The Steward Demonic Emperor

Chapter 1153 - 1153, Capital in Turmoil

Chapter 1153, Capital in Turmoil

Translator: StarReader

Editor: CutieBinkie

Proofreader: Papatonks


It was a pitch-black night, with not even the stars and bright moon out to shed some light in this abyss. The only signs were the faint candles on both sides of a valley, in neat rows.

This was a perfect night for murder, for violence.

A man wearing a black robe with stars on his back shivered under it, betraying his mood.

There was a huge crowd in front, all wearing black robes. They hung their heads, in silence, like eerie ghosts, with only the wind whistling and the candlelights flickering.

A cup appeared in the man’s hands as he raised it above in respect, “Darkness comes and the Sword Star wanes. The devils rise under the Palace Lord’s lead! Devil Palace will replace the empire, establishing a new world order!”


The crowd raised their right and roared three times, silence soon returning.

“The Sword Star Empire’s armies are split in four. Their core is defenseless, the best chance for us to seize the imperial capital!” The man turned grave, “Cut the head and the rest will follow. With imperial capital ours, the empire will be in chaos, paving the way for our rise. The world will be ours. The plan’s unchanged, attack when needed and block when explained. I offer this cup to the heavens, may our effort bear fruit!”

He drank the cup and smashed it to pieces.

The group had their own cups ready, their toasting a rumble, “For our efforts and the unstoppable devils!”


All smashed their cups afterward, their eyes shining with battlelust.

Devil Palace was coming into the light, to usher in a brave new world…

“Star Devil Emissary, will the Dharma Kings be joining?” A thin man in front raised his hand.

The Star Devil Emissary glanced at him coldly, “Since when did Devil Palace have to answer to you?”

Shrinking, the man was silenced, with only his eyes shifting around.

“Disobedient fool!”

Star Devil Emissary said, “Worry not, people, we have complete confidence in success. From our intelligence, Baili Jingwei had sent some Sword Kings in the lead of an army each to take the heart of every other land, while the rest would provide support from the borders. There’s no one guarding the central area. With our strength, taking imperial capital will be a piece of cake. There’s no use of doubt, not when the devils are sure to win!”

“Devils will win!”

“Devils will win!”

The crowd went wild as they roared, their battle spirit aflame, a sharp contrast from the eerie silence before.

The Star Devil Emissary gestured, “Move out!”

With one last howl, the crowd went quiet, moving in the darkness like hunters, precise and quick.


The tranquil imperial capital suddenly boomed an hour later as their gates were splintered, the black robes formed neat ranks as they stormed the Imperial Palace.

The patrolling guards started and moved to stop the tide, but the black robes didn’t have just numbers, but also strength, with ten thousand in the Genesis Stage and a thousand at peak Genesis Stage.

The guards stood no chance against them, blown away to bloody pieces, their screams echoing in the night.

Many vital cities, tactical locations and trade centers of the empire suffered the same fate. The empire was crippled, blocking any means of even calling for help. By the looks of it, three days would be enough to destroy it completely.

The higher one went, the harder the fall.

“Cut the head before the rest! Devils, kill all royalty and officials, destroy them so they’ll never see the light of day!”

The Star Devil Emissary’s robe fluttered in the harsh winds as he stepped on corpses and bloody ground, going for the Imperial Palace and giving orders.

He knew they were all valuable officers of the empire and just one of them slipping away would mean bringing reinforcements. Before he got to the Imperial Palace, they had to purge and remove such risks.

Slaughter began with a touch of screaming as they went door to door and leaving no lavish manor unstained with blood.

The devils looked possessed with their bloodshot eyes, wanting nothing but death as they exacted judgment even to five-year-olds.

As thugs, they had to act like it and not leave anything to chance or future.

No one liked violence, but no one could deny how effective it was. There was no resistance in the face of such brutality.

Cries and shrieks came from all over as the imperial capital started to burn. It was hell. Wu Randong looked up with a smile, but then it slipped away, “How nice it would be if it’s like this, but it’s merely for my own amusement…”


A sudden surge of mighty power engulfed the skies, followed by blinding lightning webbing the clouds.


All of imperial capital gasped in shock.

[Sword King?]


Then the rain of blades came, striking down at the Devil Palace disciples, pulverizing most of them, while leaving others to howl from the missing limb.

“Devil Palace, you’re here at last!”

A cold voice came from above as a pair of cold eyes stared down on them and sent fear into their core.

“Frigid Rain Sword King, Bali Yuyu?”

“Emissary, they have a Sword King! Will the Dharma Kings come?” All pleaded with Wu Randong for help.

Wu Randong was stunned as well, then gnashed his teeth and barked, “Retreat!”

“Leaving already? Think again, ha-ha-ha…”

The sinister cackle came as they turned tail, only to find the gate sealed with elite soldiers, led by Baili Jingwei himself.

Baili Jingwei smiled, “One of Devil Palace’s three emissaries? Ha-ha-ha, sorry but the same move won’t work on me. You made a mess of things last time while I was away. Such a mistake I won’t ever make again!”

“Sword Kings are supposed to be attacking the four lands! Why is one still around?” Wu Randong stared then mocked, “Baili Jingwei, what use is one Sword King? Our uprising isn’t just in the Imperial Palace. We may lose here, but other cities will fall. Your empire will be crippled beyond your imagination!”

Baili Jingwei nodded, “The empire’s military, trade and transportation will be damaged, along with who knows what else you might destroy, but what makes you think I haven’t taken precautions for those areas as well?”

Wu Randong flinched.

“Prime Minister, my task is complete and I have returned.” A thin guy next to Wu Randong walked to Baili Jingwei and bowed.

Wu Randong shuddered, “You?”

“Star Emissary, I thank you for all your care these years and for making me your deputy, but I was always with the Prime Minister.” The man bowed with a smile.

Wu Randong’s eyes twitched in anger. Baili Jingwei laughed, “Did you really think I only just noticed you? I’ve been aware ages ago, being patient for the spies I sent among your higher ranks. But I must say, Devil Palace sure is tight. After so many years, my spy only got up to deputy emissary. I knew that was the limit. So I no longer waited and acted. Your uprisings have all been accounted for, fended off with Sword Kings. In fact, the forces attacking the four lands aren’t Sword Kings, that was fake info I gave you and you fell for it!”


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