Disciple of Immortal

Act 2: Chapter 58: Immortal’s Report(Side: Lunaire)

Act 2: Chapter 58: Immortal's Report(Side: Lunaire)

After parting ways with Kanata, Lunaire had another meeting with Noble Mimic who had been left behind in the abandoned church at the outskirts of Manarak.

Since her hades’ impurity would cause chaos if she entered the city as she was, Lunaire had equipped her 《Impurity Sealer’s Robe》 again before she entered the city.

After that, she started telling Noble Mimic about the story of Kanata subjugating the demon king, Mother.

「Kanata looked really serious when he told me 『No matter what you do, I absolutely can’t bring myself to hate you, Lunaire-san』… W-What a troubling man. F-For him to say such a remark out of nowhere. I mean, even back then, when I chased him out of 《Cocytus》…」

Noble Mimic just listened quietly, its lid was shut tightly.

Normally, it’d throw in appropriate responses from time to time, but it currently was a silent treasure chest.

「… Do you hear me, Noble?」

「I kNow JuSt HoW FonDly You SpokE of HIm. I Don’T THiNK I Will BE ABle To HEar SometHIng InteResTing EveN If I AsK fOr DetAILs.」

「So Noble doesn’t want to ask, eh. Well it’s only natural since I kept talking about Kanata. I guess you’ve had enough of hearing about him from me.」

Lunaire folded her arms as she spoke to Noble with a pout.

「… BeCAUse That’S NoT WHAt I WanT To KnOw. WHaT I wANTed To KnoW IS WHy, YOu RaN AwAY FrOM HiM AGaIn?」


Lunaire looked down upon hearing that question.

「D-Don’t you think that it’s good enough? I mean, I managed to accomplish the main mission. You were also really excited…」


「At least, the situation is changing for better right? What are you being dissatisfied for?」

「… ThEn WhaT ArE YoU GoinG To TeLL HiM WheN YOu MEeT hiM AgAin? Aren’T YoU LItERaLLy PuttING ShaCKels On YOurSelF wheN You ReuNItEd WitH him aND thEn EsCAped ThiS TIMe?」

Lunaire’s eyes blinked upon hearing so.

「… Come to think of it, I did tell him that I didn’t know about 《Impurity Sealer’s Robe》 and I also told him that I’ll be going back to 《Cocytus》… A-After that, I got caught up with the flow of conversation and fled…」

「So, ArE We GoinG To GO BACK foR ReaL!?」


「TheN, SHaLL We GeT GoiNG?」

「I-I refuse to leave! I won’t return even if I told him that I’ll return to Cocytus! Moreover, I also told him that I don’t know anything about the black robe! Doesn’t that mean I’ll only be making a fool of myself if I suddenly appeared before him with the black robe!?」

Lunaire was trying desperately to convince Noble Mimic.

Noble Mimic rolled its body to the side, as if giving up on its master’s stubborness.

「ReAlLy Now, TheN TaKE Me WitH YoU NExt Time… MasTer, YOu’Re Not ThE OnlY One WhO MissEd KaNata. I MiSsed HiM Too.」

「No. I’ve no idea what you’re going to say to him after all. You’ll start saying whatever you want since you can’t understand human feelings. What are you going to do if you spill the beans.」

「MaSTeR… Do You ReAllY ThiNk That I… Am Such aN UnreAsoNAble CheSt? EvEn KaNAta Is TeLLinG YoU THAt He WOn’T HaTe YoU No MAttER WHaT, RIghT? TRuSt Me A LIttlE Bt, WILL YA.」

「Indeed… B-But still, this and that are completely different matters!」

Even Noble Mimic was fed up with Lunaire who kept talking on and on about her reunion with Kanata during their so called tactical meeting.

Suddenly, they heard voices from outside of the church.

It seems there was some sort of commotion outside of the church.

「… What happened I wonder? A small riot happening when the demon king incident has yet to die down?」

Even back when Lunaire was still a human, this kind of riot wasn’t a rare event.

Even if the demon king had been defeated, the heavy taxed that were imposed after that or the dissatisfaction from the victims would often cause a riot.

Lunaire even heard that there was a country that got overthrown due to that kind of riot.

The same went in this situation when the large-scale immigration suddenly got cancelled.

It wasn’t that big deal compared to her era, but it wasn’t impossible that some people were dissatisfied with the current situation.

「NopE… theY CamE To CHECK thIS PlAcE.」

「Check this place? Noble, don’t tell me that you’re…」

「It’S, YoUr, SpeLL, MasTeR.」

「… Come to think of it, I guess you’re right.」

Lunaire then shifted her attention to the outside of the church.

Previously, Lunaire almost destroyed the church when she used 《Gravibomb》, thus she restored the church back with 《Object Memory》.

Everything was just fine so far, but because the 《Object memory》 worked far too well, the abandoned church had literally repaired itself till it looked like a newly erected building.

「I’m too naive, I should’ve add some camouflage spell.」

「WeLL, thAT’s What I’M WoRRieD abOUT too… ShaLL We TakE Our LeaVe theN?」

「But, 《Impurity Sealer’s Robe》 is still far from perfect thus making it impossible for us to go to the inn. Though I don’t mind even if we have to stay outside of the city, I think staying in the city will make it far more easier for me to stalk— I mean, watch over Kanata.」

「WAiT A MInUTe, I HeaRd An ExTrEmElY DisTurbINg WoRD JuSt Now.」

「… If I let things go on as they are, I’m afraid that half-elf will do something to MY KANATA.」

「Y-YeS, MaAm.」

Noble could only throw an appropriate reply upon seeing its master, and then it suddenly looked around as if recalling something.

「What’s matter?」

「MaSTEr, WhErE’s ToDaY’S sOUveNIr?」

「… There’s none right?」

Noble heaved a deep sight, obviously feeling really dejected.

「I, EveN PErserveRed WheNeveR MasTer coMPlaINs AnD YeT, TheRe’s No ReWaRd FoR mE At AlL…」

「I-I Know already. I’ll go out in a while to look for something.」

「ThE OnE FrOM BeForE PleASe!」

Previously, Lunaire brought back 《Manarak’s Underground Bean Pie》 for Noble. It seems Noble Mimic was quite fond of its taste.

「… How rare for you to go as far as saying that. Okay, I’ll go to buy that…」

That moment, the front door was opened slowly. Followed by the sound of several footsteps coming toward their direction.

「aH, MasTeR…! ThAt’s….!」

「They’re heading straight toward us. Noble, do your best to act like a normal treasure chest.」


Lunaire then headed toward the innermost part of the church.

Later, five people charged into the room.

The one stood at the front was a tall middle aged man clad in a gaudy robe based on white and red colors.

His head was bald and his body was swelling from being overweight. His face was also swollen.

「What… in the world is this, Priest Dohal…! This place should’ve been abandoned few decades ago and yet…!」


The middle-aged fat man called Priest Dohal shed tears as he fell to his knees.

「God’s… miracle?」

「Yeah! Now let’s not waste our god’s miracle!」

「I see… in short, we have to do something about this, right?」

「Yeah! Let’s spread this news and made an exaggeration of it in order to gather more donations!」

「I… see?」

While his subordinates were still puzzled, Dohal was already looking around at the condition of the church.

His eyes fell on a magnificent-looking treasure chest adorned with precious metals and gems on its lid. He frowned for a moment and then approached the chest.

「Dohal-sama! What are you—!」


「I-I see now… But why did such a treasure chest receive a divine miracle?」


「I see…」

Dohal stretched his fat index finger toward the door of the church.

「Please carry this to my room! Don’t even think of opening it! Greenhorn like you people won’t be able to handle such a powerful curse! I will try to dispel the curse by myself!」

「Yes, leave it to us!」

The two subordinates then lifted the georgeous-looking treasure chest… Noble Mimic.

「Well then, it’s time to end our investigation.」

「… Eh? W-We haven’t even begun the investigation…」

「I have to dispel the curse on that treasure chest and spread the news about the miracle that happened at this church! Things will get interesting… I mean hectic from now on!」

Thus, Dohal and co decided to withdraw.

Lunaire’s face peeked out from the inner room of the church after they left.

Her gaze locked on the “kidnapped” Noble Mimic.

「Well, maybe I can think of a way out of this situation but…」

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