Chapter 136: Overbearing


Jak wasn't okay. Jak was nowhere to be found—and Jak was not an Anima to abandon his post. One of their best trackers scented equine blood in the dirt only feet from the trail, and closer to the city than the cave, though there was no sign of Jak, a body, or how he had been removed from the spot, alive or dead.

Reth almost crawled out of his skin when he found out that Elia had walked more than halfway from the Tree City, unattended, and after a likely assault occurred just feet from her. He brought the guards in and roared at them until Behryn arrived to calm him down.

Between them they developed a new guard routine for Elia. She would no longer be considered safe when in the city. There would be at least one guard following her at all times, and multiple when outside the city itself.

Elia groaned and claimed he'd become overbearingly protective. "I can't have you or some guard hanging over my shoulder every second of the day, I have work to do! And the people are only just starting to see me as someone capable! You put babysitters on me all day and we'll lose the progress we've made!"

He didn't apologize for it, though. A little disapproval from the people over Elia's ability to defend herself was a small price to pay to stop the next disappearance being hers.

She definitely glared a lot. But to her credit, she made those challenges to him when they were with Behryn and the guards at the cave. She made no mention of her concerns when the people were watching. And he loved her for it. Even if she did continue to mutter things about alpha-male bullshit every time he was in earshot.

She was spending too much time with Aymora, in his opinion.

Reth huffed. He'd just have to remind her why she loved her alpha-male when they were alone in the cave that night.

He sighed and mentally scratched his plan to take her into the meadow that night. The brothers had started teasing him that mating him had him castrated—their nights at home starting earlier and earlier as the summer drew to a close. He'd accept the teasing with a smug smile.

Their accusation couldn't be further from the truth. Outside, under the stars had been next on her list, and he'd planned to surprise her. But he couldn't put the guards through that—and it defeated the purpose anyway. Elia wanted to be outside with him alone. Truly alone.

Reth scrubbed the scruff on his jaw. Could they risk the waterfall clearing with no guards? Should they? He would have to give it some thought.

"Reth? Are you listening?" Behryn said from the other side of the security council table.

Reth blinked. "Sorry, friends. I am… distracted. Can you repeat that last part."

"I said, Jak isn't the only thing to have disappeared," Brant said, eyeing Reth with a small smile, like he knew what his King was distracted by. But the smile faded quickly. "There have been reports of food, clothing, and various pieces of equipment going missing from the merchants."

"Theft?" Reth gaped. "Are you certain?"

Brant nodded, his lined cheeks sucking in. "I ignored the first two reports of food, because some the latest crop of males from the packs and the pride had reached age. I seem to remember others struggle to fill the holes in their bellies at that stage?"

"Not just their own holes," Lerrin quipped, and the men all laughed.

Reth smiled, but his heart was uneasy. Not because of Lerrin—the man had been a calm and useful member of the council since the night Reth had challenged Lucan.

Lucan hadn't been back, sending his mate's brother in his place, something that would need to be addressed. But until there was evidence the wolves were involved in this latest disappearance, Reth would not create conflict with them. He would instruct Behryn to be watching for wolf involvement, though. He had not forgotten the events around Elia's arrival.

Brant cleared his throat and continued. "But we're starting to see a pattern of things disappearing—always resources. Even the clothing that's being taken is functional. This isn't a group of kids going through a rebellious streak. This is an intentional and directed collection of goods."

"To what purpose?" Reth growled.

"My guess would be either people preparing to leave the Tree City and your protection, or a group or family aren't being provided for and are too scared to admit it. My money's on the defectors."

Reth nodded. If a family were being neglected over months, there would have been some indication. Their scents alone…

"So, we have people preparing to leave us." Though rare, it wasn't unheard of for Anima to leave one clan and join another. But to plan to leave in secret, and to steal in order to provide for it… "There has to be limited groups that would desire this. What do you know of your peoples—who is aware of disaffected ranks within their tribe?"

Every man at the table turned to look at Lerrin.

His lips went thin, and the flash of anger in his eyes wasn't lost on Reth. "Unless some of the youths are feeling the call to make their own pack, the wolves are not planning a defection," he growled. "We've done everything you asked, Reth. I don't appreciate the suspicion."

"I agree," Reth conceded, "you have brought your people under control, and I appreciate it. But you must see—predators are far more likely to defect, and with the Pride in power, it seems very unlikely that any of our tribe are dissatisfied. The wolves are the most likely candidates, whether there had been problems before, or not."

Lerrin nodded tightly. "I will do some investigating," he said reluctantly. "But also, consider the bears, or some of the other highlanders. They had a cold spring, and it's their time to prepare to hibernate. I know we spoke about their issues this year. Other independent groups could also be on the move. It could be we have an intruder?"

Reth scratched his scruff again. It seemed unlikely that bears had made it into the City without being scented, but stranger things had happened. It couldn't be dismissed. "Behryn, he's right. Let's explore that possibility as well. And until we have more information, let's set up nightly patrols focused in the trade centers. But… not too blindly focused."

As Behryn nodded and the men broke up, Reth stayed in his seat, his mind turning over all that was happening. Was Jak's disappearance linked to the thefts? It seemed likely but they couldn't be sure, and his father had told him, more than once, to assume anything was to blind oneself to reality.

Reth sighed, and got up from his chair, catching Behryn's eye. This needed further examination. All of it.

And Elia needed to be protected, regardless.


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