A new day was a new challenge at the Grand University, because right at 6 am, Asiva and Max needed to navigate through the open forests again and reach the university gates once more.

Their bodies were still sore from yesterday, however, not trying was not an option and lazing around was certainly not possible.

Even though their bodies hurt, the duo grit their teeth and tightened their armour and sharp at 6:01 they were out of the dorm area and into the wild-zone.

Today, much less people had queued up to the shuttle stands while much more people had formed small groups to go out into the forests.

For the first five minutes Max saw many skirmishes breakout in the edge of the forests, as he and Asiva carefully avoided active fighting and picked up pace to put some distance between themselves and the mob.

" We need to roll-out 15 minutes earlier starting tomorrow" Asiva said as Max nodded, 6 o clock seemed to start getting crowded and a fifteen minute headstart would alleviate a lot of these troubles.

The duo were still as lethal as ever when it came to hunting, as their teamwork improved and despite their injuries they were able to deal with monsters slightly better, as both began to understand how to use their powers against such monsters a little better.

The bloodline ability of the Nightblade family was on full display too, as under the moonlight both Max and Asiva started to be healed with the duo feeling more and more rejuvenated as time went on.

Whether it was rotten luck of the Kingsman, or the rotten luck of Max and Asiva, through pure coincidence, at around 7-7:15 am, the duo encountered the entire Kingsman troupe of 7 boys who had been out hunting early this morning trying to regain the merit points they had lost yesterday due to disciplinary action.

*Clap* *Clap* *Clap*

" Look boys, look what the cat dragged in... " Roy Kingsman said as he clapped his hands, staring Asiva dead cold in the eyes.

" Awoooo, haha it's Asiva the Bloodless, the mighty heroine who made all of us look like spineless fools yesterday". Leroy Wolfred the number one henchmen said

" They said that the Kingsman clan is not man enough when compared to Asiva the unyielding, but I wonder if they will say the same thing when we rape her right here, right now and send the video all across the campus.

Surely that will prove our manhood no? ". Roy Kingsman joked, however before Asiva or anyone could react to that joke, Max seemingly absolutely lost his mind as there was no warning given, as he blasted Roy Kingsman instantly with his strongest attack the FireBlast.

The attack caught Roy off-guard, as the only thing that he could do was flinch at the incoming attack but could not avoid it, as his entire body was engulfed in scorching hot flames causing him to scream in pain.

" ARGHHHHH " Roy Kingsman shouted, his HP dropping rapidly as he ran around like a human torch, somehow trying to get the flames to extinguish.

However, unfortunately for him the place he ran into was the sharp end of Max's sword, as Max plunged his RaveSlasher straight into Roy's heart.

" How dare you filthy mongrel even talk about touching Asiva ". Max said, his voice containing a primal rage that sent a chill down the spines of everyone present as everyone took note of the masked assailant with blood red eyes.

[ System Notification ] - You have killed tier 1 player ' Roy Kingsman ' inside a wild-zone, gaining +700 exp!

+Level up!

+ Healing Bracelet ( Rare )

+ Fake hair wig ( damaged )

[ System Remark ] - An actual kill with skills? Since when did the evil man turn honourable?

[ Varsity Notification ] - You have killed a player in the wild-zone, you gain 10% of his merit points

+65 merit points.

Current merit points total - 1270

" Yo-you mage! How dare you attack our brother! Charge ! ". Keane Kingsman shouted as the six of them charged at Asiva and Max.

Max's heart was bubbling with rage, the comments made by Roy had been so demeaning that it made Max extremely mad, so much so that his anger completely trumped all other senses of his throwing him down a frenzy of bloodlust and rage.

Max's fighting style evolved, he had always wished to be a dual sword wielding fighter just like his brother, but in his rage he adopted a much more stable fighting style for himself, where he wielded Raveslasher with his left hand and used his right to throw fire-spells.

Max was a man possessed, once the smell thick, fresh vampire blood wasped into his nose, as underneath his mask he was snarling with his mouth dripping with saliva, but on the surface his intent to kill anyone that stood in his way only grew stronger.

While Asiva struggled to take on two enemies at once, Max handled the other four by himself and still came out ahead as he was completely dominating the four of them alone, blasting fireballs without the need to replenish mana and swinging his sword with a precise accuracy.

Max's style of fighting was extremely rash one that only focused on attacking and not defending at all, however, it was due to his superior sixth sense that he was able to avoid attacks coming from his blind side or counter then in time to turn the tides of battle even when being outnumbered four to one.

Max blasted one attacker with a fireball, knocking him back to his ass, as he pounced on top of him like a hungry tiger and impaled his sword straight through his wide open mouth and through, killing the man.

His friends tried to attack Max from behind, trying to take advantage of Max's exposed back, however Max's instincts made him use the fire-wall skill to cover his back, detering the enemy from advancing.

" Fuck, is his mana capacity endless! He has already used one fireblast, 17 fireballs and now a firewall, all this without chanting a single spell! Who the fuck is this masked guy? " Leroy Wolfred exclaimed, fear growing in his heart at Max's limitless power display.

" Grrr " an animalistic roar came out of Max's throat as he started charging towards Leroy, as saliva now dripped under Max's mask and was visible onto his throat.

" What the absolute fuck ". Sadio Sanchez said, as he wondered if they were fighting a beastman tribe member or something, because Max's behaviour was absolutely animalistic.

One after another, Max gave the henchmen of the Kingsman a brutal death, as he stabbed two members right in the heart while snapping one's throat off with his bare hands.

Asiva too had finished off her two opponents by now as she went looking if Max needed any support, only to find him without a mask wrestling a wild bear as he planted his fangs into his throat, drinking its blood.

There was nothing but madness inside his red eyes, when they glanced over Asiva, a murderous glare that made even a warrior like her shiver in fear.

Asiva had seen this glare before, in vampires whose Satiety index dropped below 40, however, she was sure that Max had eaten a full meal only 2 days ago which meant it should have lasted him at least a week.

Unless, Satiety dropped faster for primordial vampires.

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