The Steward Demonic Emperor

Chapter 453: Gu Santong’s Awesome Power

Chapter 453: Gu Santong’s Awesome Power

Hearing the free laughter from Zhuo Fan, Gu Santong turned to him, enraged at how close he was to the door of death, “Dad, who did this to you? Didn’t you say we’re going to ambush him? I’ve been waiting for ages. Figured you were done with him and came here to check but now I see…”

Zhuo Fan sighed, “A miscalculation. The main plan was to cut him off if he fled. But his strength exceeded my expectations and I had to resort to a new contingency, as in, to have you deal with him. But be careful.”

“Don’t worry, dad. Since you’ve asked for help, I will not disappoint!” Gu Santong was fired up, turning a stone cold face towards Huangpu Tianyuan.

Huangpu Tianyuan’s face twitched and he shivered.

Gu Santong was number one in all of Tianyu, his name echoing through the last three centuries that no one alive could catch up to. His power was otherworldly, so much so that not even with Nine Dragons Diamond Body was he confident to take the kid on.

Gu Santong and Zhuo Fan were somebodies to be careful around. He had planned on taking them down one at a time, starting with the cunning Zhuo Fan. Gu Santong was outrageously strong, but naive. Once Zhuo Fan fell, he’d finish Gu Santong the same way as last time, with numbers.

How was he supposed to know that just when he was about to put Zhuo Fan’s head on a pike, Gu Santong would show up?

If they teamed up, he’d be worse for wear.

Huangpu Tianyuan shouted, “Gu Santong, weren’t you ordered to take down the traitor Zhuo Fan? I was just about to take his life, helping you as well. Why then did you save him instead?”

“Bullshit, he’s my dad. What son out there would help someone kill his dad? Humph, you freak of nature dares to hurt my dad and I will get you for this!” Gu Santong waved his tiny fist.

Huangpu Tianyuan jerked, “What? Y-you mean, Zhuo Fan is-is your father? That’s impossible!”

“A godfather is still a father. Got a problem with that?” Gu Santong snorted.

That cleared it all up for Huangpu Tianyuan, but it also worked to put him in a heavy mood.

He couldn’t for the life of him figure out how Zhuo Fan pulled it off, getting this little menace to become his godson.

If they teamed up, nothing could stand up to them in Tianyu.

More importantly, [Since when?] With Zhuo Fan’s guile, he’d be keeping it hidden and cook up a scheme to make Gu Santong chase him when he fell out of grace with the imperial family.

Huangpu Tianyuan felt a chill run all over him.

If he knew Zhuo Fan even a bit, he was sure the guy would keep his aces hidden for the best occasions. With how everyone scrambled for power, just when he thought he had the lands in his control, this bastard Zhuo Fan ought to be gone from the picture with Gu Santong on his tail but in fact made a tactical retreat to build his forces.

And this sudden change would make the enemies underestimate Zhuo Fan and fall for his trick.

In the ‘know yourself and your enemy and you shall be ever victorious’, Zhuo Fan had one-upped everyone by hiding Gu Santong away.

Huangpu Tianyuan gasped at the implications. Thanks to his lucky stars, he had discovered it before it was too late to suffer at this insidious killer move.

He still had the power to turn it around.

Huangpu Tianyuan cooled, bloodthirst seethed and with Zhuo Fan down from his wounds, all that was left was Gu Santong.

He just had to beat Gu Santong and he’d have taken two thorns out like nothing!

Huangpu Tianyuan’s tension flowed out of him and he started rejoicing. The prospects of taking two bigshots’ heads off were looking up, finishing off Luo clan and Imperial family in one strike.

“Ha-ha-ha, Gu Santong, I’ve heard of your almighty power and wished to try it out for myself. Now that there’s chaos all around us, allow me to take that invincible title off of you!” Huangpu Tianyuan laughed.

Gu Santong mocked, “Humph, quite the pair you have there. In the last three centuries, there’s been no one as stuck up as you, to come talking to me. You two bit vermin, wait for me to twist your head!”

“Young Sanzi, his Nine Dragons Diamond Body is tough. Keep in mind…”

Zhuo Fan advised, but Gu Santong was already off, totally taking the other guy for granted.

Huangpu Tianyuan laughed.


The claw and fist collided, shaking the ground around them. The shock wave leveled anything within a mile.

Huangpu Tianyuan staggered back ten steps, while Gu Santong only five, startled.

It was his first time being pushed back when dishing punches.

Huangpu Tianyuan was shuddering inside, having newfound knowledge of the extent of Invincible Scamp’s power.

With Nine Dragons Diamond Body’s power backing him, he only got Gu Santong a few steps back. If it were Zhuo Fan, the guy’d be blown away into rubble somewhere by now…

Huangpu Tianyuan looked for a way to deal with him.

Gu Santong couldn’t accept it. He had just used 80% of his power and yet was still pushed back, unlike the time he played around with Zhuo Fan.

Gu Santong lifted his cute face and shouted, “Again!”

Gu Santong and Huangpu Tianyuan clashed.

But this time around, Huangpu Tianyuan didn’t take the fist head on. His claw attack was a feint, jumping back and avoiding the fist.

While retaliating with his tail at Gu Santong’s back.

Gu Santong frowned, flying into a hill and reshaping the landscape.

“Ha-ha-ha, against my tail, even if you’re the Invincible Scamp, you’d still end up bruised!” Huangpu Tianyuan laughed at the pile of rubble.

Zhuo Fan’s eyelids twitched, shaking his head.

It wasn’t that easy injuring young Sanzi, because he was a sacred beast. But with his simple mind and simple attacks, it was equally simple to whip him.

Gu Santong jumped out of the rubble, feeling his back, “Ow~, that hurt like hell! Blast it, how did he do that? And why is it so hard?”

Raising his clothes and looking behind him, Gu Santong was unable to see any wound and could only feel around, “At least it’s not an open wound.”

What he didn’t see, Huangpu Tianyuan did. Staring at his back with a gloomy look, his eyes were popping out.

He just used all he had in that lashing, enough to split Zhuo Fan in two. But Gu Santong didn’t even have his skin peeled, only a light imprint.

[What kind of freak is this kid?]

Huangpu Tianyuan’s confidence in beating him hit rock bottom.

Before one was to defeat another, you’d best be able to harm him first. But he couldn’t do even that.

Huangpu Tianyuan felt like a three year old in front of a buffed uncle. His tiny fist could do nothing against that tower of muscle.

Zhuo Fan snickered inside. Gu Santong’s strength was innate, used to handle everything with his two fists.

So while Huangpu Tianyuan had no chance to beat him, he did not have the brains to keep Huangpu Tianyuan here either. He reminded him, “Young Sanzi, this guy just called you an idiot for falling for his whip like a kid. He just doesn’t know fear!”

“As if, when did I ever say that?” Huangpu Tianyuan glared.

He knew Zhuo Fan was playing dirty, to instigate a bigger conflict.

As young Sanzi’s godfather, of course he’d believe his dad over another. His face steeled and snorted, “I’m… an idiot?”

Huangpu Tianyuan gulped, wracking his brain for a way out.

His eyes lit up. Since claws and tail didn’t work, he’d use secret arts.

[This freak has no weakness!]

While Gu Santong was firing up his rage, Huangpu Tianyuan shouted, “Earth Dragon Wave!”


A yellow glow shot for Gu Santong.

But the kid just stood there, shining all red.


Earth Dragon Wave slammed into him, but the scene made the other bug-eyed. Gu Santong took the attack and didn’t budge an inch. In fact, he was walking towards Huangpu Tianyuan, against the godly might of the eight dragon souls. He pushed them all back like nothing.

Huangpu Tianyuan was dumbstruck, [This is insane. The kid is a true monster…]

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