Master of Lust

Chapter 54 Quest of a Married Woman

54 Quest of a Married Woman

Chapter - 54

Looking at the quest in front of him and as he watched Megan and Tyler leave the classroom, Rick seized the opportunity to slip out quietly through the back door. He moved swiftly, not wanting to draw any more attention to himself. Ray called out to him from behind, but Rick chose to ignore his friend's inquiries. He needed some space to process the situation and figure out his next steps.

"Hey, Rick! Where are you going, man?" Ray, noticing Rick's hasty exit, called out to him from behind. "I needed some air," Rick replied without even turning to look at him.

Meanwhile, Emily had watched Rick quickly exit from the classroom with a sense of curiosity and concern.

But as she wanted to follow him, she was stopped by the professor, who had questions about the day's lesson. Emily couldn't help but have to stay back to much of her dismay.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Rick's curiosity got the better of him as he continued to follow Megan and Tyler through the empty corridors of the college. He maintained a discreet distance, making sure not to draw any attention to himself. With each corner they turned, he couldn't help but wonder where this unexpected quest was leading him.

Megan led the way with confident strides, exuding an air of authority that was impossible to ignore. Tyler, on the other hand, followed behind her meekly, visibly trembling under her presence. Rick couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for the nervous student.

'Why would Tyler be trembling to follow Megan?'

'What was the purpose of the quest?'

'Could it be something shady? Or the system is helping him score the hot teacher Megan?'

As they navigated the maze of hallways, Rick's suspicions grew further. What could Megan possibly be up to that required such secrecy and discretion? They turned corners and passed by deserted hallways, and Rick's anticipation heightened with each step. His instincts told him that whatever was happening was significant, and he was determined to uncover the truth.

Finally, Megan and Tyler came to a halt outside a classroom door. Rick, hid behind a nearby wall, strained to get a better view of the scene. His heart raced with anticipation as he watched Megan closely. In front of the classroom stood a girl as if guarding the entrance.

Megan glanced around cautiously, ensuring that no one was watching, before nodding at the girl who stood by the classroom door. The girl, whom Rick didn't recognize, nodded back and then pushed the door open, allowing Megan and Tyler to enter.

Rick waited patiently for a couple of minutes after Megan and Tyler had entered the closed classroom. Rick's heart pounded with a mix of anticipation and curiosity as he approached the closed classroom door, but the quest from the system compelled him to take action.

With feigned nonchalance, he glanced around the corridor, ensuring that he didn't draw any unnecessary attention.

Then he strolled toward the classroom as if he were simply passing by, his demeanor relaxed and casual. He couldn't afford to raise any suspicion or draw attention to himself. The girl who had been Rick's eyes casually scanned the area around the classroom. The door was firmly shut, giving no 10:09

indication of what might be transpiring within. The windows were covered with heavy curtains, stationed outside the classroom door watched him closely, her frown deepening as he drew nearer.

Rick's eyes casually scanned the area around the classroom. The door was firmly shut, giving no indication of what might be transpiring within. The windows were covered with heavy curtains, further shrouding the room in secrecy.

Rick shot a brief, friendly smile at the girl as he approached her, and as he reached the classroom door, Rick paused for a moment, feigning a momentary distraction as he pretended to check his phone.

"Hey, what do you want?" The girl waited for a good few minutes for Rick to leave. But when he didn't move, she stepped forward.

Rick turned to face the girl, offering a friendly but vague smile. "Oh, nothing much. I was just...uh, looking for a friend. Thought he might be in here."

The girl eyed Rick with a hint of skepticism. "A friend? In this classroom?"

Rick shrugged, doing his best to maintain his nonchalant act, "You never know. People can be unpredictable."

The girl crossed her arms, still wary of Rick's presence. "Well, I don't know what you're up to, but there's nothing to see here. So, why don't you just scram?"

"Hey, don't be so cruel with your words," Rick tried to please the girl with his smile. He wanted the system to pop open and help him, but there was no sign of it.

"Scram before I show you what happens when I am past cruel words," The girl eyed Rick, glaring him in the face.

"Hey, calm down will ya?" Rick replied, feigning indifference, "I was just passing by, anyway."

As Rick stood there, the girl's suspicion still lingering in the air, a familiar voice called out from behind him, "Rick! There you are!"

Turning around, Rick saw Emily approaching with a concerned expression. Her arrival was a welcome distraction from the tension that had built up outside the closed classroom.

"What are you doing here?" Emily asked as she looked at Rick and then scanned the girl from top to bottom, feeling a bit uneasy. The girl was in no way better than him, but why the hell was Rick alone with her in the secluded part of the college building?

"Hey, Emily," Rick greeted her with a grin, his relief evident. "I was know, wandering around."

Emily raised an eyebrow, clearly not buying Rick's casual explanation. "Wandering around? In this part of the building? Seems a bit odd, doesn't it?"

Rick chuckled, trying to downplay the situation. "Well, you know me, maybe I am just going a bit crazy."

The girl who had confronted Rick earlier watched their interaction with a raised eyebrow, her suspicion still piqued.

Emily turned her attention to the girl and offered a polite smile. "Sorry for the interruption. We were just leaving."

The girl nodded, the frown still prominent on her face, "Hurry up."

And with that conversation coming to an end, Rick and Emily began to walk away from the closed classroom. But as they moved farther down the hallway, Rick couldn't help but cast one last glance over his shoulder, trying to check something with the girl.


Name: Mary Teressa Age: 23 years

Carnal Calibrator: -55/100 (She wants to kill you! Oh boy! What have you done loser?)

Romance Radar: 00/10


~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Rick entered his apartment, feeling a mix of relief and intrigue after the encounter with Megan.

But what came out of syllabus was Mary. He didn't recall ever meeting that girl, but the system told him she wanted to kill him. Why? What has he ever done to her? What in the world was going on? From the moment the system had come into his life, his sex life and finances might have taken a huge jump, but everything else has turned mess. A Royal fucking mess.

"Ahhh..." Rick sighed as he closed the door behind him. Walking wearily he pulled out his phone to check for any messages. He had a handful of notifications, including texts from Amanda, Gloria, and his father.

**From Amanda (2 messages)**

1. Amanda: Thanks again for the ride today. It was unexpected, but I appreciate it. ??

2. Amanda: You really got yourself a beauty.

Rick smiled as he read Amanda's messages. He quickly replied to her message.

Rick: No problem at all! ?? It was my pleasure to be of service, my lady. How's your day going?

But before he could close their conversation, Amanda replied again. And it was a long ass message. Does she have finger or what?

Amanda: It's been busy at the hospital, but I'm managing. It has been very boring, but I am managing. Shit, they just called for me. Looks like I have to manage everything here. Bye... I will message you later.

Rick chuckled at her impatience. He replied back.

Rick: I'll swing by later.

Next up were the messages from Gloria

**From Gloria (1 messages)**

Gloria: We need to talk.

Rick's eyebrows furrowed as he read Gloria's messages. It was a simple message, but it carried weight and Rick knew he had no simple way out of it. Maybe the system might help him. But the system turned out to be a dud today against that girl. Still, Rick hoped that the system might come to his aid.

So Rick decided to just ignore her message for now. It's not like she could do anything to him anyway. It might be the system's affect, but she did not know that. So from her perspective, she too got carried away in that moment.

Rick then finally turned his attention to the two messages from his father. His father's messages were usually brief and to the point.

1. Dad: Rick, we need to talk. Come home when you can.

2. Dad: I have some news for you. It's important. We need to talk face to face.

Rick sighed. He had a feeling that his father's messages weren't going to bring good news.

'Did he gambled all his money again?' Rick knew his father, and this was very much a possibility.

1. Rick: Give me some time, I will be back soon.

2. Rick: And don't get into any more trouble for the time. I will take care of everything when I am back.

And replying to his father, Rick put his phone down and sat on his bed, rubbing his temples. Everything was going just fine, but his father's message ruined his mood.

But just as he felt annoyed at his father, he heard the system's familiar sound.


Quest: Make a married women fall in love with you. Add her to your harem.

Time Duration: 6 Month

Rewards: Ero Points: 100,000; Cash: $1,000,000; 1 Premium scratch card; 3 Standard Scratch Cards


"Holy! Fuck me in the ass," Rick's eyes almost popped out of their sockets looking at the rewards. That was just unreal.

"Are you serious?"

"Are you?"

"Are you?"

Rick mumbled to himself.

[ Are you some idiot? When has the system lied to you? ]

"True," Rick nodded, slowly beginning to calm down. Then he again looked at the quest.

"Married woman, huh?" Rick thought, "Well, I do have one in mind," Rick thought as his lips curled up with a smile.

"This is going to be so much fun,"

* * * * *

[A/N: Don't forget to vote, leave comments and send me golden tickets]

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