
If even Scar took the time to warn Kieran, then he knew that Isadora was more dangerous and well connected than the typical Alchemist, especially since she managed to obtain a residence in an area as illustrious as the Hero's Sanctuary.

Perhaps it wouldn't be Isadora that Kieran would have to fear retaliation from but her connections instead.

After talking for a few moments longer, Kieran placed the two quest items inside his inventory before leaving Scar's buildings. As instructed, Kieran followed the strong scent of herbs, fruits, spices, and many other aromas.

Doing so led Kieran beyond a garden that utilized every square inch to cultivate many rare ingredients that would make a player's jaw drop once introduced into the player base. Every ingredient present could act as the foundation in many Rank Ⅳ potions. A Rank Ⅳ potion would be the equivalent of a blacksmith forging Unique-Grade weapons.

Soon enough, Kieran came across a building much different from the rest. Whereas the Hero's Sanctuary was filled with pristine ivory buildings that gave it a celestial environment, this building resembled a spacious cottage.

The aged wood seemed to shine with an uncanny resemblance to glass. Surrounding the building was shrubbery with delicate berries that seemed fragile enough to bust with the faintest of touch. This setting was definitely one belonging to an Alchemist who relied upon nature to fuel their discoveries.

As Kieran approached the door, he heard the tune of a faint hum on the other side as he raised his hand to knock. 'Could she be engaged in potion-making already? Then… if I knock, would I be disrupting her?'

The last thing Kieran wanted to do was intrude upon Isadora's work and ruin his chances of completing the quest before they even started. From what he remembered, Alchemists employed different tactics to keep their focus during the tedious process. In Isadora's case, it seemed she hummed amongst other things to pass by the time until her products were ready for evaluation.

Kieran stood before the door for a few minutes until the humming finally stopped. Only after ceasing for more than ten seconds did Kieran muster the courage to knock upon the door. It was neither loud nor soft, but it was sufficient to announce his presence, or at least he thought so.

A spellbinding voice sounded from the other side of the door just a few seconds after his knock. "Hmm? That's a depth I've never heard before. Judging by how soft the knock was, I presume you aren't an Awakened Being."

Upon hearing this comment, Kieran's expression changed slightly. He began to wonder how this individual could gauge his evolution depth without analyzing him. 'Could this be the effect of whatever tool or talent she's in possession of?'

While Kieran asked himself these questions, Isadora's charming voice continued on the other side. "Are you here because of Scar? If so, come in."

'Oh? I thought Scar was grumpy because he failed; why does it seem like that isn't the case? I wouldn't be welcomed if Scar's relationship with this lady wasn't amicable,' Kieran thought while turning the doorknob and opening the door.

Contrary to what Kieran expected, what welcomed his sight was an orderly workstation where everything seemed to have a predetermined place indicated by the labels beneath them. Unlike the typical messy environment of an Alchemist, where their failed concoctions and extract wastage were strewn about, Isadora's place could be said to be the home of a neat freak!

Once Kieran turned his head slightly to the left, he noticed a lithe figure dressed in loose-fitting white robes similar to a trenchcoat. Their long blonde hair was tied up in a messy bun with what seemed to be a writing utensil stabbed through it to hold it in place. Isadora's lilac eyes slowly glanced in Kieran's direction while casually studying him.

One of Isadora's arms crossed underneath her bust while her other arm softly rubbed against her cheek. "Although I invited you in, I'll tell you the same thing I told Scar—if you want something from me, you'll have to provide something of equal value. He should already know that I abide by the law of equivalent exchange."

"Laws of equivalent exchange," Kieran muttered. This was something he had heard before and not just inside Zenith Online. The law of equivalent exchange Isadora spoke of, in simple terms, was a version of the laws of physics that should govern the world.

However, the presence of Mana made that simple law obsolete to a certain extent. As a result, Alchemists developed a rule that they could abide by indefinitely—the law of equivalent exchange. It stated that an equal price must be paid for every transaction, whether it involved material items or nature.

Regarding Scar's request, Isadora didn't believe his past help was equivalent to what he was asking. After all, she had experienced Scar's power on the battlefield firsthand. She was well aware of how destructive and dangerous the power he wielded was. And now, he wished for her to manipulate those forces on her own. She was unwilling to take such a drastic risk without insurance that something of equal value would be given.

Meanwhile, Kieran was at a loss because he didn't possess anything of value aside from the quest materials!

"If I may… then what is it that you seek?" Kieran questioned. Although he didn't have anything of value currently, getting his hands on some wasn't impossible; it was extremely dangerous.

"I am not certain. But that doesn't mean it will remain so in the future," Isadora replied while keeping her analytical gaze. She seemed to be studying Kieran at a deeper level because her eyes narrowed continually until she finally mentioned something.

"You seem to have decent etiquette and some semblance of knowledge. Why are you taking such a brutal path?" Isadora asked while taking a seat beside her large cauldron. Although it emanated great heat due to the silver flame underneath, Isadora seemed unaffected by it.

"Because it's required of me. It might be brutal, but the power it rewards is undeniable," Kieran answered truthfully.

"Is your heart blackened?" Isadora questioned further.

However, Kieran wasn't sure how to answer this question because he didn't understand what she meant by a blackened heart? Was she referring to a heart that existed solely to obtain power while forgoing the repercussions?

"Will you do anything to gain strength? Even if it means destroying innocent lives?" Isadora paraphrased.

Because of this question, Kieran fell silent. In the past, he would have answered no without a second thought. But after experiencing his betrayal, Kieran was no longer as sure about his moral compass. Still, he tilted more towards leaving the innocent to be innocent.

Therefore, Kieran sighed and shook his head. "Probably not. Strength gained at the most terrifying cost is strength without substance. There should be some sort of line."

"Good. Hand me the materials that Scar has given you," Isadora said in a convinced tone, almost as if Kieran had passed some sort of test.

As instructed, Kieran handed the two quest materials to Isadora along with the mass collection of Blood Essence acquired from the first quest. The Blood Essence wasn't collected for no reason; it was pertinent in completing the second quest.

However, after receiving the items, Isadora frowned deeply. "Is this everything?"

"Yeah… is there supposed to be more?" Kieran answered with visible confusion. Scar didn't give him any special items aside from the marrow powder and blood drop.

"I knew it; these items are tailored to disrupt the harmony of the potion! Accepting this really is a huge headache. After all these years, he still hasn't learned the importance of balance? These Blood Essences are rubbish in comparison to the main components… ugh. If that's the case, I know exactly how you'll repay me. If I'm to balance this, you'll need to replenish whatever I use in addition to a certain item. Do you agree?"

Isadora's expression became stern, and it was evident that if Kieran refused, then she would just absolve her presence in this quest. In other words, she would refuse to offer up her precious materials.

"Alright," Kieran conceded with a reluctant nod.

As a result, a notification appeared before Kieran.

〈System: You have accepted the Special Quest «Isadora's Repayment»!〉

〈System: The contents of «Isadora's Repayment» will only appear after the completion of «True Berserker's Emergence Ⅱ»!〉

Immediately after, Isadora threw all of the items in the air and then gently placed her palm on the space before her. A ripple spread out from her body, making all of the vials freeze above the huge cauldron. At the same time, the contents currently inside of it drained away in an unnatural manner.

Kieran could only watch in silent amazement as Isadora manipulated natural forces beyond his control. 'This must involve some type of independent space.' Kieran assumed. Otherwise, how else would the disappearance of the cauldron's contents be explained?

All of the corks on every vial simultaneously popped open as all of the Blood Essence Kieran gathered was poured into the cauldron. Shortly after, Isadora took a small portion of the purified essence before adding the bone marrow and blood drop in precise quantities.

Once that happened, an extremely chaotic aura filled Isadora's dwelling. Her brows knitted as she focused on containing the violent atmosphere. To assist in this process, Isadora retrieved two vials with crystalline liquids. One was a clear blue, while the other was emerald in color with iridescent properties. Kieran couldn't see the names of the items, but they were clearly on par with his quest items.

Immediately, Kieran's expression sunk. 'Don't tell me I have to go on a journey for Mythic materials!"

Alas, there was a price to pay when seeking excellence. And since Kieran already agreed to it, he'd have to make good on his promise.

A refined barrier appeared around the violent outbursts lashing out from the cauldrons, attempting to neutralize or, at the very least, contain it. Once this process started, Isadora became silent and highly focused.

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