Chapter 119 - Potted Plant

"You’re straying off the topic." Xiu Mei pushed him away to put more distance between them. Then she quickly took a chance to slip away by scooting to the side and jumped off the table.

With her back facing him, she continued.

"Then I’ll call the PR team to prepare for the interview. Then I’ll handle the statement for the initial announcement first. I...I’m going to go now." And without even waiting for his response, she quickly escaped from the room without looking back. Though she did hear Lu Chen’s laugh behind her.

She cursed under her breath, annoyed at Lu Chen’s teasing

Aside from the announcement made by the Lu Corporation in confirmation of their ’dating’ relationship, the weekend flew by normally.

"Our sales for the third quarter were 20% higher than last year’s. But with the acquisition of the power plant for our entry in the energy industry, the expenses are doubled."

"The collaboration deal with the international luxury brand, Balencia, have been finalized last week. The MoU will be looked over by the marketing and legal team for final review."

"All preparations have been finalized and double-checked for next week’s Mango fashion line launch. As of now, we’re receiving positive reviews from the fans and we’ll be promoting the limited-edition line in two days."

Lu Chen and his two secretaries sat over the entire meeting for the quarterly reports and updates for the upcoming projects. Listening to the reports and sitting throughout the meeting with seven different departments in one day was stressful.

"Sending only the Marketing Team 3 alone for the negotiation, isn’t that a bit too risky? Their batting average for this year isn’t quite high due to the change in staff. I’d rather send the 1st team, instead." Xiu Mei voiced out her opinion while sipping her tea.

She was looking at the reports and proposals that were submitted by the Marketing team for the project launch and deals they’ve been eyeing on.

"Their batting average may be low but the projects they’ve handled this year was a huge success most especially in terms of ROI if we compare it to the five other teams." Lu Shao inserted who was reading the printed reports.

"But that project deals were all closed by the previous Account Executive and Creative Director who resigned just a short while ago." (Xiu Mei)

"Ah, about that. It seems that the new assistant Director will be handling their team temporarily as his first assignment." (Lu Shao)

"New assistant Director?"

Xiu Mei faintly remembered the strange man she met on the night of the party. He introduced himself as the new assistant director, isn’t it? What was his name ah....?

"...Is his name Albert Chen?"

"Oh, you already know him?"

"Ah... I just saw his resume once on my assistant’s desk." She lied.

"Yes, your assistant was the one who screened him when you were still in sick leave."

"It’s just an assistant Director position though? Why would my assistant be the one to screen him instead of the HR and the Marketing Director?"

"Mr. Albert Chen is a very famous figure in the international industry so processing his doc.u.ments needed to be handled very carefully."

"But if he’s that famous, why would he choose to stay and work here as an Assistant Director? Isn’t that too suspicious?"

Lu Shao lifted his head and grinned at her.

"Don’t worry, if we’ve confirmed he’s planning something behind our backs against the company, it’ll be a piece of cake terminating him. For now, since he’s very willing to work and slave here, we’ll squeeze and use him at the utmost of his abilities right?"

Xiu Mei fell speechless at Lu Shao’s expression. His smile was clearly expressing his evil thoughts ah.

She sighed and gave up. Fine, if Lu Shao said so then I guess there wouldn’t be any problem. She’s pretty sure that Lu Shao already had some eyes set on the guy if he ever makes a funny move. Besides, it’s not like it’s the first time that this happened ah.

The two secretaries finished up all the work and submitted the summary report to the president.

While Xiu Mei was doing some errands on the lower floor, she accidentally bumped into the person that she and Lu Shao was just talking about earlier.

"Oh, Ms.Xiu! Hello." Albert Chen greeted her gleefully as he stood with a box in his hands.

She paused and thought for a while before stepping inside the elevator.

"Oh my, do you not remember me? I introduced myself to the party last week."

Xiu Mei looked at him through her peripheral vision as she nonchalantly answered him.

"I remember."

Albert’s face beamed in happiness as he scooted close to her. "Really?! Wow, that’s great. I thought Ms.Xiu already forgot about me."

Xiu Mei ignored him. She was already quite used to dealing with people like him. A lot of people would always kiss up to her, showering her with praises and acting as if they were close to her since they have their hidden agendas.

Some do it to get a promotion, bragging, attempt to flirt with either Lu Shao or Lu Chen or sometimes, to dig dirt that they could use against anyone. It’s pretty much a normal thing that happens in an office environment.

As soon as the elevator stopped on the seventh floor, she quickly got off the lift without looking back at Albert.

But it seems that fate was playing with her though since she bumped into him again in the elevator after finishing her errand on the seventh floor. This time, he was holding some potted plants and another box.

Seeing those, she looked at the guy weirdly as if judging him.

What the heck is with this guy? Is he seriously going to bring that to his office? Wait, is it even allowed to bring a potted plant in the office?

"Oh, come in Ms.Xiu!" Albert quickly moved a potted plant to the side attempting to make space for her. After hesitating for a few seconds, she finally gave in and avoided the potted plant by standing on the free space.

She looked at the several boxes of potted plants on the ground and stared.

....Is he planning to make his office a garden?

"Ms.Xiu, here."

Then a small potted plant suddenly appeared in front of her. She flinched back and turned to look at Albert, raising her eyebrow.

"A small gift from me. Actually, I’m planning to give these plants to my other co-workers as a gift." He explained while pointing at the other boxes.


Finally understanding the reason behind the numerous potted plants, she unconsciously nodded as she held out her hand accepting the gift.

"You just have to water that once a day and keep it somewhere with sunlight then it���s going to be fine."

"Mhm. Thanks." She replied. Since it is very rude to decline a gift, she readily accepted the potted plant. And on their floor, they already have a row of potted plants that they take care of. Though it’s mostly the janitors who water them in the morning most of the time.

After Albert got off his floor, Xiu Mei went back directly to the president’s floor. Holding a pile of folders on her other hand and a potted plant on the other, she strode back to her station and put down all the things on her table.

"Ms.Xiu, did you buy another plant?" Her assistant asked her as soon as she saw the plant.

Xiu Mei shook her head and grabbed to plant.

"Nah, someone just gave it to me as a gift." She stood up and walked towards the shelf where a row of potted plants could be seen.


"The new person in the marketing department."

Xiu Mei meticulously placed the plant so that it would align with the other plants as well. She grabbed the water spray at the side and watered it.

"Ah, you mean Mr.Albert?" Her assistant clapped once after realizing who she was talking about.


Then her assistant’s eyes sparkled as she suddenly leaned over to her side of the desk as she excitedly asked, "You already met him, Ms.Xiu?! Ah! Isn’t he such a gentleman?"

Her assistant dreamily looked at her as she continued describing Albert Chen in front of her.

"He’s such a nice guy ah! Back when I went to interview him, he was such a gentleman when he cut that steak for me for dinner! Oh! And that time when he carefully held my hand when I almost slipped because of the rain. Kyaaah!"



Lu Shao and Xiu Mei fell speechless as they watched her assistant suddenly go crazy at a man she went to interview with. It was actually the first time that Xiu Mei saw her assistant go this crazy over a guy, squealing as if the man was an idol or something.

"I thought you have a boyfriend?" Lu Shao asked in confusion.

Xiu Mei and her assistant both looked at him at the same with disappointment written on their faces. He grew even more confused after seeing their reactions.

"What? I was just saying the truth."

The two girls sighed as they looked pitifully at Lu Shao.

"Boys don’t really understand girls ah." Her assistant exclaimed.

Xiu Mei followed and agreed with her.

"I second that."

Lu Shao who was the cause of their disappointment: What????

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