Master of Lust

Chapter 55 It’s the Rabbit now

55 It's the Rabbit now

Chapter - 55


Quest: Make a married women fall in love with you. Add her to your harem.

Time Duration: 6 Month

Rewards: Ero Points: 100,000; Cash: $1,000,000; 1 Premium scratch card; 3 Standard Scratch Cards


Rick couldn't help but smirk as he saw the quest. But he leaned back on his bed, still pondering the peculiar timing of the system's quest.

Rick scratched his head, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion. Why hadn't he received this quest when he met Gloria at the store? That would have been the perfect setting to kick off such a quest. Gloria was, after all, the best choice he had for this particular mission.

She was gorgeous enough for him to pursue her without any quest. But she was married, so if the system had to give him that quest, the idle place and time would have been at the store where they were inches away from their lips. Seconds away from their tongue doing a tango with each other. But the system did not take the initiative.

'And what is this about adding her to the harem?' Rick thought about that line in the quest. He had been with Amanda a couple of times but she was still not in his harem. His Harem count was still a solid '0'.

As he pondered this, a sudden sensation at his feet jolted him from his thoughts. He glanced down to find a fluffy, white rabbit nibbling on the fabric of his jeans. Rick couldn't help but chuckle at the unexpected visitor.

"Well, hello there, little buddy," Rick said, his tone light and amused. He reached down and gently scratched behind the rabbit's ears. The rabbit seemed to enjoy the attention, wiggling its nose in approval, "Did you miss me?"

Rick couldn't resist the charm of the tiny rabbit nibbling on his jeans. With gentle and careful movements, he reached down and scooped up the furry creature into his hands. The rabbit's fur was soft to the touch, and its fluffy tail twitched with Rick's touch.

As Rick held the rabbit up to his face, their eyes met, and he couldn't help but be amused by the tiny creature's expressive gestures. It was as if the rabbit wanted to communicate something urgently. The rabbit's antics were like a silent language of its own, and Rick couldn't help but try to decipher its message.

The rabbit's nose twitched rapidly, his mouth opened as he made sounds, almost like it was trying to mimic speech. It would occasionally hop up and down in Rick's hands, as if emphasizing the urgency of its unspoken message. Its tiny paws would make little tapping motions, like Morse code, and its ears would perk up when Rick leaned in to listen.

But Rick, on the other hand, found the rabbit's actions quite adorable. He couldn't help but grin, "You're quite the communicator, aren't you?" Rick chuckled, even though he felt the rabbit couldn't understand him in the traditional sense. But it was amusing.

But the rabbit seemed to respond to Rick's words with a series of animated gestures. It hopped from one hand to the other, as if desperately trying to draw Rick's attention to something. Then it would stand on its hind legs and reach out with its tiny front paws, mimicking a person trying to convey a message.

Rick's curiosity grew as he watched the rabbit's efforts to communicate. It was almost as if the little 10:10

creature had a story to tell or a secret to share. He couldn't help but feel a little now.

Rick's curiosity grew as he watched the rabbit's efforts to communicate. It was almost as if the little creature had a story to tell or a secret to share. He couldn't help but feel a little now.

"Okay, buddy," Rick said, playing along with the rabbit's gestures. "I'm listening. What do you want to tell me?"

The rabbit responded by hopping onto Rick's shoulder, its furry body brushing against his cheek. It nuzzled against his ear as if whispering a secret, and Rick couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of the situation.

Rick was perplexed by the rabbit's persistent gestures, and he couldn't shake the feeling that it was trying to convey something crucial to him. He gently rubbed the rabbit's ears.

"Alright, alright," Rick said, still amused. "Let me try something."

Promising the rabbit, Rick quickly opened the system, ready to explore the shop for a skill that would help him communicate with this cute little thing.

The system displayed the various sections available, including Power/Skill, Weapons, Cultivation Techniques, Summons, and Random. Rick knew that the Power/Skill section was the one he needed to access for skills that could aid him in animal communication.

After a few days of intense "hard work", completing quests, exploring some holes, he finally had some Ero points stored up. He wanted to store a few more and cross the 100,000 mark, but his rabbit was actually acting weird and he had to know why.

So, what was earlier a no go zone for Rick because of the extravagant prices of the skills. Now Rick walked in with confidence.

He selected the Power/Skill section and was presented with a list of skills, each with its own unique description and level. Rick was determined to find the right skill that would allow him to understand the rabbit's urgent message. He began scrolling through the options, searching for skills related to animal communication.

After a few moments of browsing, he spotted a few options of skills designed for animal communication that were unlocked and available to him within a hundred thousand Ero points. Animal Whisperer (Mortal Level Skill): Allows the user to communicate basic emotions and intentions with animals. Limited to simple gestures and emotions.

Temporary (7-Days): 7,000 Ero Points

Permanent: 35,000 Ero Points

Beast Tongue (Mortal Level Skill): A mid level Mortal Skill. Enhances the user's ability to communicate with animals, allowing for more complex interactions and the exchange of simple ideas and concepts.

Temporary (7-Days): 14,000 Ero Points

Permanent: 60,000 Ero Points

Rick considered his options carefully, weighing the benefits and limitations of each skill level. He knew that acquiring any of these skills would be a significant investment, but he was willing to take the plunge to understand the rabbit and potentially unlock a new dimension of communication.

After a moment's contemplation, he made his decision and selected the "Beast Tongue" skill. It seemed like a reasonable gamble. Animal whisper was just too basic, he might end up having to buy the Beast Tongue skill later. With that, Rick quickly bought the temporary Beast Tongue skill. The card appeared in his inventory and Rick quickly used it.

Just as Rick used the skill card, millions of unknown words flooded in his mind. So much so, that he almost passed out by the sheer knowledge that exploded in his mind. But as his mind began to heat up, so did a warmth spread in his mind, bringing him relief.

It took some time, but when it was finally done, when Rick opened his eyes, there was a silver shine that radiated from them. It lasted for a few seconds before disappearing.

"Alright, " Rick said with confidence, "Let's see if this works."

Rick had taken the plunge of 14,000 Ero points and acquired the "Beast Tongue" skill, hoping it would help him communicate with the rabbit. He hoped the Rabbit has something useful to say.

Rick touched the Rabbit's head gently and placed his palm over it. With the skill, there was also an option to create a telepathic link between the animal and skill user. The rabbit met his gaze, and then, to Rick's astonishment, it opened its mouth. However, what he heard was nothing short of miraculous.

Instead of the usual rabbit sounds, a soft, pleasant, and distinctly feminine voice filled Rick's mind, saying, "Master."

Rick's eyes widened in astonishment, and he blinked in disbelief. Did he just hear the rabbit call him "Master"? It was as if the creature had been trying to convey this message all along, and now, with the newfound skill, its message was finally clear.

"Did you just call me 'Master'?" Rick asked incredulously, his thoughts projected back to the rabbit,

The rabbit nodded its furry head and then spoke again, "If I don't call Master, Master. What should I call Master?"

"Enh..." Rick was slightly taken aback. The Rabbit actually made a decent pitch for his argument. The Rabbit was his summon, so technically, Rick was indeed his master. It is just that he never expected that the rabbit would not only communicate with him but also address him as "Master." It left him with a whirlwind of emotions.

"Okay, but then what's wrong with your voice?" Rick changed the topic, "Isn't it a bit... You know... Girly?"

"How rude master?" The Rabbit actually sounded offended, "I am a girl. How else would I sound?"

"You are a girl? You aren't a boy?" Rick felt his hands trembling. All this time when he massaged his... Oh sorry, her stomach, rubbed the fur all over her body, sometimes kissed her, he was all doing it to a lady? And she sounds so prim and proper as well.

"Obviously... Is that even something you should ask?" The rabbit was polite, but sounded a bit impatient.

"I guess it's my mistake," Rick nodded, accepting the fault on his part.

"Whatever, Master. But let's address the real carrot in the room," The Rabbit didn't care all about Rick's guilty conscience and remarked.

"Carrot in the room? Isn't it the Elephant?" Rick asked, his eyebrow curving with curiosity.

"It's the carrot for me. The carrot, Master. I'm not hopping mad, but I am sick and tired of eating that carrots you feed me," The rabbit said, trying not to dilute the truth.

"Huh?" Rick was puzzled, "Don't rabbits like carrot?"

"I am not an ordinary rabbit master, and carrots are hare-raisingly bad," The Rabbit strongly

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