They said it was the demon of omniscience, but it didn’t know everything.

It’s not that it knew everything, but it only knew what it knew.

Even if the amount of that knowledge surpassed all the books in the library combined, it didn’t know the information of the world outside the library.

Gyo Berris didn’t know ‘patriotism.’

Gyo Berris didn’t know the number 5,700.

Gyo Berris didn’t know that I was simply a possessor of this body.

“Uh, uh…?”

The seventh bullet of Samael’s magic bullet pierced through Gyo Berris’ heart.

Being an S+ level entity, like Duoexini, it didn’t die from just one magic bullet.


This bullet hit Gyo Berris.

And Gyo Berris didn’t know ‘how’ the bullet reached its heart.

“How, how did you…?”

Gyo Berris clutched its head.

Unlike the other avatars, its brain didn’t explode, but it’s in agony, tearing at its head.

“By what method…? A magic bullet of causal reversal? Erasing the timeline? Speed beyond cognitive ability? How, how? Where is the process?”

The alien devil, the devil from outside the earth, was trembling in fear.

Confused, it placed its hand over the gaping hole in its chest, tracing the path the bullet took.

“How, how? Ah, ugh, aaah…!”


One of the nearby avatars begins to melt from the head down.

Whether it’s brain overload or the brain melting down, Gyo Berris’ avatar slowly melted like slime due to the excessive thought process.

“A, a magic bullet shooter…? A contract with a devil…? Not Samael but Jamiel…? According to my information, the seventh bullet flies not at me but towards the lover…?”

It searched for information regarding the magic bullet shooter.

Based on all the information in its head, it tried to gather information related to the magic bullet shooter and the process by which it was attacked.


It should just ignore it, just think simply, but it couldn’t.

This intelligent demon, which stole and made its own the opponent’s attacks, abilities, and history, must find out.

It needed to know who the vicious author was, the one who sprinkled NTR in pure love stories, and it needed to know how the magic bullet pierced it.

“Uh, ugh, aaah!!”

Gyo Berris’ avatars started screaming.

With hysterical wails, blades emerged from both hands like the claws of a werewolf and started charging towards us.


It began to claw at the golden sphere in all directions, and the sight of it, like a specially developed zombie horde attacking, sent chills down my spine for a moment.

[It’s okay. We can hold out as long as needed.]

Yumir infused more magic power into the protective shield, as if to reassure me.

[Let’s see how things go for now?]

[No. Time is not on our side.]

Going for a prolonged ground battle was one way, but if we did that, the barrier Gunggi had set up would disappear.

[If it seems we can’t gather information here, it will surely flee elsewhere to find it.]

Whether it’s a book, a history book, or the internet, it would surely leave to search for information about this ability.

[We’re seeing effects. Look at that.]


Gyo Berris’ head, which was swinging its claws, melted.

Even while attacking us, it used its avatar’s brain to read the trajectory of the seventh magic bullet that hit it and to analyze the ability, causing the avatars’ brains to melt now.

“Uh, ugh, aaah…! How, how did you do it!! Answer me!!”

[Want to know?]

Between the avatars wildly swinging their claw blades, Gyo Berris, kneeling, nods blankly.

[Then, watch carefully.]

I tapped the ground with the goblin bat, which had turned into a rifle, changing its form.


The magazine had six holes.

[Six Pistols.]

As I pulled the trigger forward, the first bullet was fired forward.

Timed perfectly with Yumir creating a hole, the first bullet flew straight and pierced the avatar.

Bang, bang, bang.

I continuously pulled the trigger.

The second bullet pierced the avatar behind it, and the following magic bullets spiraled towards Gyo Berris.

[The sixth.]

Before shooting the sixth bullet, I slightly turned my body and swung the gun sideways.


An avatar threw itself forward to block the bullet flying into the hole, but the magic bullet curved like a curveball, bypassing the avatar.

Curving bullet.

Its trajectory curved like a crescent moon and accurately pierced Gyo Berris’ shoulder.

“…Ah, hahaha!!”

Gyo Berris started to laugh.

Simultaneously, the hands of the avatars began to fall off, and soon, from the severed hand stumps of the avatars, gun barrels protruded.

“A bullet that ignores the laws of physics, amazingーー! It’s an unbelievable ability you’d see in a movie!”


The magic bullet struck the protective shield.

Not flying in a straight line or spiral trajectory, but shooting magic bullets at me that curved just like the trajectory I shot.

[Wow, insane…!]

Yumir muttered a short curse.

My magic bullet was impressive, but to see it once, get hit by it, instantly figure it out, and replicate it exactly was truly a masterpiece.

Even I was envious.

I had seen various abilities through many media, but Gyo Berris’ ability to analyze and copy abilities was truly terrifying.

‘The most troublesome demon.’

For an ability user, having their skills copied means revealing their true capabilities.

If we lost Gyo Berris here, it would escape with not just one but three abilities: Dragon Killer, Six Pistols, and Curving Magic Bullet.

The more abilities a being possessed, the harder it was to capture Gyo Berris.

It’s fitting for a boss that might appear in the second part of the original series.

Duoexini with its super-speed movement and regeneration was similar, but its ability was sufficiently otherworldly to be called an alien devil.


[The last one. Jamiel’s magic bullet.]

Though all six magic bullets in the magazine were fired forward, I pulled the trigger with a chant.


With the firing sound, red blood splattered.


The magic bullet precisely pierced the empty heart again.

Since it had already been pierced once, it didn’t cause a large blood splatter, but the blood flowing inside the hole sprayed backward.

“How…? It didn’t even curve…?”

[Do you want to know the answer?]

Gyo Berris nodded again.

I pulled out the magazine from the revolver and shrugged lightly, keeping only my thumb on the trigger.

[I won’t give you the answer you want.]


If it was painful not knowing the ability, now it’s time to raise the stress and cause brain overload.

[Can’t handle something this simple?]

“This, this…!”

[I’ll show you once more. Platinum Sun, join me this time.]


I approached Yumir from behind and extended my gun forward from behind her.

[Hold it.]

[Do I infuse it with my magic power?]



Golden magic power began to shine in the magazine.

Yumir aimed the gun forward with a grip learned at the academy, and I supported her from behind, extending my hand forward.

[First magic bullet.]

As Yumir pulled the trigger, a golden laser shot forward, blowing away all the avatars in front of us.

“A magic concentration bullet…! This is absurd…!”

[It’s just overwhelming power.]

Surely, if my previous attacks were just the firepower of a pistol.

Yumir’s attack was simply a beam cannon.

[Second magic bullet.]

Yumir slowly twisted her foot to the side, and I moved my body in sync with her step.


The light of magic power emanating from the muzzle rushed forward like a laser beam.

The beam ground down the avatars’ necks like a blade, and Gyo Berris’ avatars were shredded by the golden blade without even having time to melt.

“Ha, haha….”

With just two pulls of the trigger, and after making one circle, all the avatars on the rooftop were destroyed.


The remnants of the avatars, destroyed by my magic bullets, begin to gather towards Gyo Berris.

It seemed like the original body was absorbing what it had proliferated, and the original body slowly rose, beginning to fill the wind hole in its chest with flesh.


[Three, four, five, six.]

Golden magic bullets precisely hit its limbs.

The magic bullets, spinning like circular saw blades as they exited the muzzle, rushed towards Gyo Berris.

[Origin Slash. Well, how is it?]

[Next time, rather than using a gun, it might be better to create and throw them by hand.]


Blasting away both arms and legs, the golden glow on the severed surfaces prevented Gyo Berris from regenerating.


Gyo Berris’ body collapses to the ground.

Even as a mannequin with severed limbs, Gyo Berris was still muttering something.

“Monomolecular Cutter….”

[Wow. To figure it out right after getting hit. Truly scary. Then.]


[What do you think about the seventh bullet?]


Yumir half-pulled the last trigger.

Together with Yumir, I placed my index finger on the trigger and pulled it in sync with the signal she sent by pressing against me.


Once again, the bullet pierced the heart in the exact same spot.

Gyo Berris, hit by the seventh magic bullet, spewed blood from its mouth and dropped its head to the side.



Yumir deactivates the protective shield.

Lowering the gun flowing with the magic power’s glow, she leisurely nodded while embracing me.

[Do you still not understand…?]


[Such a simple principle.]

There was no process.

As I said before.

The deadly magic bullet only left the result of killing the opponent by ‘omitting the process.’

Thinking about the process would only give you a headache.

In fact.

Yumir didn’t know.

I didn’t know either.

There’s only the result.

To speculate.

If this ability was ‘made possible,’ perhaps it’s the will of a god in this world.

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