
Aside from that awesome Golem Summoning Skill, there's more Skills which Sapphire came with, such as the same ones that Scarlet has:


[Living Shield: Lv1]

A Living Shield is a Shield that possess a Soul, and has the power to constantly grow, evolve, and develop. Although its will is small, it will develop over time as it experiences new things and grows stronger. By receiving Mana from its master, the Shield's stats can temporarily increase by +10% with each Skill Level. The Soul Grows larger and smarter with each of the user's levels.


[Material Assimilation: Lv1]

A Special Ability that only very unique Living Weapons possess. It grants the capability of absorbing compatible materials into the sword's body to both regenerate damage and to increase stats, or even generate new Skills. After absorbing a certain quantity of that special material, absorbing more won't give any extra benefit. Increases the chances to get Special Skills or Additional Stats when assimilating a material by +10% with each Skill Level.


Yep, the same Skills, just a bit different? Even though she doesn't have demon powers, she still has Material Assimilation! Maybe this is a property that all equipment with a system acquire? Would be cool. Anyways, with this Sapphire can evolve into different and stronger shields, and also absorb materials… But this bring something more dangerous, I'll have to distribute materials wisely.

I can already imagine Scarlet and Sapphire fighting over the rare materials… I'll have to be careful with this. Well, so anyways, there's three other Skills Sapphire has, they're quite interesting and unique, not like those Scarlet has. They seem fitting of a shield.


[Iron Defenses: Lv1] 

A Skill that Shields possess, by enchanting the shield with Mana, the total defenses of the shield can increase up to +30%, with an additional +15% with each Skill Level. Additionally, the [Iron Defenses] Buff can be conjured over the wielder's entire body and any nearby allies, lasting as long as the Mana input is added but with only half of its total effects.


Oh this is nice! It's like a buff I can conjure even on my friends! Very useful.


[Water Absorption: Lv1] 

The ability to absorb the element of Water. By infusing Mana into the shield, it is possible to absorb up to 30% of Water-Attribute Damage as Mana (which increases by +2% with each Skill Level) and utilize this absorbed Mana to unleash a powerful Water Attribute Spell within the wielder's known spells will receive bonus damage based on 50% of absorbed Mana. 


This is an awesome skill, kind of similar to Ignatius version which is for the fire element… If I can absorb a lot of water damage, then it will come out as an even stronger water spell? Well, maybe… 


[Elemental Damage Resistance: Lv1]

Decreases Elemental Damage taken by -25%, with an additional -5% with each Skill Level. By taking more elemental damage, the skill will naturally grow stronger.


And the last, yet simplest one. It seems like I could abuse this one a lot if I keep hitting my own shield with elemental attacks, though I would be risking breaking it a lot, so its better if I don't go overboard in that aspect.

"Seems like you're pretty strong, Sapphire! I am counting on you from now on, be a good shield." I said, giving her some pats.

Sapphire suddenly began glowing with a blue aura to respond to my words, and then I sensed Scarlet shining bright red as well, as if surprised of her existence.



Both suddenly began shining very brightly, and the closer they were with one another, the more brighter they shone. Through our connection as familiars and master, I could even sense their emotions.

And they were angry at one another.

"Scarlet… is she angered?" Alice wondered.

"I think she's angry. She feels like Sapphire is going to replace her?" I wondered.

"And what about Sapphire?" Asked Alice.

"I think she's taunting her? Ugh, you two stop discussing!" I told the two. "Scarlet I am not going to replace you, a shield and a sword do very different jobs! Also Sapphire be nice with her, don't taunt her."



Their light became dimmer, although at times it would pulsate back to very bright, they were still angered but at least obey me a bit… I wonder how loud they're going to get once they become capable of talking though, ugh.

"Hah, you've got yourself a pair of loud weapons." Laughed Ignatius.

"Seems like they're both going to be VERY annoying once they awaken their ability to speak…" Beelzebub sighed.

"Agh, even more annoying people to deal with? I am already tired with you two." Curse sighed.

"What did ya said you ball of curses?!" Beelzebub angrily protested.

"I am not annoying! I always give useful tips and information! You're just envious because you're a useless curse thing…" Laughed Ignatius.

"And you're an ignorant talking lizard." Curse sighed.

As those idiots discussed inside of my Soul Scape, I suddenly heard Aquarina's voice coming from outside the tent.

"Sylphy! Are you done taking a bath?"

"A-Aquarina?! Ah, almost! Wait a bit!"

"O-Okay…! Don't worry, I didn't take a peek…"


So she did?

Well, whatever.

I quickly got some cleaner clothes from my Dimensional Bag, then I put back my armor and special adventuring equipment, and I was done. All fresh and without any fishy smell from all the monster blood and guts that has been sprayed over me, phew.

After that, I joined everyone else as they were having some food. Aquarina made sandwiches with some fish broth. The sandwiches were nice, she had made them herself back home, and they had ham, egg, cheese, tomato, and lettuce.

"Hmm… Aquarina's sandwiches are the best~" I enjoyed myself eating her meal, as she blushed a bit happily.

"Hehe, I'll try to get better at cooking. I-I hope I can be a good wife in the future…" She smiled cutely.


"O-Oops! T-That's… forget what I said!"

She got incredibly flustered, but now I can't forget what she said!


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