Maruyama: There are about 40,000 characters. Should I have split it into two?

Frostfire10: Yes. Yes. Why you do this to MEEEEEHHHHH!!!!!

Henet: had to rely on google translate (mandarin source dissapeared). My translations might not be so accurate.


The Academy Part 1

Translators: Frostfire10, Henet

The Imperial Academy of Magic.

As the name implied, it was an institute that specialised in the study of magic.

….Or so many assume. However, this was certainly not the case.

While indeed there were a few classes in magic, more than half of the students did not have the talent to use magic. If put into terms of modern society, this would be something between a vocational school and a high school.

In most countries, it was a convention to hire private tutors to learn magic and this limited magic to the rich. The better the tutor, the higher the fees.

For the commoners who did not have the financial capability for education, they would attend lectures held by specialists and would teach their children. Some refused to even pay a single cent and would not provide any education to their children. In villages, the type and level of education depended on the village itself and was an exception to the rule.

These methods had one devastating flaw.

The majority of intelligent children would return to the earth before gaining a shred of education. To eliminate this flaw, the Emperor of two generations ago worked with the Legendary Magic Caster, Fluder Paradyne to create the Empire's largest educational institute — The Imperial Academy of Magic.

It was a school where the best could attend for free, and some had their entire student lives paid for.

But, this naturally led to the question of why was there the term "Magic" in the name? Why not just the Imperial Academy?

Well, roughly 150 years ago, it was the newly appointed Head Magic Caster of the Empire, Fluder, who set the first stone of the academy, and also because magic played a large role in human societies of this world.

Students here learnt a variety of information and could proceed down a variety of paths. Many graduated to the University to further specialise in their studies and be hired, and the most excellent would be sought after by the Imperial Ministry of Magic.

Now, many wondered what the benefits would be if a student learning, civil engineering, for example, was forced to learn magic.

However, as part of a civil engineering project, if a large stone needed to be transported, there would be a large difference between an engineer who had knowledge of a spell to lighten the weight, and an engineer who did not. And it would be of great help if he or she knew how many people were needed to cast the spell for a certain weight of rock.

And thus magic was made a necessary part of the curriculum and was implemented as part of the institute's system.

And this was why "magic" was added to the name.

Ding dong, rang the bell.

The bell was located on the wall behind the lectern, inside a box near the ceiling. And if one paid attention, one would be able to hear the sound of similar bells from outside the classroom.

"The bell has rung. Any questions? No? Class dismissed."

The teacher closed his book as the students all rose to bow to him.

As he left, the fact that classes were over slowly sunk into the minds of the students. The sound of chatter and the movement of furniture slowly grew louder and louder. The feelings of freedom from classes as well as excitement for the rest of the day filled the classroom.

However, there was a male student who dampened the bright mood of the class.

He was quite handsome, but he had a depressing and dark air about him with a set of leaden eyes attached to his head. Beneath them was a pair of deep dark eye circles, and he seemed to be very ill.

His clothes were identical to those of his classmates. Except for a single eyepatch covering one of his eyes.

The boy— for he was sixteen, although many of his age were already married— lazily glanced around the classroom

The sight that most piqued his interest was the group of three standing next to the lectern, looking up at the box.

"….But just what sort of magic would allow this small box to produce sound? Is there a bell located inside as well?"

"We'll easily find the answer if we open it…."

"Stop with your jokes. Look at that symbol over there."

The boy's eyes followed the direction of the student's finger. And there, he confirmed the existence of a special symbol etched into the bottom of the box. It was a symbol he was familiar with, and everyone in the school understood what it meant. The symbol was used on items created by the Imperial Ministry of Magic. Basically, it was a new invention created by applying new developments in magic.

The reason why this symbol was well known was that being able to work for the Imperial Ministry of Magic was the most admired and envied position of all magic casters in the Empire. And similar to how one fawned over a signature given by a professional football player, there was value in this symbol.

(Well it's not like there aren't those from the Adventurer's path who aim for loftier goals.)

The boy recalled the female senior he admired. She could be described as a genius and was the person who introduced the boy onto this path.

As he floated aloft in his nostalgia, the three students continued their conversation.

"It's a seal right? I shiver every time I see it."

"Ah yes. If we randomly touch it we'll get sigils engraved on our skin."

There was another reason.

And that was the danger posed by this seal.

This seal was a warning system meant to ease the apprehension of criminals.

This was used within the Academy and the Ministry for experimentation on newly developed technology. And since they were newly developed, these seals were necessary for theft-prevention.

And they were not only located on this box. Several items within the Academy were engraved with it.

All of them had the same effect.

If mishandled, a spell would activate, and all beings in the surrounding area would have a sigil engraved painlessly onto their bodies. In the darker parts of society, this was known as the brand of the thief. Any student found with this on their bodies would be expelled from the Academy, and depending on the case, they would also be charged with national espionage.

And thus, in a certain sense, this box was like a ticking time bomb. If one unknowingly opened it, their life would end.

However, there was a rumour amongst the students.

If one could dispel the seal, and replicate the inner workings within the short time before the expulsion, they would be immediately hired by the Ministry. And to a high position at that.

Of course, this was nothing more than a rumour. There was no way a student could surpass those working in the greatest Research and Development Department in the Empire. But yet, the rumour remained firmly rooted within the Academy.

(Or rather, we might really hope that it exists.)

They were students who studied magic. And it was the naive wish of the young to hope that there was no wall too high to climb. That as long as they had more time, they could do anything.

And there was also a rumour that the current Emperor greatly valued one's own abilities.

(Anyhow…. The Emperor…. The Blood Emperor)

The boy personally had mixed feelings about him. And they were mostly negative. In fact, the reason why the boy was suffering was partially due to the Emperor.

(I can at least complain…. But I should go soon. But, she's late… Did something happen?)

There were few students left in the classroom, and the small group who were standing next to the lectern had disappeared at some point.

The boy got out of his chair with an audible groan that did not suit his age.

He felt a slight sense of unease as his childhood friend had yet to appear. Although he had thought her to be a mere annoyance when they were younger, now, it was like having a cute younger sister.

"Should I look for her?"

The discord in his heart unconsciously leaked out.

Since they had little time, looking for her might instead make them late. If possible, he wanted to avoid this. However, he recalled a certain incident that happened a few days ago.

(That strange uncle was there to help us then… But would they do anything in the Academy?)

He believed it both possible, and impossible at the same time. These two conflicting thoughts jumbled up in his mind, and his unease tilted it towards the more possible side. If he could find her just in time—


Following a shout, a figure rushed inside. It was a young girl and seeing her, the boy felt the tenseness in his body slip away.

"It's not like I waited long for you."

The boy then recalled that they were completely alone in the classroom, and began to blush. However, somehow not noticing this, the girl tried to catch her breath.

"Hah… I, I was cleaning. Sorry. Are you angry, Jet?"

"No, I'm not angry," the boy, Jet replied.

The cleaning in the Academy was performed by the students. It consisted of only basic tasks like emptying the wastebasket and sweeping the floor. During long school breaks, professional cleaning would handle everything else.

Her turn to clean had simply come around.

But, recalling something, Jet felt suspicious.

"But… Nemel. Your turn isn't today, right?"

Yes. That was what he remembered. And in response, Nemel made a wry smile.

"Yeah, that's right. Someone was sick and so I swapped with them."

Jet nodded in understanding. If there was such a case, it would be normal for him to not be aware of it.

"And so they'll take my turn in the future."

"Got it. But that's my day to handle it as well."

"….Ah! That's right…. Then we can't go back early then. Ah, it's already time!"

"Well. It's about time. Shall we go back home?"

"Yes, ~."

Seeing the bright smile on Nemel, Jet made a wry smile and left the classroom.

They did not carry any bags. Some students did carry their books back to study, but Jet was not one of them. It was certainly not the case that he could recall everything taught in class perfectly.

It was simply a matter of finances.

The Academy used textbooks made of paper, and they were extremely expensive. Jet was born to commoner parents and thus could not afford any of the books. So he borrowed the books while he was in class and did his revision in the library.

In fact, about half of Jet's classmates were probably in the library studying right at this very moment.

In fact, Jet himself should be there studying as well. There was an entrance exam required to enter the university after graduating from the Academy.

However, as he had no time, he was unable to.

(And… I have to find a job….)

As long as one could enter the university, one as poor as himself would be provided with a scholarship. He did not have to pay it back, but he would be required to work in one of the government institutions in the future.

But that was not enough to live a life.

(I feel like I understand why Ojou-sama became an adventurer….)

As long as one had the ability, they could earn a fortune as an adventurer. It was an attractive profession in his current situation. However, while it had its upsides, there was also an extremely high risk of not being able to return home.


"Jet, you look tired. There are huge bags under your eyes… Are you eating properly? Even if it can't be helped, you should not collapse on me you know?"

"Ah, of course. I don't even have the leeway to collapse now."

Yes. He could not even do that. If he collapsed and had to be visited by a priest, he would be unable to do work.

"Umm…. I can lend you a bit of money."

"Hm? If it really comes to that, I'll ask… But are you really able to do that?"

Nemel flashed a bright smile.

"It's amazing. Onee-chan was hired as a maid for a Great Noble!"

"Ehhh! Panasis-san right? Isn't that amazing?"

Jet raised an honest cry of amazement.

In fact, being hired by a Great Noble would be like working in a large high-class corporation in the modern world.

"I can eat as many potatoes as I want too~"

Nemel started to speak in an off-key singsong voice. It was probably a beautiful melody in her mind. But despite this, Jet made no comment. He had long given up on this.

And to be honest. It was not that bad.

While wondering if she had somehow brainwashed him, he asked.

"And which Great Noble hired her?"

There were many types of Great Nobles. There were some with good reputations, and others with bad rumours plaguing them. Just like how there were black and white companies.


"May I ask what you are jumping about so excitedly for?"

Hearing this clearly fake voice, Jet instantly masked his expression. However, seeing that brief moment, the man smiled. However, this time it was a cold empty one, an obviously mocking one. If he had actually tried to hide it, he would be able to do so perfectly.

(The arrival of the shitty bastard.)

Jet took a half-step forward, allowing Nemel to hide behind him. And noticing this, the man completely ignored him and greeted Nemel instead.

"Good afternoon, Nemel-san."

"Ah, G, good afternoon."

"Haha, what's wrong? Hiding like that. Did something happen?"

He was a handsome man, and one of elegant poise and grace.

Seeing him narrow his eyes, it was not only Jet who felt hostility from him, but also Nemel. Or rather although being near broke, Nemel was still of a noble house and was more sensitive to these situations.

Rangoburt Ect Wryia Robelbard.

This was the man's name, and he was a fellow student taking the Magic Track.

The problem was that he was of a rich noble family.

The Imperial Academy awarded scholarships to high achieving students. And to qualify, one had to pass a difficult entrance examination. On the other hand, students who paid to enter simply took a simpler entry examination.

And for that reason, there were more nobles within the Academy.

Learning in the academy and being unable to learn within one's own household was considered a bother by some nobles. This was as the Academy was seen as a propaganda machine. Although, given that its students were taught to place the Emperor over one's own household, there must be a good reason for why such nobles were willing to send their children there.

The reason being that one would be able to form connections with others and mutually benefit each other.

Humans are a species that could grow closer as long as they shared something in common. Such as being of the same family. Graduating from the same school would also provide a huge advantage in building a sense of camaraderie.

And it was for this reason that the Imperial Magic Academy had many nobles within its halls. However, few nobles took the Magic Track as only those who passed the entrance exam were qualified to do so.

As one's natural talent greatly affected one's capability to perform magic – excluding those of the more clerical variety – few nobles could accomplish this. And thus, for those who were chosen, some expressed a high level of elitism away from public eyes.

This man was one of them.

Adding the fact that he was born to a powerful family, he was in an extremely enviable position.

However, Nemel liking him was another issue.

It would be fine if he were somebody who was a schoolmate who liked Nemel. However, he was of a powerful noble family, and Nemel was at the lowest rank of nobility. Their positions did not match. It was standard for marriages between noble families for the bride and groom to be a similar rank.

But if simply liked Nemel, he would not be greeted with such hostility. In fact, this was certainly not the case. He simply wanted to get close to her for fun, and also because she was close to Jet.

When that was said to his face, even if it was a joke, Jet would never forgive him.

In fact, Jet had gathered plenty of information about him, and his opinion had not changed.

"N, no, it's nothing. Yes…."

Seeing Nemel bow her head, Jet found his insides squirm.

As Nemel belonged to the bottom class of nobility, despite the man being a schoolmate, she could not offend him at all costs. And thus she could only bow her head.

(So it seems that I can't use the 'for a noble to abuse his authority on a mere commoner' trick)

Jet had avoided him several times using this, but Nemel could not. While one's position was sometimes useful, it was also sometimes an annoyance.

"Please, there's no need to lower your head. Although I do have something to talk to you about."

"Ah, sorry. She has something urgent going on own. And so she has to get home soon."

Jet cut in.

If she refused the offer, it could escalate into a conflict that affected her family. But that was only if the man pushed it that far. However, as a commoner, he and his family would not be affected by this. While it might affect his chances of finding work, if he entered the knights, the nobles would not be able to touch him.

After all, no matter the noble family, none would be so foolish as to pressure the direct subordinates of the Emperor.

"I don't believe that I was speaking to you."

"I simply informed you that Nemel had to return home. Even if you will not thank me, there's no need to be so crabby about it."

"….I had forgotten that you were such a person."

Rangoburt no longer attempted to conceal the contempt he held for them. Since he previously wore a kind and sincere mask, the cold expression was a complete 180°. However, Jet stood strong.

"And you are the type of person who often runs his mouth."


"And so excuse me. I believe we should be on our way?"

"Y, yes."

The moment Jet grabbed Nemel's hands and tried to walk past, he saw Rangoburt's face flush with victory. Feeling something ominous, he tried to vacate the vicinity, but Rangoburt was a step ahead.


What idiot would wait for you?

Despite mocking him in his mind, Jet's feet stopped moving.

"Is something wrong? For you to raise your voice like that."

"No, I simply forgot to tell you something. About the Promotional Exam this year…. The students that were going to group up with you have formed one with a different member. Well, one of my friends informed me of it."

Say that from the start.

Jet swallowed his words.

Because you pressured them right? You piece of shit.

His personality aside, Rangoburt's influence and magic ability were far above his peers within the Academy. He was fluent in the 1st Tier, it would be a matter of time before he could use the 2nd.

He was far above Jet, who had just attained the 1st Tier, and Nemel, who could not use any. And thus he had a great reach in the school and could move anyone like chess pieces to further his goals.

"Is that so? We were, in fact, planning to form a group with another individual."

"Is that so? I had no clue. Then it seems my words were for nothing."

Jet glared at him, and in response, Rangoburt merely smiled. He was clearly flaunting his victory.

No matter how much he bluffed with his words, Jet was still trapped. Feeling the trembling Nemel behind him, Jet racked his brain to come up with an idea on how to get out of this situation.

"Why are you two glaring at each other like that?"

It was the voice of a woman, and Rangoburt's face froze.

Everyone turned to look towards her and reaffirmed their assumption.

His hesitation lasted only a moment. Rangoburt immediately put on his best amiable smile. Even Jet admired just how well he did so.

So this is a noble, he thought.

Seeing Rangoburt's (fake) smile and Jet and Nemel's wide (and honest) grins, the woman let out a bewitching laugh.

Within the Imperial Magic Academy, there was an organisation comprised of students called the Student Council. Although it was under the umbrella of the Imperial Government, it lacked any particularly strong influence. However, all chosen to join all had some level of power.

Those who were born to influential noble families, those who had gained vast knowledge, those who had earned the heart of the student body. One could call it an organisation comprised of people who could lead a school filled with nobles.

Yet even amongst them, the Student Council President still stood out.

She, Frianne Wyliea Van Gushmond was one of three women who entered the Academy on her own merits. In fact, she was known as the "Prodigy". But although she was called a genius, according to the person herself, "On top of knowing someone who should have this title instead of myself, my ability simply stems from my hard work and not my talent. I simply have the ability that allows my hard work to pay off".

"Hey hey. Please tell this President why you two are glaring at each other."

Being of a Duke Household, Rangoburt's influence could not reach her, and any moves he made against her would backfire on him. The only student who could utterly silence him was now standing in front of him and asking him a question with a calm and knowing smile.

And before he could speak, Jet shouted.

"President! I'm being bullied by Rangoburt-kun!"


"Ara ara."

Rangoburt had a shocked expression on his face. As a noble, this was considered quite an embarrassment to. And perhaps even as a man. Even Nemel standing behind Jet was probably quite shocked.

But Jet's first priority was to prevent the fangs of this man from reaching his childhood friend. Even if it meant that all the hostility would be directed towards him.

As long as he did that, he could hold his head up high. Even if he were the fox borrowing the presence of the tiger.

(You already understand this right? The hostility you have for me is actually directed to the one who left right? Then you can think of me as such a person.)

Jet mocked Rangoburt.

Seeing himself being laughed at by a commoner, Rangoburt found the corners of his eyes twitching. The anger within him almost boiling over and ripping his mask off his face.

"Is that so? Then I should ask you a few questions. And for you two, I'll question you two later so please head home first."

"Yes! Please do, President."

Frianne winked. As Jet turned on his heels to leave, he silently sent her his gratitude.

"Will Fri-nee-san be alright?"

Dropping their speed near the school gates, Nemel voiced her concerns.

"Well, I think she'll be fine…."

She was a trustworthy senior who was stood on top of Rangoburt. There would be no problems. They were unable to do anything about it, and from what they knew, Rangoburt also could not put pressure on her.

The timing was bad. The current Emperor was in the process of eliminating noble houses, and no one would be so foolish as to make trouble against a noble family of a higher rank.

(Thank you very much.)

Jet was very grateful for her help. And there was a reason why Frianne was so friendly with them. This was all thanks to his predecessor. It was only with her help and protection that he was here today. However, this protection was waning.

Jet felt his face begin to contort and forced it down.

The problem was that—

(You're in a more dangerous position….)

He wanted to protect her, but she was somewhere he could not reach. He was a commoner after all. If the other party used their position as a noble, Jet could do nothing but watch.

The current Rangoburt was a tiger bullying a mouse. Even though he knew that they could not hold on if he went all out, he still chose to play around with them.

And thus Jet could not truly anger him. If he did, he would face the full wrath of a noble. He could not, must not, touch the pride of a noble.

(We'll be fine as long as Frianne-senpai is around… But when she graduates….)

He could enter the Imperial Knights and be able to stop him. But he did not have the time.

Fear sparked through his body.

The sight of his childhood friend, one he thought of as a sister, being played around by that piece of shit flashed through his mind.

"But now… Since that person has left, about the Promotional Exam…."

"It'll be fine. Leave it to me. Just be your normal self. Toss aware any thoughts about giving yourself to him. I don't need any weird Holy Maiden acts that you only find in stories… Just live your normal life… A smile suits you after all."

"Y, yes!"

Seeing Nemel perk up, Jet quashed the rising unease in his heart.

Rangoburt was a noble. In a battle of authority, he would be the victor. In fact, this was true in almost all areas.

Passing through the sidestreets protected by the Imperial Knights, and leaving the Academy, the gloom surrounding Jet failed to disappear.

After sending Nemel back to her house, Jet returned home for a quick change of clothes. He then headed to a small shop that sold spices.

There, Jet cast spells that created salt and spices until he ran out of mana.

This was his part-time job. The number of spices he could create with low-level magic was limited, but high ranking magic casters would never perform this job. And thus his position was a necessity.

Since there was a high demand for his services, the pay was good. But of course, it was only good relative to manual labour. But, in terms of an hourly wage, it was extremely high. After all, he could no nothing once his mana ran out.

Once he had only enough juice to cast a 1st Tier Spell once, or twice, the spices he created would be weighed, and be paid accordingly.

The bag holding the coins was a bit dirty, but its contents made Jet smile. But his job was not over. He accepted the bag and moved on to his next job.

He was not handling the accounts or any such higher-skilled jobs. He was simply transporting spices to several different shops. It was menial labour, and the pay was far lower, but still, he had no choice.

Arriving at his destination, he would hand over the spice, and receive the invoice. Occasionally, he would have to sign as well. This repeated over and over.

As his pay depended on the number of deliveries he made (and sometimes the remoteness of the location), he had no time to rest. He had to run all over the capitol until his stamina reached rock bottom.

When the sun set, his job was over.

Even though it was winter, if one ran with all of his might, he would still work up quite a sweat. To prevent himself from catching a cold, Jet wiped down his body and changed into an extra set of clothes. He then dumped his soaked towel into his bag and sealed it shut.


Wiping away his sweat, Jet slumped down onto a seat as the head of the shop brought out a leather pouch.

"Good work, Jet-kun."

"T, thank you very much!"

Jet lowered his head in a panic.

Jet was told that there was no need to be so formal, but he did not want to disrespect his employer. Seeing Jet do his best to maintain his bow, the head smiled and handed him the pouch.

It weighed the same as always.

"Thank you very much!"

Jet bowed once again.

"So how about it? Are you still unwilling to officially join the store? You pay will increase, and you will receive extra compensation for difficult and gruelling jobs you know?"

Graduates of the Imperial Magic Academy would usually be recruited by one of the Imperial Ministries. The Academy was created for this very purpose after all. However, this would deplete the number of commoner magic casters. To prevent this, students were generally free to choose their own path.

The head had this conversation with Jet multiple times. That he would even be willing to pay for any penalties for Jet breaking his scholarship bonds.

However, Jet's response was the same as always.

"My deepest apologies! I would like to join the knights after graduation, and so I will sadly have to refuse your offer."

He bowed once again.

The head smiled helplessly.

Jet felt bad. However, while there was a risk of losing his life as a knight, his reparations were much higher, much more than anything one could earn in a shop.

And thus Jet could only walk the path before him.

As the head left, Jet began walking home.

As a precaution, Jet activated some protection magic. He was carrying quite the sum, and Rangoburt was still a hostile foe.

In fact, Nemel was once surrounded by a group of men. Considering the situation then, Rangoburt definitely had a hand in it.

"As long as I do not insult his name, he won't use his family's authority, I think…."

Jet did not consider the possibility that he had reach outside of the Academy. The thugs might have been hired hands, or possibly other contacts he had. Jet felt that he was too naive.

(I should have been more careful….)

Although he said this, he too had limits. And if he made a bad decision, he might be trapped as a noble's chess piece. He did not want to be used as a political tool. But, if it really came down to it, he might have to prepare to sell his life away and ask Frianne for help.

He plodded down the roads, walking through a bright and bustling street.

Despite all the noise, he found his thoughts focusing on one thing. His biggest problem.

"The Promotional Exam…. What should I do?"

As the name implied, it was an examination that the Academy held once a year. While everyone took a theoretical paper and technical test, the Magic Stream had a practical examination that required one to be in a group.

The group could have a maximum of eight people, and a minimum of five.

If one failed to assemble the required numbers, it would be counted as a failure. They would be lucky if they were held back a year, the worst ending would be expulsion.

This was as one would often be working on projects in a group after graduation. And also because the academy was reluctant to teach dangerous magic spells those who lacked the social skills to make friends.

And because of this, the students would hide their true personalities to get along well with others. It was good practice for group dynamics in their future careers.

"Nemel and I…. So I need three more…."

The exam was calibrated for eight people. If would be difficult to score well with only five. But, Jet was confident that he would be able to attain a certain level. After all, he was at least able to use 1st Tier Spells… He was learning the ones apart from spice creation after all.

"I have to do something…."

Muttering under his breath, he moved through the crowd and into a side road. Making several turns, he arrived at a group of closely clustered houses. One of those was his home.

Adjusting the bag containing his clothes on his back, he knocked several times on the door.

"Mom, I'm back. It's me."

In response to Jet's voice, someone moved behind the door and opened it.

Backlit by a magical light source, a thin and frail woman welcomed him.

"Welcome back Jet."

"Yup, I'm back. I'm gonna head to bed."

"Yes, good work out there."

Cough cough. Jet’s mother continued to cough as she walked into the house. Looking at her weak, slumping back, Jet's felt his heartache. With each and every cough, a sliver of his mother's remaining vitality slowly slip away.


She was coughing her life away.

Jet fought against the sense of terror welling up from within.

The reason why he was saving money was to purchase a magic item that would cure his mother’s illness. But there was a high probability that she would die before that happened.

Jet's father had died young, forcing Jet and his mom to rely on each other. Death was a normal part of life, but he thought that it was far too early to surrender to death.

Sadly, Jet did not know how to cure his mother.

According to what he heard from the temple, it would be very expensive to pay for such a spell. The money he earned through his usual work, no matter how much he worked, would not be sufficient. If Jet really wanted to gather that amount, he would need to become an adventurer. Or more likely, a worker.

One might believe that by becoming an adventurer, one would be able to receive at least basic healing services for free. But the priests would never do so and would ask for an appropriate price. This was the law set by the temples. The Adventurer’s Guild supported this stance.

This was to prevent artificial price-cutting, and many priests doing so died mysterious deaths. In fact, while some adventuring priests found it ridiculous that they could not heal those without money and quit their jobs to become workers, they often died within a few months.

However, there were no strict checks for situations where a priest healed the parent of their friend as a show of thanks for letting them stay over.

And so if Jet became an adventurer, even just for show, the chance that his comrade can heal his mother for free was high.

However, this was impossible for the low-levelled priests who would be willing to partner with Jet.

Certainly, if one had cast the divine spell, <Cure Disease>, most illnesses could be cured instantly. But there were exceptions to everything. The illness that afflicted his mother was one of the exceptions, requiring the use of higher-tier healing magic.

Even from his bedroom, Jet could hear the strained coughs of his mother.

Jet took out the leather pouch and peeked at its contents. Although the contents were light, consisting of two silver coins worth of copper coins, it was still a considerable amount considering Jet's young age.

However, this was still far too little.

"Should I quit school and become an adventurer…."

This might be his only option. However, he did not want to do so. The reason why he could enter the Academy was because of the kindness of a noble lady at the residence his mother worked at. He did not want her kindness to go to waste.

"I haven't seen her, but I wonder if she's doing fine."

He even met Nemel, who was a low ranked noble, at this particular noble's house. In fact, if he thought about it, everything he had right now was thanks to that house.

As Jet stared vacantly up at the lights he made with magic, his thoughts were interrupted by several knocks at the door.

Jumping in fright from the sudden sound, he placed his hand over his heart to calm himself down and looked towards the door.

Again, the knocks repeated themselves, and a voice could be heard from the other side of the door.

"Is this the house of Jet Testania?"

"….May I ask who is this?"

It was an unfamiliar voice.

"I am Ray of the Imperial Knights. I have brought someone who would like to meet Jet Testania. Please open the door."

Ray of the Knights. It was not a name that particularly stood out. In fact, there was probably a multitude of knights that had such a name.

The thought that he was one of Rangoburt's men did come to mind, but he was not someone who would borrow the name of the knights. His next thought was that he was being wrapped up in some crime and he was being arrested.

But what pushed him out of his hesitation was the painful coughs of his mother. If he replied here, he would wake her.

"Please wait a moment."

Jet hid his pouch in the corner of the room and opened the door a fraction to confirm the identity of the speaker.

Standing there was a handsome man, with a face that showed that he was of blue blood. He was older than Jet. His clothes were of excellent make as well. He was clearly of a high position within the knights.

Jet felt the wariness within him melt away. He was not one of Rangoburt's men.

"You are… Indeed Jet Testania. May we please speak to you inside?"

Being asked by Ray, Jet recalled that someone wanted to meet him.

"U, umm, inside would be difficult, so would it be possible to talk outside?"

"I see. We have a carriage nearby. Would you mind having it there?"

"Ah, I understand."

Guided by Ray, they stopped at a large carriage. There was a large emblem engraved on the side, but Jet did not recognise it. He had studied crests and so it was rare for him to not recognise it. He thus came to the conclusion that it belonged to a newly established noble.

As the carriage door opened, he saw that the insides were beautiful.

Of course, the only time he had ridden in a noble carriage was during practical training, he did not know how this carriage would stack against others. However, he truly felt he was living in another world of wealth and power.

"Good evening, Testania—kun, may I address you as such?"

An old man called out from within the carriage. He had a figure of steel. However, he did not seem to be a noble. Instead, he seemed to be a warrior of sorts.

After confirming Jet's identity, the old man looked at Jet's eyepatch. Seeing this, Jet vaguely grasped the reason why he was summoned.

"Yes, that is fine. And you are…."

"….My name is Sebas, I have come on behalf of my master…"

The old man smiled warmly and greeted Jet. Despite Jet himself being a man, even he found the man's smile charming. So much that it even dissolved much of Jet's hostility and vigilance, although some still remained.

(So this is charisma?)

This old man seemed to exude a friendly and pleasant aura, much like some nobles.

"Please come in. Would you like us to visit a nearby store for a nice drink while we talk?"

"Oh, no, it is alright. I cannot leave home for too long."

"I understand. Please. Feel free to take a seat."

Obeying Sebas' instructions, Jet boarded the carriage with Ray following behind.

As soon as Jet took a seat, Sebas began to speak.

"Since time is of the essence, I shall head straight to the point. Testania-kun, Are you willing to serve my master? Of course, I can promise a very lucrative reward."

The amount of information was still insufficient for him to make a decision. Noticing Jet's puzzled expression, Sebas continued to speak.

"My master will be granted a new territory in the future and he so intends to recruit people for its management. You have been recommended for such a position"

The first question that popped up in Jet's mind was 'Why did Sebas did not provide his master's name?'.

Next, Jet evaluated his own resume. He was only a student of the Magic Academy. And neither did he have the confidence or knowledge necessary to govern a territory. But this was only on the surface.

(He probably wants my eye. He'll probably invite me to join him)

What should I do now?

Jet thought hard. However, there was something that he needed to ask first.

"Umm, I understand that it is very rude to ask this, but I would appreciate it if you could tell me. What exactly is the expected salary?"

In response to the question, the amount presented by Sebas was three times the amount he expected. The high price alarmed Jet and he wondered why they would pay him such a substantial amount. Perhaps the territory was located at a very dangerous place. For example, near the Katze Plains or demi-human villages. Another possibility was that the territory was in a remote area where monsters frequently appeared.

The pay was higher than that of the risky occupation of a knight. One could imagine that the working conditions were abysmal.

There were always conditions to tempting offers, and there were reasons for this high pay.

In lieu of Jet's silence, Sebas judged that the amount of money was insufficient. Sebas raised salary by four times.

However, this only succeeded in raising Jet's distrust.

(….Oi oi. Offering such pay to a mere student…. What sort of house are you? Or do you think I have that much value? Or perhaps they place extreme importance on being able to use the 1st Tier? Or perhaps a more sinister reason?)

Normally, he would have heard the name of the noble family multiple times by now. However, the fact that the other party remained silent on this, combined with the high pay, weighed down on Jet's mouth.

(….The conditions seem to be really bad.)

It would be better to reject it. The high pay was enticing, and Jet was willing to sell himself to get it. But Jet had reached his conclusion.

No matter how he looked at it, this was a bad move.

And so he had to be extremely careful in how he refused. If he upset the other party, he might earn their ire. And then, a lightbulb lit up in his mind.

"My apologies. I am still a student, and I am unable to accept your kind offer."

"I see… You have two more years yes? How about pushing ahead your graduation?"

Just how much do they know about me? A cold sweat trickled down Jet's back. But instead, they don't seem to know much about the Academy.

Only the top students could skip grades, and Jet was definitely not one of them. Do they not know about me? But Jet's suspicions were removed by Sebas' next words.

"I shall inform my master. Not only can you skip grades, but I promise you that you can graduate with the highest awards from the Academy."

This meant that his master had amazing authority.

But Jet assumed that it was all talk.

The Imperial Magic Academy was an educational institution directly under the crown's administration. Therefore, it would be difficult to leave the institution even if one had extensive connections. If done poorly, one may even earn the Emperor's ire.

Jet believed it unlikely that there was any noble that would dare to anger the Blood Emperor for the sake of a mere commoner.

(Of course, it would be another story if the other party was the Emperor)

And of course, this was impossible. If it were the Emperor, there would be no need to do this. He would need but a word to order him. "They simply don't understand how the world works," Jet thought.

"…..I am sorry. I would like to graduate based on my own efforts and so I have to refuse."

There were no changes in the butler’s expression, but for some reason, Rey who was sitting next to them had a look of shock plastered on his face. This refusal was clearly not expected.

"Is that so…. Then…. You are ready to graduate I assume. Will you be able to graduate next year? If that is the case, please allow me to speak to you then."

"Ah, I see… That may be slightly difficult."

"Why is that?"


Jet regretted speaking. This story was quite the embarrassment for him after all. He was drawn in by the butler's kind air and spoke too much. He talked about his current situation, and how if he messed up, he might not even be promoted to the next year.

However, looking back on it, it was not entirely bad for him. In fact, if he managed to lose their attention, he might be able to join the knights before they remembered him.

The reason why he thought so was the expression of Ray. His impression of him had clearly fallen, and in fact, he had a wry smile on his face.

And even Sebas' reaction was not entirely favourable. He simply replied with a "hmm".

That was why Jet was relaxed. To this old man, this conversation was nothing important.

The discussion ended and Jet stepped out from the carriage. He was wondering just what value he had to pique a noble's interest. But the worry soon slipped from his mind.

The next morning, Jet went to school together with Nemel but later parted ways on their journey to their respective classrooms. As Nemel was from a different class, she naturally had a different classroom.

As he entered, only about half the students were studying seriously. The others were talking with their friends. The contents varied, some centring around magic, others about the promotion exam, and other such serious topics.

These topics were not only limited to this class. These were the common topics discussed by all students in the Magic Stream. Most were commoners, and so were focused on increasing their social status by improving their skills with magic.

A student's future changed greatly depending on their results causing most to be rather serious in their lessons. Of course, there were exceptions. Not all students shared the same sentiments.

Some classmates gave a simple greeting to Jet when he entered the classroom. As he returned them, he sat in his seat.

When his classmates talked to him about such things – and they often did as he could use the 1st Tier – he would be so engrossed and not realise that it was time for class.

And so, without talking to any of his classmates, he remained in his seat as he waited for his teacher.

Time passed.

Despite the class technically having started, the teacher remained missing.

The classroom was gradually dominated by the buzz of confused students.

It was quite a strange event. As these words weighed heavily on everyone's minds, the door quietly opened. Everyone in the room made a sigh of relief, as they saw the familiar figure of their teacher in charge.

But, heir relief only lasted for an instant.

That was because their teacher's face was a sickly white.

No matter how one looked at it, this was no someone at peak physical condition. But despite being on the verge of fainting, he was doing his best to stay steady.

(—Did he force himself to come today?)

If so, then his tardiness made sense.

The teacher looked over the room from his lectern. His eyes were bloodshot, making him look like a madman, and he took rapid and shallow breaths.

All teachers of the Magic Stream could use the 2nd Tier of Magic, some even reaching the 3rd Tier. Some of them even had actual combat experience as they fought monsters with knights.

Imagine being on the receiving end of an intense gaze from such a person…

Including Jet, all the students felt some level of fear.

(….What on earth is going on here?)

As Jet's mind filled with questions, his teacher began to speak in a strained voice.

"L, listen, everyone. We have a new student, and I hope that everyone can get along together, together."

Both his teacher's words and his breathing were erratic. Sweat was dripping down his forehead and his face was pale. All of the students felt anxious. While they wondered what had happened to him, this desire was mostly born out of fear rather than curiosity.

"L listen closely. Let us all learn together with this new student… We can learn with this student. Let 's do it… Absolutely do not be rude!"

At the last moment, a stern warning was issued by the teacher. He then quickly opened the door, bowed towards the person outside, and invited him in.

Who is entering?

In a situation where anxiety and expectation mixed together, the moment the students realised the person's true identity, time stopped.


Everyone had this thought in unison. Well, any other thoughts were impossible to arrive at.

The individual wrote his name on the board. The written words were a name that everyone knew. No, it was a name was impossible to remain ignorant of. In this Imperial Academy, not a single person did not know his name.

The Living Legend. The Great Sage. The Empire’s Strongest Wizard. The feats of that person were told in an epic that spanned several books. A great wizard that was rivalled by none.

As the individual turned towards the students, his voice was soft, yet everyone heard it clearly.

"I'm Fluder Paradyne, I will be joining this classroom from today onwards."

An old man with hair white as snow bowed to his classmates.


Maruyama: The next one is about 15k words? It might be better to cut down on stuff.

I would like to release the next chapter in May. I wrote everything up in two days and my brain is dead. But the last chapter was a year ago…. I forgot most of the stuff I thought about then… If I make a mistake, please do tell me.

(Next Chapter)

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