The World Turned into a Game After I Woke up

Chapter 50: How Long Was I Out?! Part III

Chapter 50: How Long Was I Out?! Part III

[Orb of Vitality (Rank 8)

The Orb of Vitality is one of the 5 Orbs in existence. Once this item comes into your possession, the Orb is bound to you. The Orb collects 1 VIT point a day, starting on the day you obtain the Orb.

There is no limit to how much Vitality the Orb can collect. When you consume the Orb, the Vitality points the Orb collected will be added to your total VIT stat.

- Bind on pickup.

- The Orb of Vitality will dissolve once consumed. Once consumed, the collected Vitality is transferred to the consumer.

- While the Orb is in your possession, Health regenerates by 500 per tick.

- Current Vitality collected: 2,997]

The Orb had collected 2,997 points. The Orb had 5 points when I became stuck there, meaning I had the Orb for five days before I was imprisoned. 2,997 minus 5 equaled 2,992.

“If the Orb did its job and collected one point a day, that’s 1,496 points. If it collected another point each day, that’s 2,992. The Orb collected two points a day?” I had no idea why the Orb would do that.

“There’s no way the Orb will collect two points from now on, is there? That’d be really awesome. No, wait…the item description clearly says one point…” There had to be another reason…

“Wait a second. The Orb isn’t the problem here; it’s me. I have 4,488 unassigned Stat points even though I slept for four years and thirty six days.” I had just gained 449 levels in terms of Stat points!

I had 449 levels worth of Stat points at a measly level 32!

“To be honest, I was a little annoyed I couldn’t find more dungeons…” When I woke up, I thought about the dungeons first thing, as I had been on the way to Japan to find more.

Most of the dungeons should have been found by now, excluding hidden and event dungeons.

“But…isn’t this situation more favorable for me now?” Even if I was able to find dungeons for four years like I originally planned, there was no way I would have gained so many Stat points, let alone all those points in my Orb. I know I just confirmed that I had that many points, but it should be impossible to have that many. Hell, I had originally planned to try for 1,000 points, but even that much would have been difficult.

I more or less knew exactly where Korea’s dungeons were located and was able to find them all quickly, but I expected to spend at least a month trying to find the dungeon on Mt. Fuji.

If I add up all of my unassigned stat points and the collected Orb points, I had 5,984 points in all. Of course, 1,498 of those were strictly VIT points, but still.

“Is this a blessing in disguise?” Everything that just happened seemed to tell me so. Obviously, other devas would have come far in their growth while I was asleep. That was why when I looked at the calendar, while I felt relief for being freed of that prison, I was also furious!

I had just lost four years of my life. I could have risen so far ahead of anyone else in those four years. I could have preemptively set up a favorable situation for myself, like killing boss monsters, and quickly finding good items. But once I checked my Stats, my rage quickly subsided.

I was obviously severely underleveled. But the 4,488 unassigned Stat points were going to help me out a lot in my effort to catch up. It wasn’t a perfect amount, but it was enough!

I may have thought that my level was now significantly lower than anyone else’s, but I had a chance to turn it around. I still had my Unrivaled skill, along with the 4,488 Stat points. Sooner or later, it was going to get tough for the other devas to gain more levels, and I’d be able to catch up to them in no time.

“Hahaha.” I placed both hands on my hips and laughed out loud. I couldn’t help it when I thought about how I gained more than I had lost in the past four years.

I didn’t try to suppress my laughter and instead let it all out.


“Damn it all! Why do I have to do all this grunt work?” Song Haechang angrily muttered to himself as he stormed down a hallway.

Song Haein, the guild master and vice-master had all accepted America’s Shire Guild’s invitation. The Shire Guild had invited the entire family, and they wanted Song Haechang to come too, but he declined. He knew he’d be second fiddle anyway. The Shire Guild’s main target was Song Haein all along, and all of the attention would be focused on her and the guild master anyway.

He felt even crappier after he rejected going on the trip when he met someone else he didn’t want to see.

“Kim Sukhyun!” The four people of the Sunbin Guild that now knew the Unrivaled skill were Song Haein; Song Haechang, the captain of the Third Strike team; Han Kyungchul; and Kim Sukhyun and Oh Dogun, two of the first chosen by the Sunbin Group to become devas.

Song Haein, the captain of the Second Strike team, and Han Kyungchul, the captain of the Third Strike team, had already shown their prowess and skill in battle, and Kim Sukhyun and Oh Dogun were working hard to prove themselves.

“This is some bullshit! Song Haein and Han Kyungchul aside, those two assholes can’t do that to me! Especially that Kim Sukhyun.”

He had run into Kim Sukhyun earlier. Kim Sukhyun looked at Song Haechang in passing with a jeering look, which further infuriated Song Haechang.

In the beginning, Kim Sukhyun had also used a greatsword like Song Haechang and showed remarkable skill in both attack and defense. He was also the sub-tanker in the first mid-grade dungeon boss raid, and performed his duties to the letter. It only served to make Song Haechang look worse.

“Unrivaled this, Unrivaled that! Who cares about a damn skill? They’re all just punching bags for boss monsters. They can’t survive without healers, and can’t beat a boss alone without damage dealers. Who do they think they are to go around with their heads held so high?” Every time he thought about Unrivaled, he stiffened with rage.

He wanted another Unrivaled of the Sunbin Guild to fail the way he did, that way he didn’t have to go through this mistreatment, but the guild had clearly learned from his mistakes and set up so many tests that that was going to be impossible.

“And who cares about the Lee Jiwon bastard? Why does he need regular reports? He’s just some abandoned piece of trash.” He got even more pissed off when he was asked this trivial thing, as if it were some great favor. It felt like this was all he was useful for now. He just couldn’t understand why that bastard was worth more than he was. So what if the Sunbin Guild got this far because of him? The Sunbin Guild could have gotten just as strong without that piece of trash’s help!

The more he thought about it, the greater Song Haechang’s anger grew. He couldn’t take out his anger on the guild master and Song Haein, so he decided to take it out on the person they treasured the most. That abandoned piece of trash that had been sleeping for four years!

“Hahaha.” As he held his rage inside, he heard someone laughing from somewhere nearby.

“Huh? What is this? Who’s making…” He walked towards the sound of laughter. This was the most restricted part of the Sunbin Guild’s headquarters. No guild member could go around laughing like that!

He had no idea who it was, but he briskly walked towards the voice, thinking he found the perfect victim to take his anger out on.

“Huh?” The voice was coming from that trash’s room. That piece of trash that had been sleeping for four years was awake…?

“You…you’re alive?” He was sure that guy was just about dead after sleeping that long. He thought that the guild master and Song Haein just couldn’t accept it. He thought they were just obsessed with him. But seeing him alive and moving around shocked Song Haechang right to the core.


While I was laughing at the fact that I had so many unassigned stat points and Orb points, I felt a strange feeling and turned around. I met eyes with someone I had never met before. It was then the thought that I was still in an unknown place came to my mind.

“Uh…hello?” I still did the polite thing, and greeted the stranger.

I felt it when I woke up, but this place was fancy. There was a TV, fridge, and an expensive sofa and table in the room. There was a humidifier that worked regularly. It looked like one of those VIP patient rooms I saw on dramas. I knew that whoever they were, they had been looking after me with the utmost care and greeted the stranger with a smile. I was also elated at being able to talk to someone for the first time in four years. I had never met the guy before, but I was really glad to see him.

The stranger frowned at my greeting.

Huh? Did I do something wrong? I was taken aback at the stranger’s reaction.

“You have been sleeping like the dead for four years, so I thought that you really were dead. But here you are, alive and kicking. You should have stayed asleep like the dead rat that you are.” The man’s cold and distant tone put me on guard. The smile on his face told me he wasn’t the person who had been looking after me. He was looking at me as if he was looking at a cockroach he was about to kill.

“Um…I don’t believe we’ve met.”

“Enough! I don’t want to talk to some worthless straggler.”

“Uh…” I had no words to what this guy was saying.

“If you’re up, fuck off! How long are you going to make a nuisance of yourself in someone’s house? We don’t need you leeching off of us anymore.”

For a second there, I wondered if I should hit this asshole or not. Ugh. I’ll let it go for now. If he wasn’t the first person I met in four years I would just…!

I’d been asleep for four long years. There should be a lot of monsters crawling around the fields now, and just as many devas who hunted many of those monsters. There had to be devas who spent days hunting in dungeons by now. Guilds should be set up in full force by now, so the first thing I needed to do was to find out where I was and why I was here.

I doubted that the rude asshole standing in front of me was going to tell me anything. Besides, he could very well be the boss of this place, and it wouldn’t be wise were I to pick a fight with him if that was the case.

I got up from the bed at the rude man’s behest. I put on the clothes that were hanging in the nearby wardrobe and followed the guy out.

“Huh?” My surroundings were very familiar.

“Isn’t this Sunbin Group’s building?” It was definitely the Sunbin Group’s building, which served as the Sunbun Guild’s headquarters. I had been here once and noticed it instantly.

“Don’t even think that you can leech off the Sunbin Guild any more than you already have.”

“I wasn’t planning on it.”

“We’ll see if that’s really the case.” The man led me out of the building before turning around and walking back inside. I didn’t get mad at his insulting remarks. I was too happy after waking up after four years and receiving all those Stat points.

Sleeping for four years didn’t feel like a waste anymore. Hell, if I could have gotten more Stat points out of this, I was willing to sleep for a couple more years!

Ah…maybe that’s not right.

At that moment my stomach growled.

“I’m hungry!” I wanted to eat some meat first. Pork, beef, it didn’t matter. I looked around at my surroundings. There were a lot of people walking around, as it was outside of Sunbin Guild’s headquarters located in the middle of Gangnam, Seoul.

“Seems pretty safe around here. I was about to be disappointed in the guild because of that asshole, but seems they did well.”

The people around me seemed happy. There were devas and mortals in the midst. I could see no shadows over their faces. That was enough for me to tell how well the Sunbin Guild had been helping these people out.

My stomach growled again.

“Let’s eat first. I’m going to get me some pork. I’ve got a million golden rings to spend!” I wanted more pork than beef; probably because I had eaten more pork than beef my whole life.

I sprinted away to the nearest BBQ restaurant, with the objective to eat the place to the ground.

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