The King Of All Pussy

Chapter 18 Bloody War With The Merfolk - [3]

Without wasting time, I raised my energy pistol and began shooting towards the mermaid. The energy beams cut through the air, but she was agile, diving back into the sea, evading my shots.


Despite that, my elves didn't hesitate and continued fighting. The mermaid had brought reinforcements, but we were prepared to face any challenge. Our weapons gleamed with determination, and our attacks were precise and coordinated.

As the elves advanced, the mermaid and her allies cast spells and skilled strikes. The aquatic abilities of the tritons and the mermaid's magic made the battle even more challenging, but my army did not retreat.

Events unfolded in a dizzying sequence. Recognizing the imminent threat of the mermaid, I quickly used my power to create a wall, separating the sea from the small village. I ran to the beach, determined to confront the mermaid and prevent her from causing further damage.

Taking stone blocks from my inventory, I quickly organized them, stacking them on top of each other. Within moments, a sturdy wall rose, protecting the village from the attacks of the sea. The mermaid, with her power, tried to create a wave to break the stone walls, but the resistance was formidable, and the water failed to breach them.

Looking at the center of the now ruined and overrun village, she saw her servants being torn apart and killed, the blood of her kin was everywhere, creating sadness in her heart.

For the devastation caused by my army was too great, the mermaid removed the pearls from her crown and began swallowing them in an act of final desperation. The potent energy of the pearls filled the air, freezing it and sending a shiver down my spine.


Her hair changed color, and her once half-fish, half-human body transformed completely into a feminine form, her breasts covered by shells revealed before me.

Her still virginal pussy caught my attention, but before I could fully react, the mermaid appeared before me, delivering a powerful blow to my face, sending me flying through the air. "BANG!" The sound of impact echoed as I conjured a barrier to mitigate the force of the blow, but my face still bled, and my teeth shattered.

Before I could fully recover, the mermaid attacked again, opening a hole in the ground with her furious strike. Sensing the imminent danger, I focused my energy to create a protective barrier around my body. Nevertheless, the wounds were evident and painful.

With my free hand, I pressed the trigger of the energy pistol numerous times, firing bursts of energy toward the mermaid. The shots caused damage to her body, and she retreated to the sea, feeling the impact of my attacks. This gave me a moment to breathe, a chance to recover from my injuries and prepare for the next confrontation.

Gasping for breath, with determination still burning in my heart, I was ready to face the mermaid once again. The battle was far from over, and I knew that only one of us would emerge victorious from this fierce fight.

With a mix of fury and determination pulsing through my veins, I quickly opened my inventory and grabbed a recovery potion. I removed the cork with an agile movement and swallowed the red liquid inside. A revitalizing sensation coursed through my body, healing my wounds and renewing my energy.

Now, with a clear mind and power pulsating in my hands, I clenched my fist tightly and focused the power of the gauntlet. Before me, a myriad of energy needles began to form, ready to be launched against the remaining tritons.

I climbed atop the stacked blocks, positioning myself in a strategic location. With a swift motion, I directed the energy needles toward the tritons, as they sliced through the air with a sinister hum. The piercing attacks fatally struck the tritons, almost instantly killing them.

With a satisfied smile, I raised my voice and gave the order to my army of elves. "Hold your swords close to their necks." The elves nodded in confirmation, promptly obeying my orders. The tension in the air was palpable, and the tritons, barely clinging to life, now found themselves at the mercy of my command.

Looking out to the ocean, where the mermaid princess and her subjects were organizing a possible counteroffensive, I realized that the situation was about to become even more intense. The princess shed tears, but her eyes held an unwavering determination. Lifting her head, she responded with a voice filled with resentment and hatred, "I will kill you, human! I swear by House T??triz that I will have my revenge!"

With a sadistic smile on my lips, I watched the carnage before me as the elves' swords claimed the lives of the fallen tritons on the ground. Blood spilled, and lifeless bodies accumulated around, silent witnesses to the overwhelming power I possessed. I looked at the elves and coldly said, "Kill them all!"

However, what happens next makes my smile vanish, and a sense of terror runs through my spine. The princess, consumed by a deadly hatred, sees her back transform, giving rise to two shimmering wings. The fish-men in the sea begin to disintegrate, their energies merging with the princess's body in a sinister transformation.

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My eyes widen as I witness the power she channels. Before I can react, the heads of all the elves under my command violently separate from their bodies, in an act of total extermination. Shock courses through my being, but this time I am prepared, and I quickly raise the protective barrier.

A deafening rumble echoes through the air, accompanied by a surge of energy that shakes my defensive shield. I realize the raw power this fragile mermaid is capable of unleashing is absurd, and a shadow of doubt hovers briefly in my mind.

However, my determination does not falter, and I firmly grip the energy pistol, beginning to shoot in her direction. But she is too agile, easily dodging the shots.

She stares at me with a defiant gaze, her voice filled with menace. "This crystal doesn't have infinite energy, human! When it runs out, I will drink your blood and avenge everyone who was killed today!"

My hands tremble from the continuous effort of conjuring attacks and defending myself. I feel a mix of adrenaline and fear coursing through my veins as the confrontation intensifies with each passing second.

I take a deep breath, look her straight in the eyes and think, how can a virgin cunt be so strong?


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