjects, stepping before them.

"Wait." Her gaze meets Lucien's, her visage uncharacteristically gentle, a rare expression that even her sisters struggle to recall witnessing.

Yet, despite their understanding of Pride's profound regard for Lucien, the ensuing scene leaves the other Sins in palpable shock.

Pride summons her magnificent, alabaster scythe and presents it to Lucien. "Use it, for all of us."

This act may seem trivial to the uninformed observer, yet those familiar with Pride comprehend the gravity of her gesture. She has never before offered her soul weapon to another.

Lucien, too, grasps the significance of this act. By offering her weapon, Pride demonstrates her respect for him, a display intended for all present to witness.

Thus, without any hesitation, Lucien thrusts his dark katana into Tyrion's back, simultaneously accepting Pride's scythe.

"Incredible..." Lucien can't help but marvel as he grasps the exquisitely crafted white scythe, its majesty evident even in these dire circumstances.

The weapon, an embodiment of Pride's very soul, is precisely as Lucien anticipated - as hefty as a monolith of solid stone.

Holding this weapon feels like capturing a sliver of Pride's power and grandeur within his grasp. The force of her incredible energy pulses through him, animating his body.

Such harmony is only possible due to the deep bond shared between Pride and Lucien, her energies bearing no hostility towards him.

Witnessing how effortlessly Lucien wields her soul weapon, Pride can't suppress a proud smile, a smirk directed particularly at Lust.

Lust responds with an eye roll, choosing to disregard Pride's evident baiting, while the other Sins continue to wrestle with their astonishment.

Lucien swivels to face Tyrion, disdain simmering in his eyes. "You are unworthy of such an honor..."

"Huh???" Tyrion's features morph into confusion. For a fleeting moment, he fosters a hopeful thought - perhaps Lucien might spare him.

However, Lucien raises the radiant scythe, its blinding brilliance enveloping Tyrion before the sound of cleaving air registers.


In a fluid, unerring motion, Lucien brings down the alabaster blade upon Tyrion's neck, swiftly decapitating him.

Wrath retrieves Tyrion's severed head, presenting it to Lucien, while Envy relinquishes her hold on the lifeless body of the erstwhile Naga King.

As Tyrion's limp form descends into the depths of the sea, Lucien hoists the grisly trophy, presenting it to the throng of Mermaids and Nagas gathered around.

"It is done!" His proclamation resonates across miles, echoing through the silence.

In response, the Mermaids and Nagas erupt in a chorus of exuberant cheers and grateful exclamations.

"YEAH!!!" The sound of thousands of joyous, exhilarated voices echo in unison, heralding a new era for Blue Star.

An era initiated and led by the Handsome Devil.

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