White Online

Chapter 96 - Moon’s Range.

Isaac and Darth left the luxurious place and entered the streets of Moon City.

They turned to look at the luxurious place and saw that the building was not larger than an ordinary two-floor building, but the interior of the building was easily as big as a castle!

''Fascinating...'' Isaac muttered, 'How is it possible... Or is it something Arthur added...'

Most of the buildings in Moon City weren't that large, but the interior of every single house was extremely large!

Darth looked at the distance and gasped in a marvel. He expected to see a ceiling made of rocks because they are underground, but instead, he was seeing a starry sky!

Also, in the distance, he saw massive walls reaching all the way to the starry sky; it was even touching it, which made everyone confident that it was not an ordinary sky.

''I wonder what is on the opposite side of the walls.'' Isaac thought aloud, but then he remembered the NPC's words.

''Ah right... We are in Outer Layer, so that must be where Inner Layer is located.''

''Like in Stronglord?'' Darth asked.

Isaac shrugged, ''Maybe, but I wonder who is living in the Inner Layer. Their status must be high.''

He shook his head to get these useless thoughts out of his mind. They have a test to be completed.

They started walking towards the Moon's Range with the help of their maps.

But, during the time, they gathered even more attention than in the luxurious place.

Their outfits are rarely seen in the Moon City, after all.

The NPC's didn't bother them; instead, they just watched closely, but they also felt very curious why the beautiful boy was carrying a heavy-looking gun on his back.

Soon, under the intense gazes of nearby NPC's, they arrived in a courtyard with a metal fence. They looked at the map and saw that this was their destination.

On top of the metal gate, a words [Moon's Range] was seen.

Darth touched the metal gates and pushed them open. They slowly entered the courtyard and heard a banging noise coming from another side of the wall.


Isaac recognized the sound. There was a wall made of stone on the other side of the courtyard. There was also a wooden door, which leads to the other side of the wall.

The courtyard's ground was surprisingly made of grass, but then they also noticed a house not far from them.

''I feel like this is someone's home... Are we trespassing?'' Darth asked with a wry smile.

Isaac scratched his head and pondered what should they do.

But then, the door of the house was opened, and a lovely woman in her 30s appeared. She looked at the two individuals with initial surprise, but soon a gentle smile appeared on her beautiful face.

''Are you two here for Moon's Range?'' She asked with her gentle voice.

''Yes.'' Darth and Isaac replied in unison.

The woman covered her mouth in surprise while looking at Isaac, ''I apologize, I thought you were a lady at first.''

Isaac scratched the back of his head with frustration.

Darth wryly smiled.

''I apologize for my rudeness.'' She bowed with an apologetic tone, ''My name is Mona.''

''I am Darth, and this is Wraith.'' Darth introduced both of them.

''Quite unique names.'' Mona giggled and looked at Isaac, ''You definitely don't look like a Wraith.''

She clapped her hands and looked at the table with four seats, ''Do you want a tea?''

''Thanks.'' Darth bowed and walked towards the table while Isaac followed behind him.

They sat down and watched as Mona gently poured the tea on their cups.

''My husband will come here shortly.'' She said and sat down. She took a sip of the tea with satisfied expressions.

Isaac looked at the liquid inside the tea and was surprised to see it being in the color of grey.

He curiously took a sip and felt his body feeling more energetic almost instantly.

The liquid traveled through his throat, and every second was pleasurable.

Darth was also feeling amazing.


The courtyard shook as a figure crashed through the wooden door.

Mona giggled and shook her head.

A muscular man walked through the destroyed door and looked at the figure who was lying on the ground, ''You bastard, you suck!''

''I-It was my first time t-trying a gun.'' The figure said with a trembling tone as he looked at the muscular man with terror.

The muscular man snorted, and his muscles bulged, ''So what? I have never seen someone so incompetent in my life! Get out and don't come back!''

''B-But, I-I need to learn it, give me another chance!'' The figure started begging while kowtowing.

''Honey.'' Mona's calm voice rang in the courtyard.

The muscular man's anger disappeared, and a gentle smile appeared on his face, ''Yes, beautiful?''

Mona giggled and shook her head, ''Give him another chance, you know how important the Coming of Age Ceremony is.''

The muscular man sighed and nodded. He looked at the figure and growled, ''Get out, come back tomorrow at 8 A.M, and you better know how to fucking reload by then!''

''Y-Yes, thank you!'' The young man kowtowed two more times and ran out of the courtyard.

''Tsk.'' The muscular man clicked his tongue, and then he finally saw two unfamiliar figures sitting at a table, ''Who are they?''

''This is Darth and Wraith. They are here for Moon's Range,'' Mona said gently.

Darth and Isaac nodded.

''My name is Iah. Why are you here for Moon's Range?'' Iah asked with his powerful tone.

''We are here for the...'' Isaac didn't know how to say it properly, so he just said the first thing that came to mind, ''Test.''

Mona and Iah looked surprised until smiles appeared on their faces.

''Alright then,'' Iah said and saw the gun, which Isaac was carrying.

He nodded with approval and also saw the way Darth was holding his bow, which told about his experience.

'They seem competent.... Maybe they will be able to pass the test made by Goddess Artemis.'

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