Way of the Knights

Chapter 884: Invincible

Chapter 884: Invincible


Blackwing was understandably shocked, confused, furious and mildly terrified. 

The very subject of his envy and hatred was standing right before him. And while its true that he just gained power to stroke his ego about this confrontation, the way Raven seems to be so at ease, made him uneasy.

“Why are you here? And how long have you been standing there?” He demanded.

“Well, a little birdie told me that there’s a pervert running around him so I thought, maybe I should check it out, cause you know, nobody likes perverts. Have you seen anyone like that around here?” 

Raven smiled as he marches around the Qlipoth, looking around in amusement. 

“I don’t have time for your nonsense, Vendrick.” Blackwing spouted coldly. 

“My, you wound me Blackwing.” Raven faked a sob, “You used to call me Young Lord before, we even shared a drink. Does all of that meant nothing to you? Boo hoo, you’re so cruel to me. Boo hoo.”

Blackwing was incensed. He gritted his teeth and if looks could kill, Raven for sure would’ve been dead by now. While Raven still faking sobs, Blackwing asked him:

“What do you want, Vendrick?” 

Raven stopped faking and looked at him as if he grew a third head. 

“Huh. I don’t know if you’re playing dumb or that’s just you on a daily.” Raven shrugged. “But you see, this isn’t really about what I want, isn’t it? No, no. Of course not.”

“This is about what you want from me, isn’t that right Blackwing?” Raven casted a knowing look to Blackwing, “So I suppose, I should be the one asking you that.”

“What do you want from me, Blackwing?” 

Blackwing couldn’t possibly ignore the implications of his words. At this point, Blackwing knows that Raven is aware of what he was planning all along. Hell, he might not know how long he’s been standing behind him but Blackwing understood that he was caught red-handed and there’s no way he could deny this even if he wanted to. 

“Still, I gotta say though.” Raven looked at him from head to toe, “I’m loving the new look. It’s nightmare-inducing and kids will for sure run away and cry on sight of you but…let’s face it, true fashion isn’t meant for everyone. Don’t worry, bud. I get it, I truly do. It’s all about creating a statement, and a statement for sure is present in all of…you, I guess.”

Blackwing had enough of Raven’s mouth. So, in a fit of anger. He sent out numerous tendrils of black hex towards him. 

Raven merely smirked. He didn’t bother dodging, he didn’t even bother lifting his hand to defend. He didn’t even bother moving at all. He just stood there and waited for the attack to reach him. 

…which was intercepted by a bright light of dark gold and silver. Completely dispersed upon striking the barrier, Blackwing’s attack didn’t even touch the hem of Raven’s clothes. 

“Hmm…I bet you’re planning to say ‘I didn’t use my entire strength with that, scram!’ Weren’t you?” Raven playfully said. 

Which caused Blackwing to sweat coldly since that’s precisely what he wanted to say, Raven just beat him into it. 

How the hell did he know? 

Alas, this isn’t really the time for this. Blackwing had this coming for a while now. Besides, he was asking for it. Fate even helped him so why hold back? 

“Just as well…I was planning on wiping you away from the face of existence anyway.” Blackwing stated coldly. 

The Divinity of Evil thrummed in his veins, darkening his complexion and turning his, already unpleasant face, into a new level of monstrosity. 

Raven didn’t say a word, he just looked on in amusement as Blackwing completed his transformation.

“…okay, now you just look downright gross.” Raven spat upon scrutinizing Blackwing’s transformation. 

“Raarghh!” Blackwing attacked mercilessly but it was halted by the barrier surrounding Raven. 

“Oh, you poor thing. If before you were just a fashion disaster, now you’re just a disaster, period. Oh, why would you do this to yourself, my friend. You don’t deserve this!”

“Shut up!!” Blackwing roared and summoned all of his strength to attack Raven. 

Unfortunately, whatever he did, the barrier stopped it all. 

It didn’t make sense to Blackwing. What the hell is that barrier made out of? Why is it still intact after receiving a full beating of blows fueled by his own divinity? How the hell is it so strong.

“Geez, stop it Blackwing.” Raven giggled, “That tickles.” 

Blackwing didn’t think he could get any angrier but Raven surprises him with how many methods he has when it comes to pissing someone off. 

To his absolute rage, Blackwing lashes out again. Doing everything he can to just lay one solid punch on Raven’s face. Sadly, whatever he did failed. 

Hexes, curses, brute strength…he even mobilized the Qlipoth itself to attack Raven but it all did nothing. 

Without any other options, Blackwing let out an inhumane screech. Something similar to what the Abominations sounded like. 

Raven knew that he just called for reinforcements. 

Anyone who’s not him would probably find this situation dire and wouldn’t hesitate to leave this place as soon as possible. 

But this is Raven. 

Why stop him? Why run away? Just stay and have a little fun because, why not?

“Oh…you, who’s faces only a mother could love, so glad to have you all join us in this pleasant…evening I suppose. How are you all doing?” Raven looked at the swarm of Abomination around him which reached at least millions in number. 

“This is your end, Vendrick!! You will not make it out here alive!!” Blackwing roared, “Children! Attack! Kill the intruder!!”


“Oh, you all flatter me.” Raven giggled as he summoned his scepter, turning it into a spear. “I suppose I should accept this scorching welcome.”

Against all expectations, Raven got rid of his barrier. He pointed the spear at Blackwing and all of sudden, he was immobilized. 

Raven smirked at him, his eyes clearly saying the words: ‘Watch’

What happened next would certainly haunt Blackwing until the day he dies. 

Raven, with just a spear on hand, went on and decimated the millions of Abominations that were trying to swarm him. 

Every time he swung his spear, hundreds of Abominations will fall, incinerated into ashes, never to return again. 

Raven fought valiantly. His fighting style wasn’t flashy but it’s extremely effective. He mowed down the army of Abominations all by himself, he didn’t even bother protecting himself. Even without his barrier, none of these things managed to injure him. They didn’t even manage to damage his clothes. 

Raven showed Blackwing what true invincibility looks like. What being a True God amongst mortals, looked like. 

He showed him what absolute strength signifies. 

It was something that Blackwing wanted all this time, unfortunately he’s destined to never have it. 

He was wrong. So wrong…

He thought that Raven was just one lucky guy. A paper-pusher with delusions of grandeur. A foolish boy who’s naive of what true power looks like and signifies. 

It turns out that he was the foolish one. 

By the time Raven slew the last abomination on sight, Blackwing’s spirit was completely broken. 

And just to add salt on the injury, Raven didn’t even look tired. There’s just a faint sheen of sweat on his forehead and nothing else. There’s a literal sea of blood and guts beneath him but for some miraculous reason, none of them landed on his body. 

He still looks fresh and pristine, just like how he initially arrived here. 

“Whew! Now that was one hell of a work-out if I have ever seen one!” Raven cheerfully exclaimed. He then turned around to the dispirited Blackwing with a look of anticipation and asked: 

“So, what’s next?”

Blackwing visibly sagged upon hearing that question. What ‘what’s next’? There’s nothing! 

All of his so-called ‘children’ are dead. All slain by what he thought of as a mere paper-pusher. He even called that massacre a ‘one hell of a work-out’! 

“Hmm…it looks like there’s no more.” Raven had the audacity to look visibly disappointed. “That’s a shame. I thought there’d be more. Oh, well.” 

Raven kept the spear away and returned Blackwing’s mobility back to him. 

Despite regaining his ability to move, Blackwing didn’t move a muscle. He just stood there, looking completely lost. 

Raven reduced everything he did and his ambitions into a mere joke. ‘Dispirited’ would be an understatement of what he currently feels. ‘Broken’, is more apt to describe him.

“Wow…” Raven raised a brow upon seeing the broken Blackwing. “For someone who called himself ‘One True God’, you sure are brittle as hell.”

“I barely did anything and you’re already reduced to this? Man, talk about being pathetic. I thought you’d be able to entertain me for a bit longer. I guess I overestimated you. Hell, I even waited for you to fuse with that Abomination baby just to make things more fun but I guess this as far as you go.” 

‘Oh, so he’s been watching for that long.’ Blackwing realized. 

“Oh well, I guess I’ve had my fun now. It’s time to do my job properly.” Raven mused to himself. 

He pointed a single finger to Blackwing and that’s all it took for him to completely lose consciousness. Before passing out, he heard Raven say:

“Seriously, a realm war is upon us but shit like this still happens? What the hell? Ugh, these people are acting like children.” 

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