The Steward Demonic Emperor

Chapter 1154 - 1154, World Order

Chapter 1154, World Order

Translator: StarReader

Editor: CutieBinkie

Proofreader: Papatonks

“Baili Jingwei!”

Wu Randong howled, “Devil Palace disciple, kill them all!”

“Yes, sir!”

The men charged at Baili Jingwei with the intent to kill and break the enemy lines. Wishful thinking, especially when they came prepared.

Baili Jingwei grinned and stepped back as he signaled. The soldiers behind charged, using this chance to end all future uprising with this one.

Blood flowed once more, the clamor deafening, only this time it wasn’t a one-sided slaughter but a bloody battle to both sides. And all were driven to kill the other.

Devil Palace disciples were elites in their own right, making even the thinned empire’s armies have a tough time handling them.

But with a Sword King around, Bali Yuyu, raining death from above, the Devil Palace side could only howl in pain as they were butchered.

“Star Emissary, where are the Dharma Kings? We can’t take on a Sword King!”

“Star Emissary, call a Dharma King to help. Just where are they…”

“Star Emissary, why isn’t a Dharma King showing up? What of Palace Lord? Agh…”

Wu Randong’s ears were drowned in the screams of his brothers, but his face was hard, his eyes closed. Zhuo Fan’s words played in his mind, “You’ll have to endure for a bit…”

[Humph, what’s so bad with a bit of pain? As long as the empire falls, I’ll even accept being cast away!]

Wu Randong roared with fury, joining the fray without any qualms for his life.

“I want him alive!”

Baili Jingwei singled out the crazed Wu Randong, then looked around, “Right, just where are the five Dharma Kings and Palace Lord?”

Besides the Sword Star Empire’s imperial capital, many vital cities had uprisings, but unlike a century ago, they were all snuffed out. Three days was all it took to take them all down.

All dissidents were either killed, wounded, or in custody with hardly any real damage. The underground society in the empire was thus purged. Even the scouts and spies were soon caught thanks to the betrayal of other spies.

Devil Palace had been removed from the central area, down to the last man.

A week later, Devil Palace’s deputy Star Emissary was in the imperial hall, reporting, “Your Majesty, Prime Minister, from what I’ve seen, the empire is free of Devil Palace. I ask that you confirm this.”

“Jingwei, the empire is at peace.”

Emperor Baili Jingshi nodded, “The empire’s heart has been in constant unrest for an entire century from Devil Palace’s meddling. Now the empire is whole again.”

“They’ve used the weaknesses after the war and slipped in, but in just a few days, all were removed. While I refrain claiming that every single one got caught, they can hardly be of worth and unable to affect us. Devil Palace is so secretive, the deputy emissary knows hardly half of its affairs, but by drawing them out and along with the deputy emissary’s info, the devils hidden in the empire were driven to extinction.”

Baili Jingwei was in a good mood too, “The empire has order once more. I can send the armies without worry the empire might come under another uprising. With internal affairs resolved, it’s time to focus on external matters.”

Baili Jingshi eased as well after a century of deep worry, “We now have to wait for news from the four lands, ha-ha-ha…”

“That side should be fine. Let’s talk about this one first.”

Baili Jingwei nodded and said, “Has the identity of the Devil Palace Star Emissary been found? Who is he?”

The deputy bowed, “Prime Minister, I’ve been looking into him these few days and found him to be Serene Shores Trading’s second young master, Wu Randong.”

“It’s really him!”

Baili Jingwei sneered, “Humph, I just knew the survivors of Serene Shores Trading started the unrest a hundred years ago. Only they had the grounds to connect to the entire world and create such a huge faction.”

The deputy bowed, “I am in awe of the Prime Minister’s insight.”

“Since Devil Palace is a cover for Serene Shores Trading, why is he just a Star Devil Emissary and not the Palace Lord?” Ignoring the blatant bootlicking, Baili Jingwei huffed, “Did you find anything about Palace Lord, the kings and the other emissaries?”

The deputy deflated, “Prime Minister, Devil Palace Lord is like a shadow while the kings barely show themselves. The other two emissaries are also secretive, hardly in contact with other disciples. The Star Emissary is also secretive, but far more familiar to the disciples and handles most matters of the palace. He united the disciples in three lands and had great power…”


“Apart from Star Devil Emissary, none in Devil Palace knows who those eight people are!”

Baili Jingwei shouted, “Let’s go to this second young master and find out just how great Serene Shores Trading’s master really is!”

Baili Jingwei flicked his sleeve and left with the humble deputy.

They went through the dark jail and many gates to arrive at a dim cell. Wu Randong sat with his sealed cultivation on a straw mat with eyes closed.


“Ha-ha-ha, the second young master looks settled in, gone is the fire from a century ago. Being Star Devil Emissary helped smoothen those edges and made you grow up.”

Baili Jingwei clapped and laughed, “One thing I don’t understand is, since Devil Palace was once Serene Shores Trading, why would you leave this big project in the hands of someone else instead of leading it yourself?”

Wu Randong mocked, “The seat of power has always been taken by the able since time immemorial. I have not the skills to fill it and thus let it go. It’s fortunate too, not harming everyone like this…”

“What are you saying?” Baili Jingwei fixed his eyes on him.

Wu Randong held a snicker, “Palace Lord warned me when he entered seclusion for me to be calm, resuming the plan when he came out. But anger got the best of me and seized the chance to act without permission. As a result, the toil put years after years into the central area was ruined. I’m sad but also glad. For I am not the Palace Lord and only the central area’s side was destroyed instead of the entire Devil Palace. Don’t you think I was close to getting everyone killed? Ha-ha-ha…”

“Now I see why only the Star Emissary attacked. You disobeyed.” The deputy nodded.

Baili Jingwei stared hard, his eyes shining, “You think I’d buy that? Can’t you be honest for a change?”

“Believe what you will. I lament my impulsiveness and not doing it to inform you. You’ll probably forget my words, trying to guess my mind instead, ha-ha-ha…”

“Wu Randong, you’ve gotten sharp, unlike the old and rash second young master.”

Baili Jingwei said, “Who is the Palace Lord and the five Dharma Kings?”

Wu Randong sneered.

The deputy raged, showcasing his lap dog personality by trying to make him talk to get a pat from his master.

But Baili Jingwei waved him off.

“I never use violence for confessions because anything said under pain can’t be trusted.”

Baili Jingwei smirked, “Guard, announce that Serene Shores Trading’s serene shores trading, the current Devil Palace’s Star Devil Emissary, Wu Randong, is to be executed ten days later, by heavenly punishment. Let all lands know!”

Wu Randong scorned, “Threatening me?”

“No, only telling your Palace Lord to come out!”

“He is shrewd and decisive. He won’t fall for such an obvious trap.” Wu Randong chuckled.

Baili Jingwei snickered as well, “I know, anyone could see the trap from a mile away, but some traps can’t be avoided.”


“Gossip is dreadful.”

Baili Jingwei said, “Devil Palace is built on Serene Shores Trading. Which means there are many elders from it. By giving everything to him, if he doesn’t help you in time of need, could he still stay a Palace Lord? He has no choice but to come!”

“My people are sensible men. Just how I witnessed my family being killed, the elders won’t stir.” Wu Randong’s eyes grew red, recalling the tragedy, “They know what’s to be done.”

“To you, maybe, but to an outsider like Palace Lord? Humph!” Baili Jingwei huffed, “In any case, I don’t need to know who he really is. In ten days I’ll have him reveal himself instead, ha-ha-ha…”


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