Chapter 80: The King and His Queen


When he'd finally finished with Behryn and the others, Reth raced back to the city to find Elia. But he'd seen her nowhere in the Markets or square, and she wasn't back at their cave when he checked with the guards who waited at the trail head, to escort her if she went that way. He was told by them that she'd been taken by the women's council and they'd been told in no uncertain terms that they were not to be anywhere near Aymora's cave.

Reth knew the risk to Elia was much less now that they'd mated, but his skin still itched with anxiety as he ran for Aymora's cave, praying to the Creator they hadn't taken her deeper in the forest. He was yearning to see her and make sure she was okay. And he still didn't feel comfortable about her wandering around without guards. But on his way back, he caught sight of her in the stalls with three of the females from the Women's Council.

They stood in front of one of the clothing stalls, obviously trying to find something for Elia to wear to the feast.

Elia was smiling, her cheeks pink, and her hair beginning to fall out of the braid she'd twisted it into that morning, so it drifted around her face in neck in loose curls.

Aymora pointed something out on one of the dresses the merchant held, and Elia laughed, then touched the fabric and her eyes went wide. The merchant spoke to her, but she was like a child in her delight, mouth open, urging the others to touch it.

Reth hung back, watching them from behind a tree.

She was so beautiful, and so sweet. Something about her was as pure as the title she'd been given for the Rite, though he knew she also possessed the heat of passion.

His mind flashed on the night before…The way she sighed and clawed her fingers into his hair, kissing him, desperate. The feel of her skin when he cupped her thigh, then dragged his hand slowly up her leg. The delicious temptation of skin on skin when he rolled against her, seeking that perfect slide that had made her gasp.

The mating huff sang out of his throat before he could yank it back, and every male Anima in the area went still, turning to watch him warily, head down and shoulders rolled forward.

Fuck. Now he had to act like he'd done it on purpose. With a rolling growl of dominance he stalked into the open. All the males slunk away, or kept their eyes down, while the females watched with great interest—or jealousy.

Elia hadn't noticed his huff, but she'd seen her companions shift their attention. She looked around, trying to find what had captured everyone, then her eyes landed on him, and widened—followed by a beaming smile that made his heart race.

She watched him for two or three rolling steps before she bit her lip and her scent took on a whole new quality that perked the ears of every male in the area.

Suddenly very aware of her, and of the males near her, Reth snarled and had to stop himself from yanking her into his side in a show of possessiveness he knew in his head was unnecessary, but his instincts were alight.

Well, there was more than one way to demonstrate to any male watching that she belonged to him.

Strolling up to her easily, he ignored Aymora's eye-roll and slid his hand to her waist as he joined her at the stall.

"Good morning," he said, more breathlessly than he'd intended.

"I think you mean good afternoon," she said, smiling. But her eyes widened as he pulled her into his chest, bending her backwards over his arms and kissed her soundly.

The children nearby screamed and laughed, calling out to their mothers and friends that THE KING WAS KISSING THE QUEEN!

As he straightened from the kiss and pulled her back upright, Elia blushed, but he just nipped her ear then stroked the goosebumps that appeared on her arm, huffing his pleasure at how she responded to him.

"Reth, stop!" she whispered, but through a smile.

Aymora muttered something about alpha-male bullshit, and some of the others from the council tittered, but he didn't care.

What he cared about was that any males that were close smell the way his wife and mate blossomed in his arms. He cared that they smelled the sheer dominance in him—the unbending certainty he had that she was his. And he cared that they pay special attention to the warning in him.

He would not accept any violation of her, or her space.

She was his.

The Creator knew, he'd been hers all along, so it was only fair.

"Lovesick, fool," Aymora whispered from behind him. He turned to give her disapproving snort, but she was beaming at him too.

Females were strange.

"I don't mean to interrupt your preparations, wife—" Aymora snorted from behind him, but he ignored it, "—but there's something pressing that I need to discuss with you. Just for a little while. Could I steal you from the ladies for half an hour?"

"I'm certain you don't need more than fifteen minutes for your pressing business, Reth," Aymora said, dryly, and loudly enough for anyone to hear. Several of the women howled at that.

He cut her a withering glance. "Then you don't know your King very well," he said, his voice deep and buttery.

"Oo hoooo!" The ladies liked that, and he winked at her when she shook her head, throwing up her hands in defeat.

"Fine, fine. Take your mate. She needs food, though, so don't bring her back until you've fed her after your… business."

Elia looked back and forth between them, her cheeks reddening more with every word. Reth was troubled to scent some fear and embarrassment on her and gave her a quick, measuring look—was she okay? Had something happened? But she was looking at Aymora.

So he clasped their hands and led her away, calling back and waving to any of the people that cheered or greeted him as they passed. Some of the children ran along the path with them until they were called back by their parents, but Reth just kept leading her deeper into the forest.

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