Chapter 135: Uneasy


She'd met with her Cohorts to work on last minute details for the Festival of Hearts. The three of them were very comfortable together now, and when they gathered at Candace's or at Aymora's, as they were that evening, it felt to Elia like getting together with her friends from college—comfort, laughter, and sometimes the need for help. They were becoming a true unit, and she was so glad she'd trusted her instincts. Even if Gahrye's maleness created occasionally awkward conversations.

As they finished up that night it was late. They'd come back together after dinner because time was getting short, and since Reth had a meeting, she'd decided to use the hours productively.

The air was chilly and the lanterns lit when they finally left Aymora's cave. The nights were darker, earlier now, and Elia had a beautiful wool shrug one of the Sheep had given her when the season changed. She wore it every day, which made the woman smile.

Pulling it tighter around her shoulders as she, Candace, and Gahrye stepped into the night, she shivered. "What's winter going to be like if the air already has this bite?" she said through a jaw tense with cold.

"Winter is a time for nights next to the fire and fixing and mending and… whatever else you and your mate want to do," Candace said with a wink.

Gahrye groaned. "Please don't get her started."

"What? I do not talk about… those things."

"You don't have to," they both said, then laughed together.

Elia humphed. It wasn't her fault that the Anima scented everything and could always tell when she'd caught Reth on a warm afternoon, or they'd snuck up to the hillside clearing. Something they didn't do nearly often enough, in her opinion.

She wanted to try climbing the ladder herself now that she was stronger. She wondered if she could do it.

She and her friends continued to chat for the walk back to the Tree City, then Candace and Gahrye both bid her goodnight near the market and headed for their own homes.

She knew the Guards were likely following her already—they never seemed to believe her when she said she didn't need them anymore—but they'd remained hidden, so she made the most of at least feeling like she was walking alone.

Anima was beautiful all the time, but it was particularly lovely by moonlight. Something she had yet to explore with Reth. It was on the list, though.

He was still balking at having her out in the forest without guards, which drove her crazy. She wanted out of that damned cave with Reth! Not that she could complain. It wasn't like they were bored. Even that last evening—

Something rustled in the bushes off to her right and she turned, distracted. "You're losing your touch, Jak," she said, knowing the positions the guards usually took when following her. "Even I can hear you tonight."

There was a slight snigger in the dark, that she guessed was one of the other guards teasing him, so Elia shrugged it off and continued down the path.

She didn't hear anything else for the trip, and when she broke out of the path in the trees and into the meadow at the cave where the other guards were, she looked over her shoulder, waiting for Jak to emerge from the trees nearby. She wanted to tease him in front of the others. But when she was thirty feet into the clearing, he still hadn't appeared, so she turned and stared into the forest.

One of the others came to join her. "Is there a problem?" the tall equine asked quietly, also staring at the forest.

"Who was on duty tonight, following me from Aymora's?" she whispered back, having learned to keep her voice below the noise of the night.


"That's what I thought. I heard something a few minutes ago, but he didn't answer when I spoke. I thought it was because I teased him. But… where is he?"

"What did you hear?" the guard asked, his hand going to his spear.

"Just a rustling, a small noise. And… a laugh, I think."

The man stared at her a moment, then turned with a quick, sharp whistle, and made a gesture above his head. A moment later, one of the others was at his side.

"Survey the north side of the trail from here to the city. You're looking for Jak. Make sure he hasn't hurt himself, or… just find him."

The guard nodded and loped off, Elia's heart in her throat, watching him.

"Sire, you should go inside," the guard said. "His Majesty is inside already and will watch over you while we figure this out."

"But… I want to make sure Jak is okay!"

"And I need to make sure that you're safe before I can go make further arrangements for Jak. Please, Elia?" he said softly.

She pressed her lips together, but turned for the cave opening, to find Reth standing at the door, staring, his broad shoulders framed by the lantern light behind him.

When they made it to him, he pulled Elia into his side as he asked the guard, "What's wrong?"

"Jak hasn't returned with Elia, and she heard a disturbance near the path."

"It's probably nothing," she said quickly when Reth's eyes flashed.

"I'll take her in, you report to me as soon as you know anything," Reth said, his voice too low.

The Guard saluted with his fist to his chest, then turned on his heel and ran into the forest. The others, still in the meadow, spread out so they were evenly spaced across the open area.

"I don't like this," Reth muttered so only Elia would hear him.

"It can't be the wolves. If they'd taken him out to get to get me, they had more than enough chance to hurt me. I heard that noise just outside the city. But no one came for me. It's got to be something else."

Reth didn't agree, or argue, just bundled her inside. "I guess we're going to find out," is all he said, then turned to drop a quick kiss on her lips. "Thank the Creator you made it home safely."

She put a hand to his neck and didn't let him pull away. "And once we know Jak's okay, I wanted you to know I had another idea for the list."

Reth purred and ushered her into the house quickly.


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