Chapter 118 - Morning Sweetness

Since it was the weekend, Xiu Mei decided to sleep in. She barely slept the night before while thinking about a lot of things. So even with the sunlight filling in her room, Xiu Mei comfortably hid under the covers while hugging a pillow.

Unfortunately for her, this peace didn’t last that long.

She was woken up by the sound of her phone ringing. She rose from her bed, groggy and frustrated that her sleep had been disturbed. She hesitantly answered her phone instead of throwing it away.


"Ms.Xiu, something came up." It was her assistant secretary’s voice.

She yawned and scratched her head. "What is it?"

"You and Mr.Lu are on the news again."


Her mind instantly cleared up upon hearing that. She climbed off her bed and walked toward her table.

"I’ll call you back."

Xiu Mei started up her laptop and opened the news website. Instantly, she saw a photo of her and Lu Chen again with a matching headline that reveals their dating relationship. She clicked on that article and scrolled down.

She could see some images from the hospital and the images from last night of them going out of the hotel.

Seeing this, she quickly got up and went out of her room to find Lu Chen. He knocked on the door if his room but received no response so she went to check on the study but he wasn’t there too.

She even asked a couple of maids that passed by her and they said they haven’t seen him either.

"Qiang Qiang, have you seen your Dad?" Xiu Mei asked as soon as she saw Lu Qiang watching the television in the living room.

The little kid tilted his head as if he was thinking before saying, "Hmmmm... I think he went to the playroom."


"Oh, Dad’s playroom. It’s a separate room just outside this house, Mom."

Then Lu Qiang walked to a window and pointed the direction to the small room. There, she saw meters from the house, there really was a small room that looked like a warehouse.

She wondered. Is it a storage room? But Lu Qiang said it’s Lu Chen’s playroom ah.

A few minutes later, Xiu Mei stood in front of the door and knocked on it.

"Chen, are you in there?"


"It’s me."

She heard a few things cling inside before the door finally opened revealing Lu Chen with unkempt hair. He looked very messy with all the black stuff smudged on his arm and face along with his white shirt that was already dirtied with whatever black stuff that is.

"What are you doing?"

She asked in confusion. Was he doing some painting inside?

Lu Chen moved to the side, gesturing for her to step inside.

"I was fixing some stuff and repainting some stuff." He casually answered her question. He pointed at the wooden shelf he was repainting.

Xiu Mei walked over to where he was pointing at and examined it. It was a large wooden shelf that looked similar to the shelves in his study.

Then she scanned the inside of the room and saw some cut wood and tools that looked like for building something. She even saw some chairs and a small table sitting at the corner that almost finished.

"...You did all these?"

"Mhm. I’ve been creating and repainting the shelf for Lu Qiang’s use since he’ll be starting school in a few months. I wanted to add it inside his room."

"When did you even learn all this?"

Xiu Mei thought that he was only thinking about work all day aside from his family. But seeing him have hobbies like this is quite a new experience. She didn’t even expect him to be able to know how to build stuff like these.

"Back when I started living with my cousin, Uncle was a carpenter so I started helping him out when I stayed there. He taught me a lot of stuff like building things from scratch. Though since I’ve become busy with the company, I do this as a hobby."

"Wah... that’s really interesting." Xiu Mei admired the furniture that Lu Chen said he did. She looked closely and even saw some complicated designs sculpted on it.

She turned and wanted to walk over on the other side of the room when she slipped backward from the wood dust that was all over the floor.


She unconsciously grabbed whatever was near her and clung onto it.

"Wife, are you alright?"

Hearing that the voice seemed closer to her, she unconsciously looked up and saw Lu Chen’s worried face above her. His arms were supporting her body so she wouldn’t fall on the floor.

Before she could even answer him, Lu Chen moved his arm under her knees then he lifted her off the ground. She shrieked in surprise, clinging to his neck while Lu Chen set her down just above the wide table behind him.

"What are you doing?!"

"You’re too clumsy."

"I’m not. It was the floor that is too slippery."

"You shouldn’t be wearing slippers in here."

"It’s not like I knew you’d be here in the first place. I was looking all over the house for you."

"For me?"

Ah! She almost forgot why she was looking for him in the first place.

"Yeah, I just received a report that our dating relationship seems to be on the headlines right now."

Lu Chen tucked a strand of her hair behind her ears. "Oh."

"Should we send a statement to the PR team for the announcement?"

"What about doing an interview?"

"An interview? Isn’t that too much?"

A simple statement of confirmation would be enough to pacify the reporters though. Why does he want to do an interview too? It’s not even like him to do interviews too. He barely allowed the business magazine before when they interviewed him.

"To make it more believable. Besides, we need to send a message to the person who tried to kidnap you."

Xiu Mei frowned in confusion. How does this relate to the announcement of their relationship?

Lu Chen cupped her face and looked straight in her eyes.

"That if they try to move you again, that they’ll be facing me, Lu Chen, as well."

"...But they didn’t stop even if the knew that I’m from a military family and that my father and brother have high positions in the government though. Why would they stop if it’s you?"

Lu Chen smirked and pinched her nose. "That’s a secret."


She slapped his annoying hand away from pinching her nose and glared. She pouted while wondering what Lu Chen meant that it was a secret.

Does he have some other way of intimidating him aside from having lots of money and influence in business?

"Let’s put that aside for now, Wife. Let’s talk about a different thing."


"Let’s talk about what happened last night."


Xiu Mei blinked.

Oh shit, she almost forgot about that. Should she act like she doesn’t remember what happened last night? Since she was drunk and all...

"I know you remember everything even if you’re drunk."


Damn it.

Xiu Mei bit on her lip and sheepishly smiled at him.

"...Last night, I got a bit confused because of the alcohol ah."


Instead of responding, Lu Chen trapped Xiu Mei in between his arms. He leaned closer to her and since she was sitting on the table, Xiu Mei leaned backward in an attempt to maintain a distance between the two of them.

She grew nervous as her heart raced faster.

"I-It’s really just because of the alcohol ah!"

Lu Chen continued leaning closer to her while she stopped him from moving any closer by putting her and on his chest.



She replied nervously while blushing. She couldn’t even look straight to him right now because she was being shy.



Lu Chen immediately closed the distance between them and pecked her on the lips.

Stunned, Xiu Mei froze in place even if the kiss just lasted for a second. Her breath hitched as she stared back at her husband’s face that was still very close to hers.

He smiled playfully as he continued teasing her.

"Where’s my good morning kiss?"


Lu Chen puckered his lips as he pointed at his lips signaling her to kiss him on the lips.

She stared at his lips for a full five seconds.

Is he really asking for a morning kiss from her????

She looked at him again and saw that he was being serious.

In the end, Xiu Mei gulped and gave in.

Since they’ve already kissed, thrice at that, what difference would it make if she kiss him again right? And looking at Lu Chen, she highly doubts that he’ll ever let her get away if she doesn’t give in to his request.

And with that, Xiu Mei finally leaned in and pressed her lips on Lu Chen’s. As soon as their lips touched, she quickly moved away and leaned back while blushing madly.

She continued blushing even more and felt a bit annoyed after seeing that smile on Lu Chen’s face.





"Nothing. I just wanted to call you that."


Damn it.

She looked away as she tried to hide her blushing face behind her hand.

Somehow, what he said made her heart flutter even more.

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