Chapter 1000, Clash

Translator: StarReader

Editor: CutieBinkie

Proofreader: Papatonks


The first thing that caught the eye was the bright red warrior robe he wore, fluttering in the wind. As one looked higher, they began to notice that this middle-aged man was built for battle, his eyes sharp and having a stubble instead of a beard.

His features only contorted into a savage look as he noticed Murong Xue’s wounded state, “Xue’er, what happened?”

“Clan Head, they did this to young miss!”

Zhui’er sprung up now that backup was here and bowed while pointing at Zhuo Fan’s group with reproach, “Clan Head, you have to make them pay for what they did to young miss. Young miss even saved that punk and his son once yet he only knows how to repay kindness with cruelty, pitting that witch into harming young miss. Clan Head, you must do right by young miss!”

Zhuo Fan shook his head with a wry smile.

He just knew Zhui’er was nothing but trouble. She had front row seats to the truth of the matter, but was sly enough to do a selective summary on the facts she wanted. She even labeled him a repulsive ingrate all to get the Murong Clan Head to fight him in anger.

[This broad sure knows how to incite hatred. Such a waste of a good demonic talent…]

“Brother…” Murong Xue started, wanting to explain everything, but he gestured for her to stop.

Glancing at her impatient look, Murong Lie turned to Zhuo Fan, “I am Murong Lie, from the Murong clan in southern lands. I was taking a short rest from my journey to the North Sea’s shore after being invited, but just a few days ago, word reached me that something happened in the Sun Sea Sect so I came to investigate. May I ask who all of you are and whether or not you have heard of Sun Sea Sect’s predicament?”

Baili Yuyu clenched her fists, her eyes sharp with bloodthirst. Murong Lie gave her a smirk then his finger began to shake.

“Southern lands’ strongest, Ardent Sun Sword God Murong Clan Head, we finally meet.”

Zhuo Fan looked at Murong Lie over his shoulder, “We’re just passing by and aren’t aware what might have happened to Sun Sea Sect. We’re unable to help Murong Clan Head and ask that you see for yourself. As for today, in this town, it was all just a big misunderstanding with your sister, but it’s cleared now. You are free to ask her the details and I believe you will come to understand everything. As we’re in a bit of a hurry, we’ll be leaving. Goodbye.”

Zhuo Fan walked on with Qiao’er, with Bali Yuyu stepping livelier behind them.

Murong Lie raised his voice again, “Wait, what has gotten sir so hasty? I have been around southern lands for many years and not many are those who can’t speak reason, while the Murong name always values righteousness above all else. As there’s an issue between my sister and sir, I would play the middle-man in analyzing the situation. I’ll be sure to give my sister a proper punishment if whatever she’s done was wrong. But if it were just a misunderstanding, then we can move on and sir and I can drink to that as friends. Wouldn’t that be better?”

Murong Lie spoke with respect and dignity, like a true leader of his clan. Murong did live up to its name of being fair.

Anyone else would’ve done a one-eighty on the spot and hung out with the best Clan Head in southern lands for days and days. This was a prime occasion to be moving on up.

A shame Zhuo Fan found such practice in his detriment for this particular endeavor, in which subtlety was much prized, to say nothing of Bali Yuyu.

Zhuo Fan shook his head in refusal, “Murong Clan Head, I thank you for the offer, but I am needed elsewhere and can’t be late. Next time I’m free, I’ll be sure to pay the Murong home a visit. All I hope is that Clan Head wouldn’t mind me troubling him for a few days then. As for now, ha-ha, I shall take my leave.”

Zhuo Fan was getting impatient about making a quick exit.

“Now hold on, sir, there’s still some things I need your help in understanding.” Murong Lie’s suspicions were raised and he shouted.

Zhuo Fan turned a deaf ear, going further away.

Murong Lie felt convinced now. They looked too suspicious and may very well turn out to be central area spies. So he sprinted straight for them.

“Is sir’s haste due to guilt, not even able to look me in the eye?”


He was about to catch up to Zhuo Fan, reaching out his hand, but then a cold palm got in between.

Thunder flashed and wind howled as a strong sword wave came at Murong Lie’s head.

Murong Lie’s heart skipped a beat in his chest, having rarely met with people so against him as to unleash such deadly strikes. He had no choice but to rush a counter, in the form of a burning sword from his finger.


Everything shook from the clash, the shockwave of a Sword King level expert turning the town into ruins as it sent dust everywhere.

The shockwave was so strong that it blew Murong Xue and Zhui’er away with the dust, falling soon after. Looking up they saw an unfamiliar view, with nothing but broken pieces everywhere.

“Brother always knows to hold back so why…”

Murong Xue cried out in distress, looking ahead and then shuddering in fright.

Murong Lie had a solemn gaze in front of the fierce storm, his hand still shaking as lightning crackled along his hand and fingers.

In that storm stood Zhuo Fan holding Qiao’er’s hand, with the icy Bali Yuyu covering them in front.


Zhui’er crawled out of some rubble, looking dazed and overwhelmed from the experience. When she noticed her young miss, she rushed over in panic, “Young miss, w-what’s going on? Why would Clan Head destroy the town?”

“It wasn’t him, forced to give more strength then he wished due to meeting such a powerful opponent. Their clash resulted in what we see around us.”

Murong Xue shuddered, looking at the trio in the distance with a heavy look, “The only ones in this world strong enough to contend with my brother are the best in each land, as well as the central area’s Nine Sword Kings. But my brother is very familiar with the other lands’ strongest. Which means this sudden opponent has to be…”

“A Sword King!”

Zhui’er gasped in shock as she stared in Baili Yuyu’s direction with shaky legs. Her heart sank and sweat poured out of her like a waterfall, “Young miss, that was too dangerous, going against a Sword King like that! What if she wanted to kill young miss…”

Murong Xue nodded and sighed, “Even I didn’t think I’d meet a Sword King here. But if she’s a Sword King, then what about Gu Yifan? I have traded blows with him but he lacked the strength a Sword King had, despite using some baffling skill. He’s not even in the Genesis Stage. So how did he get a Sword King to save his life?”

“Maybe he’s a prince?”

“No, the Nine Sword Kings only listen to the Invincible Sword, and sometimes to their Prime Minister. They’d ignore even their emperor.”

Murong Xue sank in thought, “Just who is Gu Yifan? He killed a third of the Sword Star Empire’s officials so how is it that he is together with a Sword King?”

Murong Xue did not understand, while Zhui’er looked perplexed at her.

But then she exclaimed, from shock and fear, “Oh god, oh god! I just talked trash about him and now he’ll send the Nine Sword Kings after me! What should I do? Young miss, I’m too young to die…”

“I told you to not to not talk without thinking, now look where it got you!”

Murong Xue glared at her then shook her head, “But you can relax, knowing that the Nine Sword Kings would assassinate you and turn you into a celebrity overnight. Your death will be worth it.”

“I don’t want to be famous! I just want to live!”

“Girl, that ship has sailed.” Murong Xue shook her head and gave Zhui’er a dumb look.

Murong Lie and Bali Yuyu exchanged an attack, thus giving a huge clue to Zhuo Fan’s identity. Murong Lie was now on guard, staring constantly at Zhuo Fan, while at the same time filled with the same doubts his little sister had.

“I heard that there’s only one woman among the Nine Sword Kings, Baili Yuyu. But I’m afraid I have yet to learn of your great name, having the Frigid Rain Sword King for a guard.”

“You have it all wrong, Murong Clan Head. We’re not from the central area, just crossing paths. Please do not jump to conclusions.”

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Zhuo Fan didn’t turn around as he gave a composed smile, “Or it wouldn’t have been me talking to you right now, but that Invincible Sword geezer.”


Murong Lie was taken aback there. All of the central area’s nobility and officials worshiped Invincible Sword, with none even daring to speak bad about him.

Not even criminals would show anything less than respect to the Patriarch.

[Yet this guy has no care about all that.]

[Is he not related to the central area? Was there another power besides those obvious experts that can contend with the Nine Sword Kings?]

Murong Lie was then struck by a crazy thought about Zhuo Fan and his suspicion fell as a result. Only Bali Yuyu balled her fists in silent rage.

Calling Patriarch names with her around was the same as spitting in her face…

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