Chapter 454: Original Form

“You old bag of bones, who are you calling an idiot?”

Gu Santong stomped the ground with every step, shuddering his heart each time.

As for the yellow beam, it got smaller and smaller.

Huangpu Tianyuan’s mouth was wide open, words stuck in his throat.

Gu Santong roared, trembled and the red light exploded from him. The Earth Dragon Wave just bounced away like a soccer ball.


With a rattling explosion, the attack returned to Huangpu Tianyuan’s mouth, throwing him sky high in a spectacular fashion.

Kissing the ground hard once more, his dragon jaw was gone, leaving behind a black hole giving off a thick black smoke.

Gu Santong flicked his arm in disdain at the tittering figure, “Vermin, I can use my head, but there’s no one in this world worthy of me doing so, humph…”


Zhuo Fan was dumbstruck too. He liked to showboat, and be all cocky, but all his acts were nothing in front of his son’s high class act.

Power trumped everything. [Who the hell would use their head when their fist was enough?]

Young Sanzi only looked dull in the head, but he saw through everyone, the real number one in Tianyu. And that Qilin Shield even reflected such an attack; a Soaring Qilin’s mighty ability!

“Young Sanzi, your old man takes his hat off to you. The weak scheme, while the strong punch holes in their schemes. Wonderful, genius!”

Zhuo Fan sighed, giving Gu Santong a thumbs up.

Gu Santong might have just been saying it, but it got him thinking. Zhuo Fan controlled the whole stage, with the Imperial family and Regent Estate moving at his will. He was like a king.

While it only showed just how weak he was.

[Would a mighty tiger lay a trap for a weak little lamb?]

[Obviously not. As the king of beasts, he’d eat anyone that popped in his vision, why waste time thinking about it?]

Gu Santong was the same, punching holes in any who stepped up, not wasting time with even martial arts. He was just that strong, pulverizing anyone with a snap.

Zhuo Fan spoke honestly, “Young Sanzi, I shall take this lesson to heart. Compared to you, your old man falls short.”

Gu Santong scratched his head, “Dad, are you praising me? He-he-he, you flatter me. You know, the uncle in Allbeast Mountain Range is praising you as well. That I have much to learn from you, to not be so stubborn.”

“No, it is I who should learn from you. I plot against others for interests alone. But those interests are ephemeral, hardly affecting my own person. While you, nothing chains you, and you can walk the path of the strong!”

Zhuo Fan sighed, “Demonic cultivators are selfish. I used to think it refers to self-interest, or maybe being alone. But that may not be the case. I will have to simplify my demonic path it seems.”

Zhuo Fan’s heart achieved peace, like a new world had opened to him…


The sudden noise wrestled him out of that marvelous state.

Zhuo Fan shuddered, bursting with unbridled rage. [For gods’ sake, I’m having an epiphany here. Can’t you break it up a little here, please?

He saw Huangpu Tianyuan bursting with green light and his busted jaw was growing under the naked eye.

“It’s that damn Returning Dragon’s Roar!”

Zhuo Fan shouted, “Young Sanzi, this geezer can recover from anything, his body undying. Breaking a few bones won’t work, you have to kill him! “

Gu Santong was watching Huangpu Tianyuan flicking his tail in laughter, “Gu Santong, you may be strong, but you can’t kill me. So how about we each go our own way and see each other in the future?”

Huangpu Tianyuan cupped his hands and fled.

“Future your head! Today is the day you die!” Gu Santong was not one to give up, shooting towards him and punching.


Huangpu Tianyuan got buried underground again, into a hundred meter deep hole. His Earth Dragon Head was bleeding, his mind hurting like hell.

But he was still alive. With another green glow, his body burst with vitality, patching him up in no time.

Gu Santong could hardly believe his eyes. Zhuo Fan frowned in sadness.

[He’s far beneath young Sanzi’s power, so much so that five strikes should punch his lights out for good.]

But with that ridiculous Returning Dragon’s Roar cheat of his, he’d be back on his feet like a cockroach.

Huangpu Tianyuan was still laughing, “Gu Santong, I told you, you can’t kill me. You’ll only waste your breath…”

“Shut it!”

Gu Santong roared, “I have crossed Tianyu for so many years and there’s nothing alive that I can’t kill. Humph, worm, you will now witness the true face of a Qilin!”


Gu Santong shone red for a moment before turning into a thirty meter red Qilin.

He was back to his original form as a sacred beast, Soaring Qilin!

He was still young, but the power of the sacred beast radiated out. The entire mortal domain, its spiritual beasts, everything was cowering and wailing.

Huangpu Tianyuan shouted, “Gu Santong, w-what move is this?”

“Humph, this is no move, just my true form!”

Gu Santong showed his sharp fangs, “I am a sacred beast and in this form I can display all my power. He-he-he, that punch of mine? That was only 30% of what I can do. Worm, one stomp will nail you dead!”

Gu Santong trampled and Huangpu Tianyuan slammed into the ground.


With the fall of the red hoof, the world shook and the earth caved.

A thousand meters, then ten thousand, soon stretching out for nine kilometers.

While the surrounding hundred miles shook harder than an earthquake, the landscape changed forever.

Fang Qiubai’s team were rushing over when they felt this impossible power. The shockwave was so great it was hard for even them to take it.

“What is going on out there? What caused such a power spike?” Sima Hui cried.

The other two shook their heads.

“Anyway, it’s those two that are the cause of it for sure. We better take a look!” Shadow King advised.

The two looked below. Gone were the green meadows and flourishing forest, giving way for endless sands.

The two monsters were these spies’ main targets for observation…

After Gu Santong’s stomp, Zhuo Fan crawled out of some hole to watch the aftermath.

[Welp, that’s the real Soaring Qilin’s leg for you.]

Albeit a cub, he could still break the world.

Zhuo Fan admired a sacred beast’s power even more. How else could they be on the same level as the ten ancient emperors? What got him so envious though was that this power came naturally.

It made him look like an ant, impossible to reach!

[Sigh, why wasn’t I born as an awesome beast?]

“Ha-ha-ha, worm, let’s see you come back from that!” Gu Santong laughed and lifted his hoof from the broken and bloody Huangpu Tianyuan. Guts, gore and blood spewed up from his mouth.

What was even more amazing was that he was still alive, followed by a resplendent green glow.

[Still alive?]

Gu Santong was outraged, “There’s nothing I can’t kill!”

Gu Santong stomped again, with all four this time.

A thousand miles around shook non-stop, with some volcanoes even erupting.

But not even dozens of stomps could cut Huangpu Tianyuan’s life string, no matter how twisted a mess he became.

Gu Santong was fuming, but Zhuo Fan stopped him, “Young Sanzi, it’s no use. The Bodhi Root is too strong, protecting his life. If you can’t remove that Returning Dragon soul it won’t matter how much you stomp, it won’t change anything.”

“What do we do now? I want to kill him but I can’t. This has never happened in three hundred years. I’m boiling mad!” Gu Santong was getting pissy.

Zhuo Fan snickered, his trademark evil grin getting back in business, “Ha-ha-ha, easy. I got just the thing. And I am quite piqued by those eight dragon souls as well. Purely academic, of course…”

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