The King Of All Pussy

Chapter 17 Bloody War With The Merfolk - [2]

The atmosphere in the village was peaceful and serene, with the gentle sound of waves breaking against the shore mixing with the murmur of villagers' conversations. Some fishmen were fishermen, casting their nets into the sea in search of food, while others dedicated themselves to the maintenance of structures and the cultivation of underwater gardens.

Observing everything from afar, I could feel the pulse of life in that village. The simplicity and connection with the marine environment were evident in every detail. However, I knew that soon that harmony would be disturbed. My arrival would bring chaos and subjugation.

With a determined look and a growing sense of power in my chest, I advanced toward the fishmen's village. My small army followed me, ready to carry out my orders. The wooden spears of the guards seemed fragile in the face of the strength I commanded.

I was determined to expand my empire, dominating every kingdom and race that existed.

Slowly, we approached the entrance of the fishmen's village, where two tritons stood guard. Knowing that a stealthy approach was unnecessary in the face of my overwhelming force, I decided to confront them head-on. I raised my energy pistol, aiming directly at the guards.


With deadly precision, I fired two concentrated energy projectiles, hitting the tritons guarding the gate directly. Their bodies were instantly consumed by the energy, collapsing to the ground with a silent impact. My energy pistol had ended their lives without a trace.

Next, I raised my magic gauntlet and focused my power. I conjured a blazing fireball that came to life in my hands. With a quick gesture, I launched the fiery sphere toward the entrance of the village.


The fireball hit the spot with a deafening explosion, incinerating the entrance and creating a huge hole in the wooden gate. Intense flames devoured the structure, consuming it within seconds. The roar echoed through the village, announcing our triumphant arrival.

With the entrance destroyed, my armed army was ready to advance. I looked around, seeing the determined expressions of the elven warriors reflecting the absolute loyalty they dedicated to me.

I raised my voice, speaking authoritative command words for everyone in the village to hear. "Bow down! Or be slain!" My voice echoed throughout the village, conveying a clear message of dominance and submission.

Turning to my army, I gave the order without hesitation. "Annihilate all who do not bow before my sovereignty!" The words resonated among the soldiers, strengthening their determination and confirming the destiny I had set for that place.


The once peaceful elves turned into monsters slowly, craving blood. They entered through the hole in the village entrance, marching with steady steps and weapons raised. The sound of heavy boots against the ground echoed through the streets, conveying a sense of power and fear.

As we ventured deeper into the fishmen's village, my dominating presence imposed itself on every corner. Shell and algae structures became the stage for an inevitable conquest.

I was the indomitable emperor, leading my army to victory. Resistance was futile in the face of my overwhelming strength. The inhabitants of the fishmen's village would soon realize that the only option was to submit to my relentless sovereignty.

As we advanced through the fishmen's village, the strongest tritons emerged from the shadows to confront us. They were formidable warriors, with imposing physical constitution and remarkable combat skills. I knew that facing them would be a challenge, but my confidence remained unwavering.

The strongest tritons charged fiercely, heavily engaging the elves under my leadership. Their strikes were powerful, their wooden spears and seashell tridents cutting through the air with dexterity, seeking to break through our defenses.

Despite our physical disadvantage, the elves were heavily armed. Our gleaming stone swords and well-balanced spears proved to be formidable weapons. Our movements were quick and somewhat inexperienced, making the most of our agility and dexterity to compensate for the disadvantage in brute strength.

The battle was fierce and chaotic. The sound of stone colliding with shells echoed through the air, while war cries and grunts of pain filled the environment. The elves fought with indomitable bravery, demonstrating their dedication to my cause.

Blood began to bathe the place, and a macabre scene unfolded. The smell of fish and blood entered my nostrils, but I showed no weakness.

I faced the strongest tritons myself, stopping their attacks with the resistance of my iron armor. My energy pistol unleashed destructive blasts, finding their targets with lethal accuracy. The magic gauntlet granted me additional abilities, allowing me to conjure protective shields and offensive spells when needed.

Despite the tritons' momentum, our training and discipline allowed us to hold the line. While some elves engaged in individual combat against the fish warriors, others maintained a solid formation, providing cover and support to their comrades in arms.

The tritons' resistance was notable, but our strategy and weaponry balanced the battlefield. Our sharp weapons penetrated the enemy defenses, finding vulnerable points in their protections. Our agility allowed us to dodge brutal attacks and respond with precise strikes.

The battle unfolded amidst a sea of blood and sweat. Fallen bodies lay everywhere, both elves and tritons, silent witnesses to the ferocity of the conflict. However, my determination did not waver, and my will to prevail remained unwavering.

As chaos and death dominated the place, my gaze turned to the mysterious figure emerging from the ocean. A blue-haired mermaid floated in the air, her lower part transformed into long feminine legs as she stepped onto the sand. A small crown of oyster pearls adorned her head, indicating her position of power.

The mermaid held a spear in her hands, emanating an aura of power and mystery. Her eyes shone intensely as she uttered words charged with energy: "BiroBiroTrus!" The air seemed to vibrate at her command, and the ocean water began to boil and float in the air.

The boiling steam rose, increasing the temperature and making us start to sweat.

Realizing the imminent danger, I closed my eyes and concentrated all the strength of the crystal in my gauntlet. The energy coursed through my arm, making it tremble under the pressure, but I resisted, determined to deliver an effective counterattack. A protective barrier appeared in the air, blocking the boiling water that the mermaid was preparing to pour over my army.


The clash of the two magics was intense, creating an explosion that shook the area. A loose shell from one of the houses flew towards me, cutting my cheek slightly. I tasted the metallic tang of blood, and my heart raced with the adrenaline of battle.

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