
"I can't believe she just said that out loud…" Celeste gossiped with my friends. "So shameless…"

"Isn't she?" Giggled Mist. "She's testing Sylphy at this point!"

"Gee~ I wonder what she will do next, fufu…" Celica started laughing.

"The complexity between humans' relationships always surprises me, so much yet to discover." Nephi said, somewhat enlightened.

"It's getting a bit too corny for me…" Zack sighed. "Ugh…"

"Yeah, girl's stuff is too corny! Corny!" Zephy protested.

"S-Shut up! Stop gossiping…!" Aquarina got all flustered, growing redder like a tomato.

Even when she gets like this, she's way too cute.

Like that, after having our snack, we finally decided to continue, reaching the end of the stairs, which were extremely long, and reaching the final depths of the Fishman King's Depths Dungeon, the Floor 3, which was called "The Fishman King's Castle".

It is said it is as big as the previous floors, but very big and labyrinthian, surrounded by fishmen knights, guards, and magicians from all sides, or even their more powerful fish monsters which they tame using brainwashing magic.

They're dangerous barbarian and intelligent monsters, but completely monstrous in nature, they immediately try to kill you on sight and conversations are impossible either. Some have speculated these types of intelligent monsters have cursed souls and minds, constantly possessed by the Ancient Demon King, who told them to destroy everything.

Therefore, although they seem intelligent and could be considered "people" their actions, complete lack of empathy, and barbaric, monstrous attitudes make them enemies of all, demons and humans alike.

"This is… its really like a castle built out of stone and corals?!" Aquarina was flabbergasted.

Indeed, once we reached Floor 3, we were greeted by a massive hall which led to different corridors and paths. The entire infrastructure seemed finely created, this was rather intriguing.

Could this entire place had been made by the fishmen, or the dungeon's powers? It is certainly possible it could also be part of the ruins' interior…

"This is going to get confusing if its just an endless labyrinth…" Sighed Zack.

"We could probably try sending our Mana Sense around the entire place." Said Celeste. "Or maybe send our spirits as scouts?"

"Don't worry guys, I got this. My eyes have evolved a lot since I got them…" I said, quickly infusing thousands of Mana into my Heavenly Eyes, quickly making my green eyes shine bright gold.


I expanded my vision across the entire floor, slowly seeking the best route. My eyes had now the power to expand vision even more like this, so solving labyrinths wasn't as hard anymore. Though it was still a lot of mental loadout I had to take care of…

However… after just a few minutes.

I figured a route, my vision led me straight into a massive red door, guarded by an army of fishmen wearing armor made of magic crystals, metals, and monster bones.

Talking about crystals, I picked a lot of Aquarium Crystals from the previous hidden room we found, now the only thing missing is Mithril.

"Found the fastest route to the boss room! Just follow me. Though there's a ton of encounters. The fishmen are organized like armies, and they've got big monsters with them, so let's be careful!" I said.


Everyone quickly followed me, as I led our entire group by riding over Furoh on his Fenrir form with Aquarina behind me, alongside Zephy and Nephilim. Although I trusted Nephi, I still had to have my little devil brother nearby or I wouldn't feel confident.

"How has your first dungeon exploration been, Zephy? Having fun or terrified?" I asked slightly teasingly.

"It's fun! Big sis and friends are very strong… I barely get to fight though!" He complained childishly.

"Hahah, sorry, but you're not ready yet to fight very strong monsters. Though you've been growing stronger by fighting tons of weaker ones, more fitting for our current strength." I lectured him. "Be careful and don't rush into danger, okay? Mom and dad would die of a heart attack if they knew something bad happened to you, so I've gotta take good care of you."

"Oway… I get it! I am not a baby anymore!" He said while pouting cutely. He was so adorable I ended giving him a kiss on his nose.

"You're my precious little brother, okay? So make sure to not step in when big sis is fighting." I said while pampering him.

"Fine…" He sighed while blushing a little bit.


Suddenly, my Mana Senses were activated in a flash, as I sensed the fishmen approaching. Using my ability to see some seconds into the future, I was able to see that they were an enormous army of over thirty fishmen, all of them Tier 3 Rank 10 at the very least, with some commands at Tier 4 Rank 5 even! But nothing we can't handle with enough teamwork.

"They're coming! Get into position everyone!" I said, as everyone quickly got into an organized and special composition we had discussed beforehand. Zack and Aquarina stood in front as the major heavy hitters, while Celeste right behind them with Celica, and lastly Mist who offered her support with healing, buffs, and her magic arrows.

Separately from the formation, Nephi and Zephy remained behind Mist. Nephilim's strength also made it so she could cover the back if any monster tried to sneak from behind too, it helped the corridors were narrow, so we didn't had to worry about enemies coming from all places.




The laughter and roars of the fishmen echoed around the corridors, their army drawing closer, as I quickly decided to summon my new friend.

"[Summon Coral Golem Guardian]!"


A massive magic circle emerged in the floor, as a large figure slowly started to come out of it, a massive guardian made of stone and corals, of over five meters of height and with massive arms and legs.


My friends were naturally surprised.

"Draw the attention of them, roar and attack them!"


The golem was as strong as  Tier 4 Rank 1 Monster, but his defenses were superb, he could take tons of hits and get the enemies' attention so we could sneak attack them from the sides! A perfect strategy with a disposable summon like the golem.


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