
Chapter 111 Academy Telepads

Lee Seng hung the towel and snatched a smaller towel from the bathroom closet before he stepped out of the room with his orange shorts bunched together. Something white in the mirror caught his attention and he turned to look at it. He noticed he had a single tail and shook his head.

'I guess it did work.' Lee Seng thought. 'Ugh, now I'm going to have to figure out how to Shapeshift. Maybe I should read up on this?' The metal door slid open and revealed the curtains were pulled to let the sun in. Manny was casually sitting on his bed, scrolling his phone when Lee Seng came out.

"Got all the smells off?" Manny asked. Lee Seng shrugged and made his way to the closet to throw his shorts away. He shut the closet door and planted his butt onto the edge of his mattress and started to dry his hair.

"I don't think I reek anymore." Lee Seng stopped to sniff himself. He smelled like soap and his shampoo. His skin felt dry from all the scrubbing.

"Mmm, that's good then. You slept for like four hours. It's almost 5pm and you should probably get something to eat before you go see my dad."

"See your dad?" Lee Seng asked, confused. Manny gave Lee Seng a strange look and nodded.

"Yeah, you said you would get a check-up with my dad. It's, honestly, just in case you were to get infected." Manny explained. "If a zombie bites you, it's a slow process, but the infection could get bad and you could turn into one of them if you aren't cautious about it. Did you get bit or stabbed?"

Lee Seng's mind began to replay the last moments within the Ruined City. He recalled the horde chasing him and then the pain in his chest. He clutched his chest as he continued to think, leaving the towel to sit on his head. He fought for his life to not get devoured by the horde and it did work until he was almost out.

"I remember being chased by all sorts of zombies. I had to deal with the ones who jumped while also staying ahead of the muscular zombies. I went to attack the jumping zombies and some spiky tendrils flew out and punctured me in the shoulders."

"You got punctured by a Spike?!? How many hit you?" Manny asked concerned.

"I don't know... at least four?" Lee Seng guessed.

"F-four!?! You aren't feeling any of the infection effects right now?"

"I feel fine," Lee Seng shook his head. Manny scooted to the edge of the bed and leaned forward.

"Take your shirt off." Manny motioned.

"Why?" Lee Seng gave Manny a weird look. Manny rolled his eyes and motioned at him to take his shirt off.

"Just do it. I need to check." Manny stood up and was about to pull Lee Seng's shirto ff when Lee Seng stood up and put a hand up in the air.

"Fine, I'll do it." Lee Seng pulled his shirt off as Manny began to inspect for infection.

"It looks like your body is fine," Manny said grabbing Lee Seng's shoulder and tapping him to slowly rotate. Lee Seng sighed as Manny continued to inspect. Lee Seng's body didn't have any signs of infection which Manny found strange.

'If he got hit by at least four ranged Spike shots, he should've been experiencing the infection already growing. His body is totally fine.' Manny thought. He tapped Lee Seng to rotate to the other side and continued to study him.

"Don't you have a really similar ability to Dr. Valentin?" Lee Seng asked.

"Huh?" Manny snapped out of his inspection and pulled away. Lee Seng pulled his shirt back on and sat down, grabbing the smaller towel and continued drying his hair.

"Aren't you and your dad's abilities, similar?" Lee Seng asked, again.

"The bases are the same, but it isn't anywhere near like my dad's." Manny answered, sitting on thee edge of the bed. "Even if that's the case, I've been studying different diseases, sicknesses, etc. for anything that needs to be dealt with at once."


"And you aren't showing any signs of infection." Manny sighed. "Four Spike shots should show physical signs of rapid infection development. You should be burning and your body should slow down on its own healing capabilities. You honestly don't show any signs of that, whatsoever. I would go see my dad before you eat, just in case."

"Where's your dad?" Lee Seng asked as he tossed the towel onto his bed. He ran his fingers through his hair before fixing it.

"He actually told me to take you there. He's in the First Year building."

"Are we walking there?" Lee Seng wondered. His body felt sore and he didn't want to put more stress on his body.

"I'll teach you how to use the telepad. It's fairly easy. The dorm telepads don't go out of the Academy district, so they're usually used for quick travel across the district."

Manny led Lee Seng to the telepad. Lee Seng trailed behind the happy Manny. They hit the elevator button and when the door opened, students instantly recognized Manny and all said hello to him as they passed. Lee Seng watched as they all gave him stares and began whispering.

"Hey, isn't that Lee Seng Chang?" One of the male students asked.

"I heard he did something bad at the transfer hell weekend site today. He wasn't there at the end and Poseidon apparently defended him because of 'certain reasons.'" A female answered. Lee Seng stepped into the half-filled elevator and watched Manny hit the button. The elevator closed and a pair of girls to his left eyed him.

"He's the transfer student that's causing trouble, right?" Girl 1 asked.

"Mmm, figures it's him. He's already a troublemaker. I wonder why they let someone like him in." Girl 2 answered. Lee Seng sighed and turned to look at the girls. They instantly darted their eyes away and their bodies froze. Lee Seng rolled his eyes as he held his tail from swatting at the girls.

The elevator stopped and students filled in and out. They all gave him weird stares and all whispered about the same thing.

"He's made an enemy out of some Fourth Years for his behavior."

The elevator stopped at the top floor and Manny turned and motioned for Lee Seng to follow him. Lee Seng reluctantly followed him and even stuck besides him. Manny turned to look at Lee Seng, surprised. He hadn't expected Lee Seng to stick so close, but Manny could tell Lee Seng was bothered by something by the way Lee Seng's nose twitched and how he bit his lip.

Manny wondered if Lee Seng had heard all of the other Third Year students talking about him. Some blantantly spoke loudly while others tried to hide the fact they were talking about him. Manny normally never cared about these sorts of things. Some students were just gossip and it was their problem to handle, but he had known Lee Seng never liked anyone talking about him. If anyone could understand it, Manny would.

The two of them and Sara were casually brought up in the news because of their parents. Their parents were public figures and naturally, though cruel as it may be, Lee Seng, Manny, and Sara were held in the same way. They were public figurehead children. They were the second generation that would continue or move history forward.

Manny stopped near the telepad room and waited for the students inside to teleport. He took a couple glances at Lee Seng, wondering if he should say something about it.

'Nah, I better not. He never liked the gossip about him to begin with. I should be glad he's even following me.' Manny thought. The telepad room flashed and Manny pushed the door open and watched Lee Seng pass him, entering the room.

"Okay," Manny cleared his throat. Lee Seng looked up and watched Manny. "You can take your phone out and go to the Academy app. There's a telepad button and it'll track where you are in the whole Academy district. So we're in the Third Year building and we want to go all the way to the First Year hospital wing."

Manny pulled his phone out and stood next to Lee Seng, tapping away. He showed where the telepad function was in the app and then hit it. Manny moved onto finding the First Year building list and scrolled until he found the telepad for the hospital wing.

"Once you figure where you're going, you click it and the screen right next to the door should get a ping." Manny pointed. Lee Seng looked up at the large screen and watched as it pinged. Manny moved over and then pointed at the From and to destinations. "Double check to make sure you're going to the right place and then verbally say, 'okay' or hit the button on your phone or the screen."

Lee Seng nodded and the telepad room started to shine brightly. Manny stepped back into place with Lee Seng and turned as a bright light shot out of the telepad.

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