All living beings reproduced.

No matter the method of reproduction, leaving their genes to the next generation was the species’ task.

What about humans?

Unlike other ordinary animals, humans sometimes chose to forgo reproduction.

There could be various reasons, but most likely it’s the fear of not being able to raise their children happily.

However, when they truly met someone they loved, humans lived with the hope that their future would be happier.

We lived thinking that our children, our offspring, would be born and grow up to live happy lives.

[Demon Gyo Berris. You intended to deprive humans of the opportunity for their descendants to prosper.]


Gyo Berris still laid sprawled on the ground.

Looking up at the sky, with a blank face, only the torso remained as the limbs had been blown off, and it was just laughing.

“Talking about the magnificence of making children….”

Gyo Berris sneered at Yumir.

“Why are you deliberately choosing the path of pain? I don’t understand.”


“If you have children, you can’t do anything freely for 10 months. For the sake of the child, you won’t be able to drink or smoke freely.”

[Anyway, I don’t do those things.]

“Patriotism too?”


Yumir was silent for a moment.

“Disgusting. Why go through the trouble of tearing and ruining your body just to have a child? Your body will be ruined from childbirth. You will suffer from the child after giving birth too.”

[That’s just pointing out the bad aspects.]

“Is that so? If you truly love someone, can’t the two of you live supporting each other without necessarily reproducing? Isn’t that why the term ‘DINK’ (Dual Income No Kids) was coined? Just finding a partner to live with for a lifetime is happiness itself. Why go through the trouble of having children and experiencing unhappiness?”

Gyo Berris’s examples didn’t resonate with Yumir, but the following issue immediately gained her sympathy.

“The pleasure of the process of making children can be enjoyed even by demons who have lost reproductive abilities. Mixing flesh, indulging in carnal desires. It’s more convenient. No worries about pregnancy during the act.”

[You can enjoy pleasure without responsibility?]

“There’s no need to take responsibility from the start. Who said it? Humans’ three major desires are appetite, sleep, and sexual desire.”

Again, Gyo Berris started laughing.

“Then, isn’t it enough to just satisfy sexual desire? Isn’t reproductive desire a separate issue?”

[It’s just a demon’s fallacious argument that doesn’t understand humans.]

“But isn’t it not wrong? Earth’s resources are limited, and with the advancement of medical technology, the population will increase immensely. Eventually, humanity will fight and struggle over limited resources and bring about mutual destruction.”

[Since when did demons start caring about humans?]

“Since the beginning of the New Era.”

After the Great Cataclysm.

“I’ve observed everything. After falling into the East Sea, I learned about the world. Excessive human reproduction will eventually lead humanity to ruin. It’s even in textbooks. Resource scarcity.”

[I don’t know why you’ve suddenly become a social studies teacher, but it doesn’t resonate with me.]

Yumir extended her hand forward.

[No matter what absurd logic you spout, you don’t understand why men and women want to have children. No matter how difficult and painful the environment, people live by having and raising children, worrying about the future. You can’t understand the mindset of those who have children. So, you just roughly piece together any logic. The essence is just your desire for demon proliferation.]


Though it was brought up as a digression.

[The starting point of all your logic is not that rational love and spiritual communion between men and women is paramount. You’re just spewing nonsense to justify demon proliferation.]

Though she pitied the demon who didn’t know the happiness of making children, she provoked it.

[You’re just bringing logic to fit your wish for demon proliferation. You’re finding reasons to abandon the method of having offspring.]

In the end, the essence of this demon was ‘Gyo Berris’.

[If a woman who has truly given birth, raised a child, and suffered tremendously because of the child says so, I would understand and sympathize. But have you ever given birth to a child?]


[Not to proliferate yourself, not to create something that appears as an offspring entity, but purely through love with a man, have you ever given birth to a child?]


[You probably haven’t. Even if you could, you wouldn’t have done it, and you wouldn’t have tried. You’re just a demon, mimicking humans.]

In reality, regardless of any other names, this demon might understand the act of sexual intercourse between males and females but completely failed to grasp the necessity of breeding, reproduction, and nurturing.

[No matter what grand scheme you have, you will disappear from this Angel’s Island. If there’s even a speck of humanity in you, you will endure and remain as a human.]


[If you are human, you will remain. If you are a demon, you will vanish.]

A golden aura began to shimmer in Yumir’s hand.

[At least a speck, even 1% of you, if there’s any human part, that part will remain. But how about this? I don’t see such a part in you.]

A ring of light that spread out from her wrist aimed at Gyo Berris, and her outstretched palm shone with a brilliant golden light.

[Any last words? I will at least listen to your final words.]

“Last words? …Is that so? Is it okay to leave some last words? Hmm. If so.”

Gyo Berris fiercely laughed, sneering at Yumir and me.

“Even if your children are born with disabilities, will reproduction still be happiness?”

[Asking for last words and then spitting out curses. You’re truly a filthy, disgusting demon to the end.]


Gyo Berris’s gaze turned toward Gunggi.

“A dead one who can’t even have children, trying to—”

Bang. Bang.

Gunshots rang out simultaneously.

I pulled the trigger, and Yumir released the magic power she had gathered in her hand, shooting it at Gyo Berris.


Gyo Berris’s body disappeared.

Just like when Duoexini died, Gyo Berris turned to ash and vanished as if crumbling like mist.

“It’s over.”

I took off my mask.

Without fully reverting from transformation, I adjusted the magical clothing made for battle into a more ordinary outfit.

Gyo Berris.

An alien demon, the second.

She died without ever understanding the concept of making children.


Yumir also reverted from her transformation.

For a moment, she was completely naked, but then she transformed back into her ordinary clothes.

“…It’s fine if she spouts nonsense at me, but I couldn’t tolerate her doing it to others. I’m sorry.”

“It’s fine. That.”

“Well, it’s not entirely wrong, is it?”

Gunggi patted my back and winked at me.

I was trying to ignore it, but Gunggi nodded reassuringly instead.

“Is there a problem with letting her know? There isn’t, right?”


“Actually, it might be more convenient to let them know. He probably already had some inkling. Now he can be sure.”


Yumir scratched her cheek and turned her gaze to Yun Hye-ra.

“The reason you’re a Yi Maengmangnyang, it’s what I think it is, right?”

“Yes. Just as you think, that’s what I am.”


Yun Hye-ra extended her hand forward, and it began to turn translucent as mana flowed through it.

“With the power of mana, I can have physical force, but if I use up all my mana, I can’t maintain my consciousness.”

“That’s a ghost….”

“Yes. I’m a dead person. An S-rank abandoned by the nation, returning as a vengeful spirit. Isn’t that a common story in the world of ability users? Such a spirit joining an organization aiming for world domination and trying to overthrow the nation.”

Yun Hye-ra smiled as she raised her hand in front of her face.

“The S-rank villain known for attempting a coup, ‘Black Flame Phoenix’, is me.”


“My hero name was tainted, and I was treated as a villain, unable to use my previous name. Thanks to the Chief’s grace, I was revived as ‘Gunggi Yun Hye-ra’ in spirit. That’s who I am.”


Yumir’s eyes shook violently.

She asked me if it was true, and I had no intention of denying it.

“Gyo Berris just said it. That she’s in a body that can’t reproduce. Naturally. Just as demons can’t host new life, the dead can’t give birth to new life either. That’s the same for the other executives too.”

“Reviving the dead….”

Yumir didn’t know about Gwang Ik Gong’s condition yet.

“No matter how, reviving the dead isn’t just a few people…!”

“Strictly speaking, it’s not even reviving. Just a ghost.”

So, we were ‘Yi Maengmangnyang’.

“The Goblin here is a person, not a ghost. Hehe.”

“…There are many such dead people in the secret society. Those whose social status has been erased. Those abandoned by the nation. Those who have killed their previous identities and been reborn with new ones. But truly dead and revived as ghosts, only four including Hye-ra.”

Gwang Ik Gong wasn’t part of the secret society, so no count.

And his case was different too, so no count.

“Since we’re dead, we can’t have children. We can have sex though.”


“But I can’t sympathize with Gyo Berris’s words. Why? Because we live with ‘hope’.”

Yun Hye-ra hugged me from behind and laughed.

“We’re trying to be reborn with the help of the Goblin. Hehe.”


Yumir’s eyes shook greatly.

“Well, don’t think too complicatedly. The important thing is one.”

Yun Hye-ra, caressing my stomach from behind, slowly extended her hand downward.

“Patriotism knows the answer. So, shall the three of us go to Ulleungdo to celebrate our victory with some patriotism?”

“……Patriotism can solve everything?”

“Of course.”

This world was a patriotic novel.

Patriotism was justice.

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