Evil God Part 3

Translators: Frostfire10

Arche Eeb Rile Furt.

As an adventurer, and eventually a worker, she had walked a fine line between life and death.

Whenever she killed a monster herself. Whenever one of her colleagues died. She felt it.

The thought of I might die during this request had often flashed through her mind.

Especially when they encounter a monster that was not planned for.

But yet the reason why she had not stopped adventuring, was because there was no better option.

Day after day after day. She wrestled with her fear of death. All for the sake of money.

As her spirits were being ground down, she reminded herself, that she was doing this for her sisters.

Despite her bones being broken, despite her arms being ripped off, despite her entrails leaking from her body, she fought. But this. This she could not bear.

She could still vividly recall everything.

One of her friends, Roberdyck.

He was a very homely priest and was a man who had quite the sweet tooth.

He often feasted on sweet pastries while in the capitol. Yet he refused to take even a single bite during adventures. Feeling curious able this, Arche had asked him, causing Roberdyck to reply with a lonely smile.

It's a sin I must bear, he said.

And now, she was brought to see him.

No, it was not even proper to call him Roberdyck.

What was before her was a ball of meat.

It was a giant pink ball of meat. It was a lump of meat, fresh, and with various red splotches dotted around it.

On top of the mass, was Roberdyck's head. His face was empty, and he did not seem to be conscious. But yet— he lived.

Even as a limbless ball of meat.

Arche saw him. She was made to see him.

The sight of a maid feasting on him.

No, calling such a terrifying monster a maid was rude to all maids in existence. It was simply a monster that had the appearance of a maid.

And Arche heard him. She was made to hear him.

The screams coming from him. The squelches the ball made as pain racked its body.

Its flesh was chewed off, its blood was sucked away. But yet before it died, it was healed with healing magic. The torture went on. And on. And on.

The sight of her friend shrieking in pain.

As an adventurer, the presence of death always loomed near. However, she did not even think of this. Being kept alive. Only to be eaten.

The moment she thought that she would be her, she cried, vomited, and released control of her bladder.

Her spirit broke.

Her spirit of resistance was broken, never to work again.

Despite all of that sheer terror, within it, she found a hint of pleasure. And she grasped onto it.

She realised that this was the best method to stay alive.

Certainly, it might be a filthy way to live.

But so was living as a ball of meat. She could at least accept being a love toy.

Arche was completely aware that the monster that was her mistress viewed her as a toy. And that was her best chance at life.

As long as she remained fun to play with, as long as her mistress did not bore of her, she would not be broken and thrown away.

She knew she was selling her body.

If she was told to lick, she would lick. Although she knew that licking was a part of sex, to her who did not even have experience with the opposite gender, she did not expect to be asked to lick another woman. But yet she smiled as she did so.

If she were told to do it, she did it.

She had rarely comforted herself, but her experience in it was not zero. However, she had never done it before anyone before. But yet she smiled as she did so.

And every time her mistress laughed, she knew she had lived.

And all that which she had used to hate, slowly turned into pleasure.

Her mistress, Shalltear, had finally returned and threw a set of clothes to her.

They were normal clothes, ones that would be accepted in public, different from the ones that exposed her chest and nether region.

Arche looked at it in confusion and looked up at her mistress from her position on all fours.

Normally, she would not be permitted clothing in the main room. Apart from her animal ear headband and tail, she wore nothing.

The only other exception to this was—

"Wear it. Now."

Her mistress' words drew her out of her thoughts and Arche scrambled to put them on.

Shalltear did not seem to be angry, but her mood was as capricious as the weather, and her anger was like lightning. Arche had seen it many, many times.

Whenever a Vampire Bride did something to upset her, Shalltear destroyed her. This was not a rare occurrence.

Fearing her mistress' displeasure, Arche put on the clothes in a panic.

They were of extremely fine make, and the cloth itself was of high quality. However, Arche was not surprised. Anything used in the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick was much better than anything Arche had seen in her old life.

In fact, a piece of clothing that would sell for a fortune outside was likely considered to be rags to those of Nazarick.

(No…. This is?")

Arche frowned, yet not to the extent that would lead to her mistress' misunderstanding.

It was simply that, as she put it on, she realised that they were of the same quality as the ones her mistress wore.


Arche could roughly guess the reason why she was allowed to wear such clothes.

It was a bit difficult to put on underwear with her tail still attached, but Arche managed to get her clothes in order.

"Excellent. Now follow me."

Shalltear turned on her heels and quickly walked away. Arche sped up to keep pace.

They teleported several times, and they reached the 9th Floor of Nazarick.

Arche muffled a voice of surprise.

She had been here once before, but yet she could not hide her admiration.

While she was in the academy, she had once been granted entry into the palace, but its beauty paled in comparison.

And the monsters guarding the transfer gates.

They were powerful beyond belief, and Arche believed that they could kill her in a single hit.

"We're going in."

With that, her mistress walked through, and the monsters bowed their heads.

Her mistress who could command such powerful monsters. Her back was small, indeed looking like a girl. One would never believe that she had strength beyond measure.


Arche trembled.

But it was precisely her mistress that was one of the strongest in this palace of demons called Nazarick. Arche had escaped her once, but that was simply because her mistress was playing around.

Arche smiled. She smiled her regular smile, the one that made her mistress happy.

Scampering down the hallway, they passed by many large anthropomorphised insect soldiers before finally reaching their destination. On each side of the doorway was a large insect soldier, stoic and unmoving, guarding it.

Arche knew who the room belonged to.

She had recently come here to teach its occupant how to dance.

Her mistress straightened her back and knocked on the door. Of course, Arche straightened it as well. She did not need to be told this.

This was the room of the ruler of this palace of demons. If she was rude in the slightest, she would be immediately executed.

The maid stationed within announced their arrival.

They waited. Time slowly ticked by.

They were being made aware of their place. No matter how much Arche pleased her mistress, she was first and foremost a sex pet and was not something that the ruler would even speak to.

The doors finally opened.

Her mistress entered, and Arche followed closely behind her. Although a bright smile was plastered on her face, on the inside, she was trembling.

If she upset the other party, her fate would be sealed. And the master of this room was a Demon King who lorded over monsters. If she were rude, a fate worse than Roberdyck's would be waiting for her.

As Arche fervently implemented all of the knowledge of etiquette she had learnt living a life as a noble, she prepared herself to grasp the situation of the room, and thus gain knowledge.

And with wide-open eyes, she saw—

Arche's false smile cemented itself further on her face.

As part of her "education", she had learnt of the beings present. No, it would be more accurate to say that the male vampire had told her in passing.

Arche had realised that the man felt a sense of camaraderie, as strange as it was, with her.

He lacked the hostility and condescending attitude that the denizens of Nazarick usually had towards her. His gaze felt as if he were looking at another version of himself.

Apart from him, the only other people who were in a similar situation was the group of lizardmen that she had seen once from afar.

With a certain level of kindness, as if he had tasted failure before, he had carefully explained to Arche.

He told of her the ones she must never anger. The ones who could level a country with ease. The ones who could sever your head from your body with a smile on their faces. The ones with power.

The Dark Elf girl, Aura

The Insect Warrior, Cocytus.

And the one who was slowly moving into position behind Arche, her Vampire Mistress, Shalltear.

—These three names.

Bathed in their emotionless gazes, panic and fear rushed through her body. However, fantasising about the future pleasure her mistress would grant her after surviving this ordeal allowed her to overcome the momentary panic. Her tail began to tingle, but she did not let it show.

"Ainz-sama. The girl has arrived."

As the robotic and grating inhuman voice reverberated through the room, the sound of a chair creaking could be heard.

The man had been sitting with his back to her. As the chair was extremely large, it completely covered his figure, causing Arche to not immediately notice him. As he turned around in his chair, Arche saw him. The Master of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick.

Arche was about to widen her smile when she froze.

The Demon King. Despite giving him dance lessons, her fear of him had failed to dissipate. The monster that decimated her entire party.

Sitting on top of the man's knees were a pair of adorable twin girls.

Arche would never forget. Could never forget. Her precious treasures that could reach even her now petrified heart.

And when she saw them—


She roared.

A roar of pure passion, that surprised even Arche, thundered out of the depths of her heart.

In what was her broken, and depraved heart, a flame burned.

About to cast a spell, Arche reached out towards Ainz and—

—found a blade at her throat, a whip snapping an inch from her face, and a pale hand grasping the back of her head.

"Shall I kill her?"

The flat and monotonous voice, along with the hand grabbing her head, came from her mistress Shalltear. Considering her monstrous strength, it would be a simple matter to crack her skull like a raw egg.

"Fool. With us present, you can’t touch Ainz-sama."

Mandibles clacking, Cocytus warned her, blade still at her throat. He could probably slice her head off faster than Arche could even blink.

"Yes yes. You won't even have time to use magic."

Aura smiled childishly, but the bullet-like impacts of her whip told Arche that it could easily tear her in half.

She knew that she would not be able to do anything in front of these three monsters.

She knew that even without them, she would be unable to even hurt the King of Death. If she was able to, none of her friends would have died, and she would not be here.

She did something foolish. Arche herself knew this.

At best she would be killed. At worst she would become like Roberdyck. No, considering what she just did, she would probably face a worse fate.

Yet, Arche could say this with confidence.

Even if hell itself awaited for her, she would still do the same thing. She would not regret it.

Arche put energy into her eyes and glared at Ainz.

Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw the monsters give her angry looks. But this did not stop her.

"It's fine. Shalltear, Aura, Cocytus. Release Arche."


In perfect unison, the weapons were sheathed. The hand grabbing her head was the last to go, but still, it did.

Although she was prepared to die, seeing hope dangling in front of her, her resolution wavered.

Arche tried to steady her quivering legs. She then wiped away the tears in her eyes, and once again glared at Ainz.

With the great amount of magical energy pushing down on her, nausea filled her mind, but yet she held on.

"I see…. So you do know them."

Arche was at a loss. Should she reply honestly? But, from her earlier reaction, there was no merit it hiding it further.

"….They're my sisters."

"Hmm…. I see…. Now what to do."

Why, was the King of Death using her sisters at hostages?

This made no sense. He could easily ask Arche to cough up any information she had. There was no reason for him to bring her sisters here.

However, from the nuance in Ainz's words, it was mere coincidence that her sisters had found themselves here. She grew angry at her earlier superficial and shallow thoughts.

She should have acted like she did not know them.

Tears welled up in her eyes.

Absolute fear welled up from the depths of her heart.

If she could still be a love toy it would be great. If she was made into a meatball like Roberdyck, what would she do? How would she kill herself?

As she imagined such terrifying scenarios, a monotonous voice pierced her thoughts.

"Ah yes…. There was the matter about your reward. I believe that your wish for helping Shalltear and myself has yet to be granted, yes? Now I believe that your wish has changed since then. Let me hear it."

Arche shook.

For a moment, she failed to comprehend the words of the monster before her.

The contents and meanings of his words failed to permeate her brain, and her lips failed to form words.

Even after she understood, she could not open her mouth. She recalled the innumerable stories of demons who twisted the wish into something terrifying.

If Ainz replied to her answer with "I was just asking", Arche feared her heart completely shattering.

However, Ainz repeated his question, adding on more pressure.

"Go on. Just say it…. I am a surprisingly reasonable person. As long as it's not a ridiculous request, I will grant it. However, releasing you outside would be difficult. That exceeds the benefit you have given me."

She could only bet on her words. Should she remain silent any longer, there was a high chance that the monsters around her would grow angry. Especially her mistress.

And so, Arche prayed to her god and spoke.

"Then return my sisters home safely!"

"….Is that truly sufficient?"

Arche was about to immediately reply with a yes, but she found herself falling silent.

Arche furiously went through idea after idea, and one could almost see the smoke emanating from her brain. This monster kept his promises. The reason she lived was due to Roberdyck's wish. While she was in a bad situation, it was not the worst one possible.

Then, as long as she made a wish that did not upset him, he would grant it.

The wish she made her would be extremely important. How could she make her sisters, and herself, happy— It was at that moment that Arche got a gleam in her eye.

"The three of us, together…."

She doubted herself several times. She only had one chance to get it right.

"According to my definition of happiness…. I wish for you to allow us to stay here, happily. Not using some illusion magic."

"….Is that truly sufficient?"

Arche quivered but managed to nod her head.

"….Happiness is too abstract and this is a difficult wish to grant. Wishing for youth or immortality would be more tangible."

Ainz's gaze left her and looked towards the ceiling. Arche remained silent. Arche had thrown the ball into his court. It was no longer up to her.

"Aura. I believe you said that you had constructed a log house on your floor."

"Yes! It has been built."

"Bring those girls there. Provide them food and other necessities. Of course, maintain their safety. It seems that I will be taking away your toy, Shalltear. Do you mind?"

"Of course not. Everyone I own belongs to Ainz-sama."

"Arche Eeb Rile Furt. You will not be hungry, you will have a place to sleep, and you will be safe. I believe this will make you happy?"

Arche was shocked.

She could not believe the miracle that that befell her. It was as if gold had rained down from the stars above her.

However, she knew that the Undying King was waiting for her answer, and so, she spoke.

"….Yes. It will."

Despite saying this, she found herself trying to guess his hidden intentions. However, Ainz seemed to lose all interest in Arche and looked away.

"I see. Then we shall do that. Now, Aura. Lead her to the 6th Floor. Oh, there is no need for you to worry, these two have fallen asleep using a spell of mine. They will awake in due time…. And lastly, Arche. If you work for me, I promise you corresponding rewards. Know that in the future, you may be able to release yourself and your sisters from Nazarick."

Arche bowed deeply. She was still uneasy about the situation she now found herself in, but the warmth of her sisters could not be faked.

Aura, Arche, her two still sleeping sisters and Cocytus left the room, leaving only Ainz and Shalltear.

Shalltear had been giving Ainz several questioning looks, and now she finally spoke.

"Is…. That fine?"

It was a difficult question to answer. Ainz tried to understand why she had posed it to him, but soon gave up and responded with another question.

"….Hmm? What? Do you regret losing her?"

"No, nothing of the sort. As I have said earlier, everything I own belongs to Ainz-sama. It is just that, is it fine to forgive a human who has attempted to attack you?"

"….I did say that I would grant her wish, and although I have Fluder, her ability…. And the knowledge she provides is useful. Was she not a great help during the ball? That's how it is."

Ainz leaned back into his chair and looked at Shalltear with a chilly gaze. He had an evil smile on his face.

From what he had heard from the sisters, Arche was a former noble and was from the Magic Academy to boot. She was a promising investment. Especially now that he was considering making a mainly human organisation.

"Those sisters were a surprisingly good find. She was…. She loved her sisters so much that she found the courage to stand up to me. They will be a good hostage."

"It is as you say. As expected of Ainz-sama."

Ainz accepted Shalltear's praise without response, but he soon frowned.

"….So am I now considered an Evil God? Well, fine. Anyway about building an organisation to handle E-Rantel when it is ceded over to me. I need to find people who will be absolutely loyal to me."

"As long as they see Ainz-sama's glory, everyone will bow their heads and offer you their loyalty."

"…That would be nice."

It would be nice if it were that simple. Ainz crossed his arms and looked up at the ceiling. He ignored the invisible Eight Edge Assassins stuck to it.

"If I make it out of undead, the temple will grow noisy…. And the residents will be uneasy, and so making it out of humans will be better…. Or so he said"

Ainz recalled Jircniv's words.

He had considered using undead to rule the city. With undead doing manual labour, the fields could be tilled and crops be harvested easily. And if he made a lot of them, the burden on the residents would become light. Or so he naively thought.

Of course, this was because the currency of this world could be used to strengthen Nazarick, and was not entirely due to kindness. However, Ainz understood the concept of fattening up a pig to eat it.

If E-Rantel was ruled by a kind and merciful ruler, it would quietly grow larger.

"But… What did he mean?"

Ainz spoke in a soft voice, to prevent Shalltear from overhearing.

When Ainz first revealed his plan to use undead to enrich the city, Demiurge said: "Using undead to grow crops will provide a stable supply of cheap food. With overwhelming power as your backing, you intend to begin an economic revolution," or something confusing like that but….

"There's no way to attack a country using food…. But if Demiurge said so…. Is there a method of some sort? Forced sales? I'm not even considering invasions of any sort though …"

When Demiurge looked to him for confirmation, he simply replied with: "as expected of Demiurge, you understand my every move". In response—

"I felt like I was dying under his gaze…. Well fine. Shalltear."


"I intend to gain various bits of information from that girl. What will you do?"

"Then I shall accompany you. But, may I please ask, exactly what sort of information are you looking for? I have already heard most of what she has to offer."

"Ah, actually…."

Ainz put on a wry smile.

"It's about school life."



This arc has ended. Now let the school love comedy Ova~Loooooorddd begin.

Ainz's role? Those guy friends in those pure love eroges of course!

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