Chapter 870 - 870: A Stipulation

Seeing an angel cry was as infectious as it was hard to watch.

As Uriel wept silently, the faction of similarly emotionally susceptible pigeons also became misty-eyed.

Lailah remained unmoved.

“Please, hold your tears until after our enemy is dead. Mourn when those we’ve lost have already been avenged, not before.” she said coolly.

Uriel sniffled and dried both of her eyes of tears. Lailah waited to see how and if she would be able to pull herself together beforethe meeting actually continued.

“Lucifer and Michael were among the greatest warriors that I have ever known.” Izanagi slicked back his dark hair. “How is it that a child was able to defeat them moments after its birth?”

Lailah gestured to the gathered sun gods. “My guess? The same way that he was able to butcher all of them.”

Everyone here turned to glance at the sun deities with some measure of shock.

Even though sun deities don’t necessarily have as big of a role for humans anymore, the same isn’t true for divine immortals.

There are several regions that rely on their respective bundles of sunshine to bring them daylight.

And just yesterday, when they bit the dust with no warning, several of the realms they provided light to saw an early nightfall.

Though the sunlight returned a few minutes later, the event undeniably left a lasting impression in the minds of many.

Hemera, Nyx’s estranged daughter, held her arms as she suppressed a shiver.

“That monster was… horrible.” She said breathlessly. “We felt it battling Prince Apophis on the sun, so we engaged it as quickly as we could… We didn’t heed his warnings to stay back when he gave them.”

“And…?” Kronos leaned forward.

Hemera swallowed dryly. “We attacked him with the strongest of our divine powers, hoping to purge him from our sight immediately, but…”

“But what??” Izanagi asked impatiently.

“She doesn’t remember, you impatient simpleton.” Lailah hissed. “Almost all of them died before they even knew what was happening.”

The sun gods looked like kicked dogs. Some embarrassed and others furious.

“The enemy has the ability to counter, reverse, and amplify any attack that uses divine power. Since they struck him with the intent to kill, he reflected it, and most everyone you see here lost their lives before they could blink.”

Izanagi clenched his fists under the table. “And my daughter..? Is the reason she is not here because she fell for this vile trick as well?”

Before Lailah could say that she wished that were the case and make things exponentially worse, Nubia answered first.

“Your daughter is at our home resting. She suffered grievous injury, but luckily, she is quite the capable fighter. She’s just fine now.”

Izanagi seemed partially relieved. As did the other Shinto deities who were present.

“I demand to see her.” he said resolutly.

“And you will, but-“

“Making demands of us now? Hilarious.” Lailah hissed back.

“I’ve no more desire to have your daughter in my home than you desire her to be there, but because my son deigned to bring her, she will stay as long as she needs.

You are welcome to demand an invitation if you like, but I fear it will come at the cost of your hands and feet.”

“Mom..!” Nubia whispered.

Lailah clicked her teeth in annoyance and turned her head in the opposite direction. Nubia sighed and could not help but feel that Mira had received a lot more of her personality from Lailah than any of the family had originally anticipated.

“Unimportant.” Lailah rubbed her brow as she continued. “After arriving at the sun myself, my sisters and I were able to dispatch the aggressor with minimum difficulty.”

If the gods here knew that ‘minimum difficulty’ meant pausing and ripping away the entire universe to revert it back to a blank slate, they might’ve fallen over dead already.

“If the enemy has already been bested, then why have you called us here, Empress?” Hades asked.

“Because once again, Lillian did not feel death grip our enemy. Our son revealed that he displayed the ability to create clones when parts of his body were severed. We can only assume that what he sent was one of these duplicates.”

Several deities shuffled around in their seats uncomfortably.

If a clone was so powerful that it could kill multiple primordial gods at once, then many of them would be sitting ducks.

And since the Anti-Christ could absorb the power of the divine beings he killed, he would likely grow stronger and stronger with no limit.

“I’m glad you all seem to understand the severity of this situation.” Lailah leaned forward. “It will make this all that much simpler.”

Lailah snapped her fingers, and another portal opened up in front of the sun deities.

A man stepped through who literally seemed larger than life.

He was well over eight feet tall, with a body that was stacked with muscles on top of even more muscles.

His skin was an enchanting dark gold color, and when he smiled, it was revealed that his teeth were as well.

He had a full, yet neatly trimmed black beard that imbued many a goddess with the need to sit upon his lap.

Without a doubt, the man was more handsome than Adonis. More brawny than any war god. And as imposing as a great red-wood tree.

He captured the hearts of many admirers before even uttering a single word.

“This is Darius Gazel. He is Grand General to the Gold Legion. Chief Armor-Master to the entirety of the Bright Legions. And for the first time in Tehom’s recorded history… he is going to be the one to help arm and outfit all of you.”

Every jaw in the colosseum dropped collectively.

“I’m sorry…” Shiva used all four of his hands to clean out his ears before continuing. “Do you mean to say that you intend to give the entirety of the divine realms weapons and armor from Tehom?”

“I do.” Lailah created a small cup of coffee for herself and her daughter. She leaned back in her chair as she started to take a sip. “I’m glad the eons haven’t stripped you of your quick wit, old friend.”

Shiva, who was reasonably familiar with every member of Tehom’s royal family, had absolutely no idea what to make of this.

Tehom doesn’t just give away what they have. Be it magical knowledge, alchemy secrets, media, culture, and most certainly not weaponry.

It’s why events like before, where the gods were invited to Tehom to celebrate the birth of Odessa, were rare opportunities that were instantly seized upon.

Dionysus had been clamoring to get another bottle of Abyssal wine for centuries. Yet Abaddon and Ayaana wouldn’t spare the drunkard a single glass.

Yet now, he was going to put a sword in even his hand?

“Well… not the entirety of the divine realms.” Lailah suddenly said.

The gods suddenly felt that the other shoe was about to drop.

Lailah slowly turned her head towards Kronos, who had been relatively silent the past couple of minutes.

He looked to both his sides and then over his shoulder.


“Step down.”

“I’m already sitting down…?”

“I can see that. I said step down.” Lailah repeated.

The tension in the air practically quadrupled.

Kronos seemed to require a moment to get the full gist of exactly what he was being asked, but once he did, there was no going back.

“What is the meaning of this!?” His voice boomed.

Lailah put down her cup as she folded her hands over her lap.

“It’s really quite simple. Tehom takes allocation of it’s relics, resources, and aide rather seriously. You can understand why we wouldn’t want to give them to anyone who might be compromised, so to speak.”


“Yes, yes. Technically, it goes beyond my authority to force you to step down or anything like that, but as long as you are at the head of the Greek faction, I will see to it that not even a single protective cup falls into the hands of the Greeks.”

“Vile woman!” Kronos stood up.

Kirina and Jasmine started to draw their swords, but Lailah just held up her hand to stop them.

“You’ve been peering into the lives of your alternates, haven’t you? You’re degrading at a far faster speed now than you were just a short while ago.”

Several primordial gods instantly understood. However, Zeus and his brother didn’t get a thing.

“Father, what is she-” Zeus began.


Kronos swung his left arm like a battering ram and crushed his son’s side so dramatically that he bent his body inward until he resembled a plastic straw.

Zeus went flying like a bullet out of a gun. He struck the nearest wall so hard that his head cracked open like a runny egg.

Cries of surprise came from the stand full of white winged angels. Everyone else seemed surprisingly unmoved by the sudden show of violence.

Kronos whirled around and pointed a thick finger at Lailah.

“I know EXACTLY what this is! You fear me and my power! You know that you could not dare to hand me one of your great weapons for fear that it might make me GREATER THAN YOU!”

The roar of Kronos’ voice caused the entire table to turn brittle and crumble. Some of it even got on Nubia’s nice designer pants… She could’ve cried.

Lailah seemed unmoved by Kronos’ attempt at degradation. No, saying she felt unmoved didn’t quite cover it.

Rather, she found it to be one of the funniest things she’d ever heard.

She laughed in a purring, refined sort of manner that Abaddon and the others found most precious.

But to everyone else, her laughter was terribly chilling.

“Greater than me, huh? You’re worse off than I tho-“

“Forgive me, my empress…”

Kirina stepped forward, already drawing her egregiously long sword from its sheath.

“I will submit myself to any act of punishment you decide for me later, but I must see to it that this man no longer draws breath after the sun sets on this day!”

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