The Steward Demonic Emperor

Chapter 1001 - 1001, Sacred Weapon Fight

Chapter 1001, Sacred Weapon Fight

Translator: StarReader

Editor: CutieBinkie

Proofreader: Papatonks

Not letting Zhuo Fan out of his sight, Murong Lie felt very much disturbed, continuing the questioning, “As sir is not from central area, who might you be, where do you come from, and what’s the purpose of your visit in northern lands?”

“I’ve already said it. We are just passing by. There’s no need to look any further.”

“I am not prone to disrespect anyone like today, but the northern lands are now in a precarious state, giving me no choice but to insist, sir.”

“And if I still refuse?” Zhuo Fan squinted with a thin smile.

Murong Lie released his powerful aura, his eyes hard with determination, “You’ll have to excuse me for detaining you until it’s made clear as to who sir is.”

“Ha-ha-ha, it seems to me that Ardent Sun Sword God is a bit on the conceited side.”

Zhuo Fan took Qiao’er’s hand and kept on walking, his voice casually reaching Baili Yuyu, “I’m leaving with Qiao’er. Be sure to catch up later.”

Murong Lie squinted and acted while shouting, “Is sir just going to leave me hanging? Do I mean nothing to you?”


Bali Yuyu made sure to intercept his attempt, regarding him with a frosty countenance.

Murong Lie knew this was coming and the world around him began to boil as endless fires came into being. The harsh and cold northern lands and its fierce snowstorms turned into a blistering volcano in an instant, the searing heat rising high enough to make lava.

The ice and snow that had been growing for centuries around the area, instantly turned to steam before vanishing altogether.

From icy wasteland, the north had become a scorching hell. The world was at Murong Lie’s whims.

Peak Genesis Stage held the power to make all beings in the world unable to escape his grasp.

While anyone else would’ve soiled themselves at such a display, Bali Yuyu wasn’t impressed by the best in southern lands.

Her icy stare held sparks, just before she released her own awe-inspiring power.

Thunder rumbled incessantly while the world took a silvery glow. The blistering hell had now started to rumble heavily, turning into a silvery ocean, with lightning sword energy snaking across, promising extreme destruction at the slightest touch.

With the world split in two like this, Murong Xue and Zhui’er gasped. They were sure Bali Yuyu was strong, but to find out she could be on equal grounds with her big brother was a whole new concept to grasp.

In an extreme battle of Sword King level adversaries, no place could offer the slightest amount of cover, not when the world could shift at any second from their clashes.

“Ha-ha-ha, miss is a true rarity. You truly have the power to stall me, no wonder he was so confident. We could be fighting for days and there still won’t be any result, let alone thinking of following afterward.”

Looking at the sky split in two from their power, then at the casual Zhuo Fan making his leave, Murong Lie laughed.

But then his smile turned sinister, “You’re missing something, however. Miss may be my equal in power, but won’t last ten moves if I’m serious.”

“Tch, you sure know how to brag.”

Bali Yuyu sneered, “They say the Murong Clan Head is wise, but now I see you’re nothing but an arrogant man. From our earlier exchange, it’s clear that none of us hold the advantage, with a victor coming out only when the situation is dire. But it might take years for that to happen. Now the Murong Clan Head is so cocky to say that in ten moves you can best me? Ha-ha-ha, are my skills so weak compared to your clan’s special arts?”

Murong Lie shook his head, giving a vague smile, “Miss, there’s nothing ordinary about you, having reached a level of power no less than mine. Your clan must have a long legacy, with intricate skills. My clan has earned itself a bit of reputation on the outside, but it’s not so conceited as to dismiss every other hero out there.”

“So why then the declaration of ten moves?” Bali Yuyu gave him a cruel look of contempt.

Murong Lie sighed and shook his head, “It should be my fortune to be able to spar for thousands of blows with such a powerful miss. But in this case, I can’t indulge others’ requests in favor of harming the northern lands. I only hope Miss would be kind enough to forge me.”

Murong Lie gave a slight gesture of respect, then his face hardened. A seething golden fire came from his hand, coalescing into a two-meter-long burning golden sword.

With its appearance, the world shifted.

The inferno around Murong Lie surged higher and higher, unleashing its power like a torrential flood upon Bali Yuyu’s silvery side of the world. It took moments to swallow it whole, even the lightning of sword energy.

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The world took on scarlet hues, the heat spiking higher and higher, making the very ground hiss under the strain. All the world around them was in Murong Lie’s grasp. And with the world growing hotter signified his attacks would be that much stronger.

Bali Yuyu’s eyes shook and cried, “The divine weapon of southern lands, Decimating Divine Sword?”


Murong Lie grinned with confidence. He gave it a light wave and held it before him with a sigh, “Miss, forgive me for cutting short our fight, taking out the divine sword and claiming victory. But as I’ve said, I’d be most happy to entertain Miss on any other occasion. Please forgive me.”

Murong Xue and Zui’er lit up with joy that the Clan Head won.

No matter how strong the woman was, the Clan Head had a rare divine weapon to help him tip the situation in his favor.

Unlike the common spiritual weapons everyone else wielded, a divine weapon would only unleash more power the stronger its user was.

That meant that with Murong Lie just holding the Decimating Sword, his victory was certain. It validated his earlier challenge of defeating Bali Yuyu in ten moves.

Zhuo Fan wouldn’t be going anywhere…

Bali Yuyu stared hard at Murong Lie, biting her lip.

To match the Decimating Sword, Patriarch’s Sundering Sword was required. But Patriarch would never let go of his precious, to say nothing of him being nowhere near here.

Her loss was set in stone the minute a divine sword was involved. This rotten outcome filled the Sword King with nothing but anger and chagrin.

As a fellow practitioner, Murong Lie knew her feelings well and sighed, “Miss, please disregard this encounter and not take it as a loss. I am forced by circumstances.”

Murong Lie no longer looked at the resentful Bali Yuyu and regarded Zhuo Fan in the distance, “Sir, miss has already lost. Do you still intend to leave?”

“Why of course.”

Zhuo Fan never missed a step, “She can’t beat you, but it’s enough to give me plenty of time. Even a snail would get thousands of miles in that period.”

Murong Lie cocked an eyebrow, then mocked, “Stall me? She won’t be doing that after ten moves. Both of you know that!”

Bali Yuyu’s face sank, her fists clenched tight.

“If I say she can stall, then that’s what she’ll do. Don’t believe me?”

Zhuo Fan gave off an evil smirk, “Murong Clan Head, earlier you said your clan has a bit of reputation, but won’t disparage other experts. The way I see it, you really are conceited, considering everyone beneath you. Do you consider yourself unique for wielding a divine weapon?”

Murong Lie’s eyebrow shot up and his heart quivered, “You can’t possibly mean…”

“You guessed it. In this fight, the one who slipped up isn’t me but you!”

Zhuo Fan’s eyes shone and a black edge rose from his palm. A scarlet sword with black lines soon came into view.

Zhuo Fan threw it at Bali Yuyu, “Take it and be sure to enjoy the Murong Clan Head’s fine arts…”

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