[ System Notification: Satiety rises above 60%, your clarity returns ]

[ System Notification : You have killed a level 13 wild bear

+240 exp

+ Level up! ]

[ Varsity Notification : +45 merit points for killing the bear.

Current merit points total - 1890 ]

Max was jolted back to reality with the system notifications as he looked at the dishevelled bear corpse at his feet and realised that he had probably been munching down on the poor thing.

Max wiped the blood dripping from his mouth, as he scanned his surroundings only to see Asiva standing a few metres away having both her in the air, as if signalling that she surrendered.

" Ravan, you okay? " Asiva asked, as Max looked at her with a confused expression on his face.

Max's memory was a little fuzzy, all he remembered was that someone insulted Asiva and he got extremely enraged as he attacked the guy, and then a fight broke out.

After that however, everything was blurry in his mind as he did not particularly remember what had transpired.

Max checked the system logs, to see that he had killed 5 vampires in the last 40 minutes and gained two levels and some pieces of equipment in the process.

" I'm okay ". Max said as Asiva breathed a sigh of relief to see him being able to reply.

Although Max could not see his own eyes, Asiva could see the madness that he had plastered inside his eyes even at this very moment.

Max's blood red eyes were eerie on and about itself, however, when he lost his mind his white pupils also started to tint in red, as if he was a chainsmoker who had smoked illicit substances for hours.

Currently Max's white pupils were half white half red, which when coupled with his blood red irises gave him a very dangerous look.

Asiva tossed Max his sword and mask, which Max re-equipped quickly, as she asked " What's your current satiety level ? ".

Max opened his stat panel to check.

------ xx ------


[ Name ] - Unnamed ( Not Yet Assigned )

[ Race ] - Primordial Vampire, Resident Of ( Planet #H2047 )

[ Alignment ] - Lawful Evil

[ Languages ] - Bipedal English

[ Titles ] - None

[ Level ] - 13( 43% )

[ Tier ] - 0



[ Mana ] - 0

[ Health ] - 150

[ Stamina ] - 150

[ Blood Satiety ] - 62%


" 62% " Max replied as Asiva winced a little at the reply.

She was borderline shocked as to how even after drinking a whole damn bear dry Max's satiety was still only 62% as she immediately knew that something was seriously wrong with how Max's bloodlust worked.

" Do you have any blood bags on you? ". Asiva asked

" I did get some from Severus, but he told me to drink one every week ". Max replied

" Drink now, get it over 90% and never let it fall below 70 ". Asiva instructed, as Max took out a bag of frozen human blood from his inventory and chugged it down as if drinking refreshing water after a hike.

Max's satiety quickly climbed consuming human blood as it rose over 90% with just a 1 litre bottle.

" Done ". Max said, as Asiva nodded and the two continued on their path.

Although the matter was settled for the moment, Asiva made a mental note to ask Severus about Max's condition as he was undoubtedly becoming hungry much faster than a normal vampire.

What the duo did not know was that Keane Kingsman was live streaming the fight from the moment the group encountered Asiva and Max and Roy started his hate speech.

His intention for doing the livestream was to humiliate Asiva and get some payback for the humiliation they suffered the day before, but all that the livestream achieved in the end was to get a fresh round of humiliation for the Kingsman and put the masked Max on the university's map.

The video quickly went viral, and people started calling Max, ' The mad mage ' , ' The rabid dog ' and ' The hound ' .

Max's animalistic fighting style and the dripping of saliva from under his mask as he growled like an animal became especially viral clips as the whole of university was quickly talking about it.

Unaware of this development, Max and Asiva continued to make their way through the forest, trying to gain enough merit points to be able to pay for the day's lectures.

The duo reached university grounds at a dangerous 8:55 am, and had to rush to get to the class before it started at 9 sharp.

From the moment they arrived at the university, Max saw that exponentially more people had made it to the university grounds on the second day compared to the first one, meaning people were starting to figure out how to reach the university grounds and a week or two later this number would have doubled still.

Today, both him and Asiva were going to attend the same lecture, which was the main lecture of their course here and the one that made the university the well established institution it is.

The lecture taken by the honorable principal himself, ' Basics Of Combat Training '.

The course cost a whopping 1000 merit points to attend a single lecture, and while Max could afford it with a few points to spare, Asiva literally had earnt exactly 1003 merit points in her hunt today, giving her barely enough margin to attend the lecture.

The class was jam packed by the time Max and Asiva reached the room, a stark contrast to the 20-25 people class attended by Max the day before, with people having to stand at the very back because all the seats were already filled up and Max and Asiva were no different, having arrived at the very last minute resulting in them also having to stand at the back.

9 am sharp, the principal walked into the room with an absolutely domineering aura as his well trimmed beard, white and grey hair and thick glasses made him look like the typical image of a scholar that was steriotypocized in the universe.

He picked up a chalk, broke it in half and threw the other half violently at the side of the wall, creating a clean hole in the thick classroom wall as a result as he pointed to the whole and said " LESSON ONE : EVERYTHING IS A FUCKING WEAPON, AND THE HALF PIECE OF CHALK IN MY HAND IS A WEAPON THAT WILL GO THROUGH YOUR BODY LIKE ITS BUTTER, SO FROM THIS MOMENT ON, KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN AND MOUTHS SHUT, OR BE PREPARED TO DIE".

There was pin-drop silence in the room after this moment, as not only did the professor manage to garner everyone's attention, but he also ensured that everyone here would maintain the decorum of his classroom, out of respect or out of fear.

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