The World Turned into a Game After I Woke up

Chapter 51: I’ll Take Out My Four-Year Injustice on Monsters, Part I

Chapter 51: I’ll Take Out My Four-Year Injustice on Monsters, Part I

“Can I get five more orders here, please?” I asked as I chowed down. The pork that I had eaten for the first time in four years practically melted in my mouth. I emptied the grill in an instant.

“Oh my. You really know how to eat, don’t you? I’ve seen plenty of devas eat a lot, but none of them could eat as well as you.” The restaurant’s owner brought over a plate full of pork slices. I noticed that she didn’t have her token of knowledge, so she was a deva, too!

“But…you have golden rings, right? I’ve had so many devas come in without golden rings and eat their fill, knowing that I can’t do much about it. I had to start taking payment in advance.”

The menu priced one 600g serving of pork at 110 golden rings. If you compared that with the bread and beverages the Stores sold at 100 golden rings apiece, the pork was severely overpriced. A single loaf of bread and a single bottle could last you the entire day.

At the owner’s suspicious glare, I took out 10,000 golden rings from my inventory and placed them on the table.

“Oh my. I’m so sorry I misjudged you. If there’s anything you need, let me know. I’ll get you a drink on the house.” As soon as she confirmed the amount, the owner put on a smile and brought over a soda.

“Thank you.”

“Of course; please, don’t hold back,” she said, while staring at the golden rings.

I started grilling the five extra orders of pork belly. I was going to eat four years’ worth of meat today.

When I finished, I rubbed my full belly while burping. I was fully satiated. I looked over at the clock on the wall. It was one in the afternoon. Now that I was full, my body was ready for some action.

“I suppose I should cut down a few monsters.” I had slept through a whole four years. I grew more and more pissed off, thinking how everyone else moved forward while I was stuck in that place.

I sat there, seething, thinking about how everyone else got to fight field monsters and dungeon monsters and elite monsters while I was stuck at level 32. For a moment there, I even regretted returning to the past.

There was only one way to calm my anger.

I had to go out there and kill as many monsters to level up as much as I could. I had to kill as many bosses as possible to get as many Rank 8, 9, 10 items as I could. I had to have the highest level and the strongest items to command the envy of other devas and deities. I had to find Danhari and exact my revenge.

“And Lee Kangchan! I haven’t forgotten about you yet!” I still had my original target.

My 4,488 unused Stat points and 2,997 Orb points were enough to slightly calm me down but the man responsible for all of this remained a thorn in my side.

“I must start with hunting as many monsters as possible.” I was definitely going to complete my original goal. I was never going to forget it.

“Excuse me!” I called to the owner.

“Did you want more?”

“No. By any chance, do you know of any good hunting grounds?”

“Hunting grounds?”

“Yes. Anywhere that has a lot of monsters. I don’t care if it’s a field or a dungeon.”

“The nearest one is Bukhan Mountain dungeon, but it’s controlled by the Sunbin Guild and they put a 150 level limit on it. But even with the limit, the dungeon’s always crawling with devas.” That dungeon was always busy, even back then. There were new devas appearing every day.

“Besides the Bukhan Mountain dungeon.”

“Then, you’d have to go to Paju.”


“I’ve heard many rumors while running this place, but I heard that Paju is crawling with monsters. So much so, that you can barely set foot there.”

“Do you know what kind of monsters appear there?”

“I think they were giant spiders.”

“I see. Thank you very much.”

“Don’t mention it. Come back anytime!” I left the restaurant.


“I probably should assign my points before heading to Paju.” I was so distracted by that asshole that I left the Sunbin building before assigning my points.

I opened up my stats and double-checked.

“What to do with 4,488 points?” My STR was at 1,487, my AGI at 1,887, VIT at 1,467, and INT and WIL at 1,247.

“I obviously don’t need more INT and WIL.” 1,247 in WIL was already high enough for a melee class. Melee skills didn’t rely on MP so WIL was out first. INT was also out. As long as I wasn’t going to go with a magic sword hybrid class, I didn’t need INT at all.

“I need to take my Orb of VIT in account as well. I already have 2,997 points saved up and I’ll only be getting more each day.” I pondered about the best way to allocate my 4,488 unused points so that I wouldn’t be laughed at for making a stupid decision.

“Got it. STR 2,000, AGI 2,000, and VIT 488.” I had nearly 3000 VIT points saved up, but I felt that it would be a waste to use the Orb now. The thing was like fine wine. The more I saved it, the better it would be. It could even get me out of a hairy situation. If I needed to, I could use the 3,000 points at once to bring my HP all the way up to 1.5 million. If I did that in a middle of a fight with a boss, deva, or deity and it wasn’t looking good for me, it would be really unfair for them when my HP suddenly rose to 1.5 million.

The Orb was going to be my ace in the hole. I decided it was best to continue to save up. Still, I put in 488 points into my VIT in case something went wrong.

“My agility, though…” STR and VIT were a must for melee classes. AGI provided decent support, but effect I felt from 1,887 AGI was just addictive. I had never felt this much speed and flexibility in my body back when I was a fire mage!

The adrenaline I felt from wall-jumping up a four-story building was just amazing. My body could move exactly the way I wanted and envisioned it to. Of course, I could only do that with an equally high strength and vitality, but I just couldn’t give up on this new lifestyle i had experienced.

“Status check!”

[Name: Lee Jiwon

Level: 32 Death count: 0

Title: Earth’s First Deva

HP: 977,500/977,500 MP: 124,700/124,700

Strength: 3,487 Agility: 3,887 Vitality: 1,955

Willpower: 1,247 Intelligence: 1,247

Unassigned Stat Points: 0

Fatigue: 0

Special Effects: Luck Boost (X+ 1), immune from all status effects, Dungeon seeker 6 points

Physical attack: 10911 Physical Defense: 2055

Magical attack: 3,741 Magical Defense: 1,376]

My stats looked like those of a level 1100 deva. Even if I took out my items’ effects, they would still be between level 900 to level 1000.

I could not dream about having stats like this in the past. But this is who I was now. And I had even more room to grow, as I was only level 32!

“All I need to do right now is to level up. If I can level up and get some better equipment, than I should be able to easily go up against bosses.” I planned on killing as many bosses as possible, and secretly at that. If anyone got in my way, I would just force my way through. I was going to make my four-year long dream a reality. I had the power to do so!

“Maybe I can become someone like Arman Lagus, the Liberator!”


The linear distance from here in Gangnam to Paju was about thirty-five kilometers.

“I should be able to run there.” I let my newfound energy envelop my body and sprinted towards Hannam University. I felt a strong rush of wind in my face. I leaned forward as far as I could and sped up. I focused all of my strength into my feet.

“What was that?”

“Crazy son of a…why’s he so fast?”

“How high is his agility? How many points did he put into his AGI that he’s that fast?”

“He didn’t just raise his AGI. He has to have high STR and VIT in order to move like that.”

I could hear what everyone around me was saying as they stared with their mouths wide open.

I smiled before jumping high into the air. I jumped so high that the two-story houses below looked like toys. Soon, I could see all the monsters that made Paju their territory!

“It looks like the Sunbin Guild is doing well taking care of its territory.” I saw some people with the Sunbin Guild emblem on their clothes fighting field monsters around the border. They moved in groups of 5-6 and communicated over wireless radios as they patrolled the border.

“They did well pushing their frontlines all the way to Paju and not just at Goyang City. But they still have people like that asshole in their ranks.” I had to listen to his insults when I woke up after sleeping for four years; I doubted I will ever forget his face.

“I should just forget it. I did end up as a nuisance to them, anyway.”


I took my greatsword out from my inventory and gripped it.

“It doesn’t look like there’s anyone else here; I suppose I should let go some.” I moved into the center of Paju and saw that there weren’t any Sunbin guild members around, or any other devas hunting.

Rather than feeling nervous for putting myself in the midst of all these monsters, I felt excited that I got to kill all of them all on my own.

“Bring it on, you ugly bugs!” I yelled out to the giant spiders. I slowly turned around in one spot with my greatsword held high, watching the spiders circle around me. The 1.5 meter high spiders also tracked me with their eight eyes, watching my every move.

Back then, I only trained in Seoul’s vicinity and knew everything about the monsters that spawned there, but I had no information on these giant spiders.

“Well, it’s not like the Sunbin Guild back then cared about the monsters in Paju.” But I knew that their attack patterns were the same as normal spiders. While I hadn’t hunted in the fields outside of Seoul, I had hunted in China before. China was a haven for monsters.

Normal spiders were around level 150-200 and attacked using their fangs and eight legs to tear apart at their enemies.

Giant spiders didn’t have venom like venomous spiders, and didn’t spin webs like elite spiders, and so were considered easy fights. A giant spider could easily be taken down by a much lower-leveled deva. They only became a problem in groups.

The giant spiders that surrounded me screeched back, sounding like nails on a chalkboard. They weren’t attacking yet, but the sound put me on edge.

“You’re ugly and you’re loud. You’re all just annoying in general.” I wasn’t sure if they understood what I said or if they were just ready to fight, but the thirty giant spiders all raised their forelegs into the air.

When one spider screeched, the others screeched in return. Then as if they were all trained to do so, they completely surrounded me in a perfect circle and charged at me as one.

They came at me at all sides, rushing like a raging river. I had to admit, it looked pretty damn intimidating. But I wasn’t about to back down from just that!

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