Disciple of Immortal

Act 2: Chapter 57: Saint Fist Pomera

Act 2: Chapter 57: Saint Fist Pomera

The Demon King Mother and her four daughters had already been annihilated. Which meant that there were only a large number of ragno who’d lost their master left, but well, they’re not a big deal after all.

I’m sure that the adventurer’s guild will create a subjugation request to cull their numbers.

The mass migration from Manarak to Polorock had also been postponed.

According to rumors, it seems that the youngest daughter, Lily, who raided Manarak was regarded as the Demon King.

Currently, another adventurer team was dispatched to analyze the trend of the monsters and make sure that there was no other demon king.

Since Mother had already died, the mass migration would be canceled soon.

Naturally, I had no intention of claiming the credit so it was win-win solution for everyone.

If there was something that made me worry… it was the thing that was left behind by Mother.

The jade crystal that was embedded in mother’s abdomen.

It released unpleasant air around it, so I decided to check it out with 《Akashic Record》.


【Abyssal Moon】《Value: Phantasmal》

A crystal ball that is tinged with wicked magical power.

The condensation of the thirteen demon king’s blood, made by a high ranking alchemist.

A portion of the demon king’s soul can be seen wriggling inside the crystal.

It has the power to entice monsters. In addition, it can also cause an explosive growth in a monster when it’s embedded in their body.


The embedded jade crystal… turned out to be something really dangerous.

Maybe I have to check from where Mother got this kind of item.

I mean, from the fact that Mother gained 《Abyssal Moon》, increased her subordinates, and hid deep in the underground, all of it smells really fishy.

Since high-rank alchemy is needed to create 《Abyssal Moon》 , I couldn’t just think of it as something that Mother casually picked up from somewhere.

There was a high possibility that Nyarlhotep was involved in this matter.

I should discuss this matter with Lunaire.

… By the way, since 《Abyssal Moon》 sounds like an extremely dangerous item from its description, I decided to stow it in my dimension pocket to prevent it from being used for another demon king’s scheme.

With this, the demon king riot should be concluded.

Currently, Pomera, Philia and I were holding a small party at a Manarak bar called 《Red Bat Pavillion》 to celebrate the end of this demon king riot.

「Kanata-sha~n, this is too mu~ch!」

Pomera was puffing out her cheeks as she spoke. Her face was flushed red.

The reason for that wasn’t because she was angry.

If I had to blame the culprit, it would be the liquor, yeah, it was its fault.

「Even though you say that you’ll will become the scapegoat for Philia-chan next, you vanished as shoon as you shaaid shoo~! Is that norma~l? Pomera is really surprised you kno~w! Shocked on top of surpri~sed!」

Pomera was putting the blame on me while knocking her glass on the table.

The the apple cider inside the glass spilled over a bit.

「S-Surprised and shocked is the same you know…」

「I know zha~t!」

Pomera was pouting as she placed her chin on the table.

「Pomera seemed to have fun today!」

「What are you talking about, Philia-chan. Pomera is always having fu~n.」

Pomera caught Philia who sat by her side and started tickling the latter.

Though Philia eventually twist her body to escape from Pomera, the former seem to be enjoying it too.

「P-Pomera-san is broken…」

I unintentionally muttered so while looking at the situation.

I’ve seen Pomera in this state twice.

The first time was back when we were in Aarburg when we were visiting 《Hunter Hearth》 who’d offered the service to cook the edible monster meat that we’d brought back.

Her current state resembles her state at that time.

Pomera’s drinking habits were the worst.

But since she didn’t try to strangle my neck this time, her current condition might be much better than before.

I mean, the next day after that, Pomera ended up prostating in front of me.

Though she said something along 『It’s truly a shame of my lifetime… For me to bring so much trouble to Kanata-san. I swear that I won’t drink liquor anymore.』, the person herself seems to have already forgotten about that vow.

Or rather, maybe she had no choice but to drink this time.

「Kanata-sha~n, this apple cider is shoo delicious! The sweet aroma of the fruit, spread in my mouth… with this, I can forget all unpleasant memories!」

「… Forgive me for making you feel bad Pomera-san.」

I bowed my head to Pomera.

「It’s the tru~th… Now, Pomera has no choice but to live with this burden for her entire life. Pomera, Pomera can’t become a bride anymore…」

Pomera drank her apple cider in one go and then slumped on the table.

「T-That’s not true. Pomera-san is adorable after all…」

「If Kanata-san thinks so, please take responsibility and marry Pomera! Please take care of Pomera for life~!」

Pomera spoke while pulling the sleeve of my robe.

「P-Please let me go Pomera-san! Forgive me, it really is my fault for leaving out of nowhere like that!」

「I refusheee, Pomera won’t let you go foreve~r.」

「It really can’t be helped yo know! I mean, everything ended up pretty well… The demon king is defeated and the city is protected.」

「But, bu~t…」

When Pomera was heaving a sigh, an adventurer duo who’d just returned were raising a cheer upon seeing Pomera.

「O-Oi, that person, isn’t she Pomera, the one who defeated the demon king? There’s even a rumor that she one-shot the demon king that not even a group of adventurers and that Kotone of 《Ares Hand》 could defeat!」

「S-Seriously? That dead drunk girl is THAT Pomera?」

I left my seat and patted Pomera on her back.

「G-Get a grip Pomera-san! You’re the center of attention!」

The adventurer duo then walked toward us.

「U-Uhm, Saint Fist Pomera-san!」

Pomera was puffing her cheeks the moment she heard that name.

… Yes, that was Pomera’s new nickname: Saint Fist Pomera.

Though I had no idea whether her new nickname was upgrade or down grade of her previous one, “Saint.”

Philia was the true culprit who conjured those giant hands that smashed Lily, the youngest daughter, to a pulp but the story this time somehow distorted into Pomera beating Lily to pulp with her bare hands.

Pomera seemed to be pissed off by something but that wasn’t something that I could understand unless I asked her.

I mean, one of the reasons might be because Pomera had no choice but to take over those achievements despite her unwillingness since it would be too unnatural for the young and childish Philia to have such an achievement.

After Lily’s incident, the story about Pomera smashing her big cane on Alfred ended up circulating too resulting in everyone recognizing Pomera for her brute strength.

Rumor give birth to another rumor, till the rumors about Pomera were spreading like wildfire till it finally became something along the lines of 『Pomera beat the demon king to death with her bare hands. The spirit she showed that time made her hands look so big.』.

Thus she gained another nickname: Saint Fist Pomera.

「Uhm, I’m your fan please shake my hand, Saint Fist Pomera-san! 」

Pomera then did some sort of shadow boxing.

「Pomera is occupied right now. Please let Pomera to drink with Kanata-sha~n. Pomera’s blazing fist will knock you out if you disturb this moment you kno~w.」


Thus, the adventurer duo left in a hurry.

「Pomera is so cool! Saint Fist Pomera!」

Philia, the culprit behind Pomera’s current situation, happily hugged Pomera’s arm with an innocent smile on her face.

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