Way of the Knights

Chapter 885: Blackwing's Story

Chapter 885: Blackwing’s Story

What comes next went just how would anyone expect it. 

The Qlipoth has been dealt with, eradicated down to its last roots. All abominations were killed and all traces of Evil cleansed. 

Blackwing’s sealed by Raven. He didn’t kill him right away, he has plans for him later. 

While it’s rather unfortunate that many lives were lost during this incident, Raven already appeased their lingering sentiments and guided them to move-on. All of the victims will enter the cycle of reincarnation with ample blessings of good luck from Raven, this wasn’t hard to do for the current him. 

Following the event of Blackwing’s actions, Raven didn’t hesitate to release the news. In there, he detailed everything that has happened and sanctioned Blackwing’s territory properly. 

This was a warning. The news itself was okay and just informative but those who could read between the lines, knew that this was a blatant warning from the Young Lord. 


That’s what it technically says. And that one word was filled many implications, all unkind to those who were trying to do something that will upset the peace and prosperity of the Divine Realm. 

Leaders reacted to this differently. To those who focused on improving their forces, they were puzzled. They didn’t understand why someone would be so foolish as to challenge Raven’s authority and why now of all the times, they didn’t understand why this people couldn’t see the bigger picture. 

On the other hand, for those who were initially harboring malicious intentions, well…let’s just say that they’re feeling very uneasy right now. 

The intent behind Raven’s warning struck them the hardest. They even began suspecting that Raven knew about their plans all along despite not having enough evidence to back-up their claims. 

Currently, they feel like there’s someone who’s always watching their every move, and it really made them feel uncomfortable. This was more than enough to deter them from moving-on with their plans. 

A few of them even began losing their determination. They weren’t dumb like Blackwing. They knew that beneath the Young Lord’s pretty face, lies a slumbering monster waiting for them to make a single mistake. They’ll be devoured if they’re careless. 

Raven wouldn’t be hailed as Humanity’s True Leader if he was just some paper-pusher after all. He’s more than that and frankly, they’re not really willing to find out what he could and couldn’t do. 

It might just be better if they just stayed put and behave, just like how Raven told them to. 

As for Blackwing, well Raven brought him to the Pit of Sinners. A location within the Dawn Council where the rest of the sealed criminals were located. Most of these criminals were paying for their crimes as energy sources used to improve Divine Realm even further. Some of them only have years of sentence while others were meant to rot there forever. The length of their sentence depends on how heavy their crimes were and how much of threat they were. 

Raven wasn’t shy about infiltrating Blackwing’s mind and scanning his memories, there’s no one here that’ll stop him from doing that. After reading his memories, Raven now somewhat understand where his God-complex comes from. 

As it turns out, he was an illegitimate child of Yellow – one of the previous batch of Dawn Council’s Supervisors. 

Yellow apparently pampered this child a lot since he felt a deeper kinship to him, meaning that they cut from the same cloth. Blackwing inherited Yellow’s arrogance. He was also raised in an eccentric way which caused him to look down on other people and rely on schemes to get what he wants. This explains how Blackwing managed to stay under the radar for so long. 

When Blackwing heard about the cleansing of the Dawn Council and that a new roster was elected, he felt furious.

No, not because he’s worried about his father and whatever fate the man suffered under Raven’s hands…

He was furious because apparently, Raven was one step ahead of him. 

See, Blackwing was raised by a treacherous man so it shouldn’t be surprising if he became a treacherous child. He was taught how to scheme, cheat, lie and to use to people to his advantage. Blackwing absorbed Yellow’s lessons like a sponge and he had a knack for it. 

Of course he would, he’s Yellow’s son. 

Because of his twisted upbringing, Blackwing thought that dethroning his own father and stripping him away of everything he held dear, was his ultimate test. If he succeeded in doing so, Yellow wouldn’t be upset, he’d instead be proud and Blackwing will get the recognition from everyone.

He wanted attention. He wanted people to build statues of him, create songs about him, immortalize him and etc. Vanity was etched deep into his marrows and he’ll do everything to make it happen. 

Alas, fate wasn’t on anybody’s side. Especially not his. 

Raven came out of nowhere and stole his thunder. 

For Blackwing, everything that Raven had access to, was his.

Fame, adoration, wealth, reputation, power…yes, Luna included, was his – Blackwing’s. All of those, were meant to his. 

To his eyes, Raven was nothing more than a thief. He hated him so much that it caused him to suffer from lack of sleep. The very idea of Raven living with, what he believed to be his, irritates him to his core. 

He wanted to rip Raven apart with his own hands and take what’s rightfully his. And his madness is what drove him to his ‘ultimate’ scheme. 

This plan had been concocted ever since Raven solidified his position as Humanity’s True Leader. Meaning that he had been bitter for that long. 

And the more popular Raven got, the more sour Blackwing get. 

He had, on many occasions, nearly lost all sense of cordiality with Raven. Most of them occurred whenever he saw Raven’s face at public events. If it weren’t for his venomous mind thinking that its better to stay low-profile as to not draw attention to himself, he would’ve exploded long ago. 

Then, came the time where he could pursue his plans. 

Oh, how he let himself loose and celebrated how smooth his plan went along, only to be reduced as a mere joke by Raven. 

Such humiliation and setback was something that Blackwing cannot possibly endure. He had placed all of his eggs on one basket. He went all out with this plan but it was all for nothing. 

Raven was invincible. He was absolute. Nothing he does matters. And this was what ultimately broke him and accept his fate. 

“…but what should I do with you?” Raven murmured. He stared at the cocoon of seals wrapped around Blackwing’s body and mused to himself. 

If this was any other criminals they’ve caught before, he’d probably subject him to the same sentence as the rest; becoming an energy source for some time before eventually getting rid of him once and for all. 

Unfortunately, Blackwing’s current status made it complicated. 

Weak or not, Blackwing still claimed the Divinity of Evil. He’s still the Divine Knight of Evil. He just can’t make him an energy source, his divinity will corrupt the energy flow and will certainly throw Divine Realm into instability. 

They don’t need any of that right now, especially when the realm war’s upon them. 

Killing Blackwing is simple but because he’s a Divine Knight, it’ll certainly take some time. Leaving him sealed like this is just a massive waste so what should he do? 

“Ahh! I know!” 

Raven thought for a bit and an idea finally dawned on him. 

He waved his hand and several formations appeared out of thin air. With another wave of his hand, his Chaos Wisps flew out and settled down at the core of each formations, causing them to thrum into activity. 

Raven then placed the formations on Blackwing’s unconscious body and it immediately started buzzing into action. 

What these formation does is to gradually corrode the Divinity of Evil. Had Raven used even his most advanced seals for the formation, this process would take decades to finish.

Fortunately, Chaos is by his side. 

With the wisps, the erosion will be stronger and the process will be swifter. 

He wanted to erode the Divinity of Evil and convert it into pure energy that could safely be harnessed and released for Divine Realm to use. In addition to that, the wisps of chaos will also leave its traces on the converted energy which will imbue it with the power of Chaos. 

The power of chaos wouldn’t be enough to cause a massive extinction, but its enough to be a primer for the future combination of the two. Raven was essentially hitting two birds using one stone by doing this. 

“Yep, I am a genius.” Raven smugly praised himself, “I’m also handsome as fuck and powerful to boot. I guess this is why many people of jealous of me. Ugh, I hate being perfect sometimes.” 

Raven shook his head and laughed merrily due to how arrogant he sounded just then. If someone heard what he just said, they’d probably chastise him. Thankfully, he’s alone here. 

“Anyway, this work’s done. Now, back to the drawing board we go.”

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