Chapter 574 Reasonable Advice

Scar's final comment naturally sparked a heated debate within the throne room, but Kieran eluded that with graceful finesse. Contrary to his expectations, becoming a Fiend had not slapped any additional muscle onto his frame.

Though he was still strapping with a chiseled physique, his muscles felt… spongier. That likely had something to do with his Resilience and Constitution attributes, which had not seen much growth in terms of numbers but saw development in how much of a role they played.

As a Greater Mythic Class, a Blood Fiend scaled off of General Attributes and Hidden Attributes alike despite only enhancing a select few like Strength, Agility, Vitality, and Endurance.

It tracked, considering a Blood Fiend was a True Berserker's liberated form. Dealing with the same stats but greater volume followed Kieran's expected progression curve.

'Of course, there's still my Type.'

On the subject of Type, Kieran paused and took a step back.

'Wait a minute… if my Tier and Class improved, wouldn't my Type have changed too?'

Curious, Kieran sifted through the messages for one related to a Type Transformation. It had happened once before upon gaining insight from Agrianos, but his subsequent experiences blew everything prior to his meeting with Agrianos out of the water.

If a Path could be created, there had to be something going on with his Type as well.

Sure enough, after sifting through more of the ignored or silenced notifications from the Zenith Frequency, Kieran found the string of messages indicating a change in his Type.

[Your Type has evolved to fit your current standard.]

[Type: Slayer has transformed into Type: Predator.]

[Predator (Type) - You have slain and wrought carnage but remain empty; a void festers inside you. You search for something to sate you… so you hunt, seeking power and fulfillment. Passion is found during the hunt. As blood courses, fervor is brought to your soul, and the eyes of a Predator awaken.

+3 STR, +3 AGI, +3 CTL, and +3 PER per level.]

Vitality had vanished from the equation, but that was acceptable. Kieran would obtain more than enough of that from the gains his Class and Path supplied alone. Not to mention, there was still more about his Advancing to be unearthed, but Kieran simply waited until he was alone to explore everything in great detail.

'Predator, huh?'

Kieran instinctively touched his eyes, noting the sharpness of his vision.

It had nothing to do with the ocular abilities of his Subclass and everything to do with the vague hints dropped in his new Type description: the eyes of a Predator awaken.

That drop of information undoubtedly related to the sharpening of his vision, which he could control with his mind, like using an exquisite camera to zoom in and out while retaining quality — only the quality somehow grew sharper as he looked farther.

Though he couldn't tell the limits of his ocular range due to the restrictions of this enclosed room, Kieran suspected it was pretty far and was eager to test it out.

Speaking of which…

Kieran cleared his throat and got everyone's attention.

"So, uh, quick question, and this isn't meant to be rude at all. But… are we free to leave? Is it all over?"

Scar considered it briefly, then relaxed his posture, staring at the unopened door.

"Well, that depends. Has your status been recognized?"

Kieran and the others looked at each other and wore almost identically lost expressions.


"Ah, my bad. Maybe I wasn't concise enough — Titles. Have your old Titles changed? Perhaps you weren't alerted to it. But if the Chains have settled upon you… it should have changed. That Title is your new Myth appellation."

Curious, Kieran brought up his Titles, and lo and behold, he noticed an immediate difference in his Inheritor Title. However, Kieran didn't know what to make of the change.

After all, his Myth name was not what he had expected.

"Oh… that's not very heartwarming."

Kieran mumbled that under his breath, but it didn't escape Scar's senses, who ambled over.

"What is it, boy?"

"Scar… what was your Myth Title?"

"My true Title is the Myth of Mauling, which borrows from natural affinity to wolves, etc. What Title were you given?"

Kieran grimaced, gulped, and then gave a wan smile.

"Myth of the End."

[Myth of the End (Mythic - Title) - You have been recognized for what you are — the end. Touched by ruin, cursed with carnage, and burdened by chains… the end is the sum of your parts. If you avoid what you are, you will only hasten its advent. However, the end is not always a bad thing. A beginning can only come after an end. +25 to all General Attributes, +8% to all General Attributes.]

The description wasn't the best, but the effects were simply immaculate – a boon to all Kieran's General Attributes.

"Oh yeah, that doesn't sound too good at all. But look on the bright side…"

Scar stared at Kieran until the latter began feeling uncomfortable.

"That moniker is... is unique. No one can claim to have the same Title as you. That's a thumbs up in my book."

Kieran's expression darkened as he tried to kick Scar away and failed miserably. Nevertheless, he had a point. Myth of the End highlighted his peculiarity. And whether that spotlight came with negative or positive connotations depended on his future conduct.

Many of his newly acquired powers did.

Once it was revealed that all of the Successors had become Myths — the New Generation — Scar approached the large door and placed his palm against it.

Then, the door opened with a rumble similar to the one that let them in. Though they were Myths, Kieran and the others did not know how to inherently tap into the Oath's Significance or delve into their Source either.

'Despite becoming an Adept… there's still so much for me to learn. Being isn't that bad; it sometimes has its perks. '

Everyone left the Temple of Succession and wandered the corridors leading to the Hero's Sanctuary central sanctums, but Kieran stopped before Adeia's effigy and stared at it with complicated emotions.

Scar examined the statue and looked at Kieran.

"Someone you know? It's the second time you stopped and stared at this particular statue."

Kieran nodded solemnly, exhaling deeply.

"I know of her, but I have so many regrets despite meeting her. She was there — in the Trial, I mean. Her name's Adeia and her swordsmanship caught my eye. But I never learned what came of her."

Scar muttered some things before snapping his fingers.

"Ah, Adeia — the Damned whose Spirit remains trapped inside the War Deity Council's Phantasmagoria. That's right… I forgot you partook in that. Veradin said you did remarkably well."

Kieran touched the statue's empty hand and then looked into the expressionless eyes of the stone simulacrum.

"I didn't do well enough. If I did, I would have learned more from her. Perhaps even freed her."

Scar noticed the conflict and turmoil burdening his pupil and could only pat his shoulder as consolation.

"That's not your problem, nor is it your fault. There isn't much a Novice can do against a Master, even one that has deteriorated for at least an Age."

Kieran sighed deeply, shaking his head.

"If only I could enter again in the future, but Veradin said it is impossible… that it goes against the rules set by the Relic."

Scar shrugged, leaving Kieran with a message that sounded all too like him.

"Who cares? Gain power and break the rules. Rules are not unbreakable shackles; they can only bind what they can control. So, gain enough power so that your whims conform to none and your mere presence defies all authority."

Scar stopped, then turned and gave a cheeky grin.

"Just be ready for the consequences!"


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