Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 81: In the Shade of the Forest

Chapter 81: In the Shade of the Forest


When they were finally alone, he looked around in every direction and scented the air, noting the wind direction, then darted off the trail, pulling her behind him.

"Reth, what—?"

"I missed you," he said, rough and hurried, as he pulled her into the space behind one of the massive, grandfather trees of the forest. Its trunk was so wide, he and Behryn could have stood side by side behind it and no one would have seen them. And because of its massive root-structure, there was a clear space for several feet around it. Hemmed in by the bushes and trees nearby, it was like being in a private little alcove.

"I missed you, too, but—oh! Oh what a lovely spot!" Elia said as she pushed through the underbrush to see where he'd brought her. He turned to catch her eye and she broke from scanning the little clearing to blinking at him. Then she smiled.

Without another word he turned her so her back was to the tree, braced himself on with one arm so he could lean in over her, and kissed her, slow and tantalizing, letting his teeth draw out her lower lip, before taking her mouth again.

She was taken by surprise, but caught up quickly, her eyes sparkling as she threw her arms around his neck and pulled him in.

"Hello," he whispered against her lips a minute later, then dove in for another kiss. He didn't pull away again until her breath had quickened and it took her a moment to open her eyes.

"Hi," she said breathlessly. "How did your meeting go?"

He drew a finger along her jaw, then down her neck, pushing aside the collar of her shirt so he could see her shoulder. "Do you really want to know about my meeting?" His voice was little more than a rasp.

"Not really," she said and dropped her head to the side to give him better access.

He groaned as he placed his mouth on that beautiful, soft skin where her shoulder met her neck, and sucked.

Her breath caught and her hand came up to cup his neck and hold him in, her body arching against him as his other hand trailed down her side to cup her bottom.

She landed a kiss at the base of his throat, then took one naughty hand down to slide up his leathered thigh, and higher, cupping him through his pants.

This suddenly wasn't just a kiss, and Reth ached to take her. He whispered her name and pressed her back, into the tree, plastering himself against her. And she murmured his name too, her eyes closed and her breath coming quickly.

But they were so close to people—there were children out there! He wanted to growl in frustration—and he wanted her to touch him again.

With a warm purr in his throat, he took her mouth again, cupping her neck, his thumb trailing the line of her soft throat. His other hand slid down the back of her thigh and pulled her leg up, hooking her knee over his hip so he could grind into her. And she responded like he'd lit a fire in her. He gasped as she pulled him in, delighted that his mate—his true mate—seemed to want him as much as he wanted her.

"Elia…" he groaned, but he couldn't find the words to express to her what a joy she was. So he kissed her again.

The slide of her tongue was so erotic, he almost gave in. He almost did it. He almost took her right there and to hell with the kids if they caught wind of what was going on. He could hear her blood pulsing in time with her rapid heartbeat, smell the desire rising in her and he shuddered when she rolled her hips against him.

But he knew… he knew she'd be embarrassed if they were caught—or someone commented on the scent. He knew she'd already felt small because he'd kissed her so openly then discussed it with the other females. He's seen it in her face. It was a sharp reminder of how differently they'd grown into adulthood, and how easily he'd be able to harm her without thinking.

He had to step softly with her. Let her find her balance in their world.

So, with a reluctant groan, he let his head drop to her shoulder, rolling his hips one more time, and inhaling her scent when she gasped. But he slowed the pace, then combed her hair back from her face with his fingers and pulled away far enough to meet her gaze.

She had her head rested back against the tree, and she looked at him through half-hooded eyes, her lips puffy from the kisses. Reth had to drop her leg and force himself to focus on her face, not on the invitation she was giving with her eyes.

"Do we have to go to the feast?" She said finally, tracing a finger down his chest that made him shudder and almost grab her again. "Couldn't we just go back to the cave and… cuddle?"

He cleared his throat. "As tempting as that is," he croaked, "it might end in the people actually dragging us out. They've been waiting a week for this already."

Her eyes clouded and he cupped her face again, worried. "Hey, hey, I was joking. I just meant… I really think we should go."

"I know," she sighed. "I just… I feel like I'm constantly on the back foot here. Like all it will take is the wrong word or the wrong decision and this will all disappear."

"I'm not disappearing, Elia," he said, stroking her cheek with his thumb. "Ever."

She sighed and he waited, but she didn't look up. Just continued to watch her own hand stroke his chest. Following that thought process was going to set him off again, so he made himself focus. "Are you okay?" he asked, his voice husky, and even deeper than normal.

"Mostly," she said, putting a hand to his cheek and letting her fingers curl into him in a way he was coming to adore. "The women… they're teaching me. I need that. I know I do. I just…"

"Can I help?"

She stared at him for a moment, then shook her head. "I think I need to find my way with this one," she said. "But I do enjoy these little breaks. Can we take another one soon?" And she smiled.

Reth growled and kissed her again and she laughed into his mouth.

It was the sweetest thing he'd ever tasted.

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