
Chapter 112 Check Up (1)

In an instant, Manny and Lee Seng appeared in a similar white room. The smell of disinfectant instantly filled Lee Seng's lungs. Manny stepped off the telepad and walked over to the door and opened it.

"We'll go to my dad's office. He's usually in there." Manny said. Lee Seng nodded and followed after Manny. His stomach growled and he was reminded he hadn't eaten all day.

'I should probably ask what I should do since I haven't eaten all day.' Lee Seng mentally noted. Manny and Lee Seng popped into the familiar hallway entrance of the First Year's hospital wing. They moved into the hospital wing and Manny casually waved at the desk nurse and continued past them. They took the left path and followed it until a four-way intersection popped up.

Manny turned left and then took another right at the next hallway. He wandered down the familiar pathway like he had done this a million times.

"Hey, Manny. You're back." A nurse waved.

"Yeah, dad wants to see my friend." Manny pointed.

"Oh, hello." The nurse turned to greet Lee Seng. Lee Seng waved and watched as the nurse recognized the tail.

"Yeah, we gotta go. Dad's been waiting for hours to check on him." Manny added. The nurse snapped out of her stare and nodded.

"Ah, alright. Have a good rest of your days, boys." The nurse continued down the hall and Manny and Lee Seng continued towards the end of the hallway.

Dr. Valentin was deep in his work when the two boys showed up with a knock.

"Dad?" Manny spoke loudly. Manny pushed through the door and found his dad staring at his tablet. His older sister, Zoe, was scrolling through floating information. Zoe was the first to look up and noticed her younger brother and swiped the floating screen away and stood up.

"Manny, why're you back?" Zoe asked. She looked as Manny stepped to the side and Lee Seng followed behind him. "Ahhh, Seng!" Zoe jumped up and bear hugged him, almost tackling him in the process.

"Z!" Lee Seng chuckled as he stumbled backwards and made sure to not lose his balance. Zoe pulled away and her quick and bright smile faded and she began to study Lee Seng. "What?"

"You look like crap." Zoe pointed out. She began to laugh at him as Dr. Valentin looked up and pulled his glasses off.

"C'mon, Zoe, let's check up Lee Seng before you and him begin your antics." Dr. Valentin yawned. Zoe hook her arm into Lee Seng's and pulled him over to the examination table. She patted on the the examination table and Lee Seng carefully maneuvered his tail and himself onto it. "Manny, please close the door." Dr. Valentin motioned.

Manny moved over and shut the door and stood in front of it, leaning against it. He folded his arms and watched as his sister and father began their work.

"Do you still have chest pain?" Dr. Valentin asked.

"It's really sore, but I don't feel anythi--" Lee Seng began to say when Zoe slapped Lee Seng. Lee Seng retracted in pain and Zoe began to chuckled. "What the hell, Z? That hurts!"

"There's your answer, Dad." Zoe looked at Dr. Valentin. The aging doctor sighed and nodded.

"Let's run the tests like we usually do. Get the system going, Manny. Z, assist with the tablet." Dr. Valentin instructed. Manny and Zoe moved like they were used to this. Manny tapped at the screen embedded in the wall near the examination table and the room's brightness began to increase, slightly. The room began to rumble into life as Zoe walked over to grab the tablet on Dr. Valentin's desk.

"Everything's paired." Zoe tapped away. Dr. Valentin nodded and Manny gave a thumbs up.

"Alright, I'm going to link the Nano with you now, Lee Seng." Dr. Valentin explained. Lee Seng lifted his right arm like he was used to this process and watched as Dr. Valentin grabbed a vial from Zoe and uncorked it. He turned the vial and set the unsealed top onto Lee Seng's arm and watched as a small Nano flew into Lee Seng's arm.

The small prick came with the Nano and Lee Seng watched as a small dot of blood began to come out. Dr. Valentin removed the vial and handed it to Zoe, who grabbed it and set it to the side. Dr. Valentin pulled a sanitization wipe and wiped the blood away.

"It's in his bloodstream." Zoe announced. The tablet began to flood with information. The Nano bot they had injected into Lee Seng would track most things. Blood pressure, heartbeat, most viruses and diseases, etc. It was one of the many inventions Dr. Valentin had finalized while working under the Creator.

Lee Seng always remembered Dr. Valentin to be the tinkerer type. He had a doctorate in engineering with his whole thesis being centered around Nano technology in the health field. Here he was, a doctorate in engineering and medicine, applying his knowledge of both fields to work in harmony.

Lee Seng pulled his arm away and set it to the side of the examination table. He swung his feet as Zoe rounded over in between Manny and Dr. Valentin. Manny casually peeked over his similar age-looking yet older sister's shoulder and watched the data continue to come in.

"I want you to explain to me why your chest started to hurt. I know enough background information, but I would like you to explain that to me as well." Dr. Valentin instructed.

"I got kidnapped in the middle of the night. They injected something into me when I woke up and realized the injection didn't take its full effect and injected another one into me." Lee Seng started. "I woke up in an abandoned house. Learned I was transported to the Ruined City. That place was filled with zombies, by the way. I didn't have time to complain about the fact they just threw us into a zombie-filled place."

"You're going off topic, Seng." Zoe spoke.

"Oh, right. Anyways, the goal was to get out so I did. I came across a muscular zombie." Lee Seng stopped to flex.

"He means Rebirth zombie." Manny added.

"I think I managed to kill it and avoid its sea of flesh and muscles trying to get me." Lee Seng recalled.

'I'm not going to tell them I popped into Limbo. Dr. Valentin would probably be the most worried about that since Akio's the only one who is able to blip in and out of this reality.' Lee Seng thought.

"Found myself in the deep city and found someone had fought a Jumper zombie. My curiosity took over so I looked around for awhile to figure out what was so special about the zombie. Apparently its power is in its legs so I continued onwards. Came across a wall of piled cars, broke past it and met a tentacle-tendril lady zombie and..." Lee Seng's eyes wandered to Manny. He didn't say anything for awhile and then looked at Dr. Valentin.

"What?" Manny asked.

"Do I tell him about the, uh..." Lee Seng leaned into Dr. Valentin who leaned in with his ear. "Protocol?" Dr. Valentin pulled back and pointed at Lee Seng.

"Up to your discretion. I understand what happened, so if you don't want to talk about that, it's fine."

"Well... a fight ensued and I ended up almost getting my ass beat. I ran out of Dark Matter and my whole body was literally a billion cinder blocks and I could move. Time passed and I moved towards the gate that was in the distance. I ended up triggering a horde of zombie to try to get them to trigger traps but that didn't work.

"Rebirths and Jumpers were on my butt for like ever. I had to dodge Jumpers trying to get me while also dodging the huge amount of traps the horde and I triggered. I got into a predicament with that and then four nasty tongue spike things pierced me." Lee Seng recalled.

"PIERCED YOU?!?" Zoe shouted in surprise. She immediately closed the distance and leaned in. "Where? Why didn't you come sooner then? Aren't you feeling the effects of infection then?"

"Z... Zoe...! Zoe, calm down!" Dr. Valentin shouted. He pulled Zoe back and Zoe reluctantly moved. Dr. Valentin sighed and moved to stand directly in front of Lee Seng. "Where did the Spikes hit you?" Lee Seng looked at Zoe and Manny. Zoe was genuinely worried and Manny motioned for Lee Seng to pull his shirt off. Lee Seng pulled his shirt off and pointed at his shoulders.

"Here and here." He answered. "I told Manny this and he said I didn't have any signs of infection whatsoever." Dr. Valentin nodded and sighed.

"There's no physical infection markings. There was no physical symptoms either?" Dr. Valentin turned to look at his son.

"None." Manny answered. Dr. Valentin sighed and nodded.

"Well, I will use my power to thoroughly check you. The Nano should have an idea soon, so we will know with that." Dr. Valentin explained.

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