White Online

Chapter 679 World Version.

679 World Version.

The demons whispered to themselves loudly after the unnatural resurrection of the World of White. They had seen their Demon Kings and Lords destroy planets before, and it was always a jaw-dropping experience. However, they never saw a destroyed planet resurrect!

Lucifer's expression gradually darkened. He once again lifted his hand, pointed his finger at the cloud-covered world, and spoke softly, "Vanish."

Everyone turned to look at the World of White, expecting to see it vanish. However, another spectacular scene appeared.

"Explorer of Life, WORLD VERSION!"

Before Lucifer's spell struck the world, the entire planet was shrouded in green light before vanishing!

The world appeared on the other side of the destroyed moon. Isaac used his "Explorer of Life" to teleport the entire world away. He also controlled it perfectly so that there was still the same distance to the sun and the moon without disturbing the economic system of the world.

"W-what?!" The demons screamed inside the spaceships. They had never seen a planet that could teleport before!

They thought they'd seen everything alright, but now they couldn't believe their eyes!

"Who the fuck!" Lucifer screamed as he hurled across the space with a single leap. He appeared above the cloud-covered planet and pointed both fists at it. "Vanishing Destruction!"

"Explorer of Life, WORLD VERSION!"

As the same voice entered Lucifer's irritated eyes, the World of White disappeared and returned to its previous spot.

"What!" Lucifer screamed.

Inside the God Realm, Asmodeus was flung across the realm with his body crashing through the buildings. He was screaming and crying for someone to stop this. He felt like he was an insect in a cage, held by an adult who was shaking it back and forth.

At the core of the world, Isaac opened his eyes while bathing in lava. It was even hotter than the surface of the sun, yet he wasn't even sweating and treated it like a bath.

"I can't keep protecting this place forever. I need them to fuck off." Isaac rose from the lava and flew up from the earth like a powerful drill. After a minute or so, he popped out of the ground and appeared back in the Summer Realm.

Isaac floated in the air like a god. His white camouflage outfit flapped against the powerful wind while his beautiful white hair rose.

He buckled up his knees before shooting straight up. He flew through the sky, breaking it in as he entered the Spring Realm. He continued immediately to the Autumn Realm, then to the Winter Realm, and lastly, to the God Realm.

The beautiful land of the God Realm stretched in front of him.

Isaac looked above, his gaze pierced through the clouds and landed on the demons. His eyes shone with a brilliant glow as his hands started spreading around. "Death Descent!"

In the distant space, several flying comets stopped and started to be pulled towards someone, as if they were being controlled by gravity.

The demons still looked out of the windows until they noticed several comets flying across the planet, going straight towards them!

"What is it this time?" The demons screamed. "Why does it look like the comets are only targeting us?"

"God damn it, escape the ships!"


Before any of them managed to take a single step out of the ships, the comets shredded through the spaceships like a boulder hitting a kid's toy.

Beelzebub flapped his wings and smashed through the rest of the comets. However, three medium-sized spaceships had already been destroyed, killing thousands of demons.

"Vanish." Lucifer made the broken ships, destroyed comets, and dead demons vanish. Their surroundings have again become nice and tidy.

The Demon Kings looked seriously towards the World of White. It was clear that the person hiding wasn't ordinary person.

"One of the Primordial Gods?" Belphegor asked.

"Most likely." Mammon replied.

"Let's retreat for now." Lucifer said and glanced at the World of White with narrowed eyes before flying away.

The rest of the demons followed their leader and flew back towards Four Seasons.

"What about Asmodeus?" Mammon asked.

"I am sure he is already woken up and will find the person who bothered us this much." Lucifer said with hands tugged in his pockets.


Isaac softly landed back on the ground while his coat stopped flapping.

"That did it." He spoke aloud while noticing that the demons were slowly leaving. However, then the sky rumbled loudly, and a thundering roar echoed in the distance.

An inhumanly handsome face with two short, sharp horns flew through the clouds and buildings. His skin was pulled upward into a disgusting, wretched look.

Asmodeus screamed and flew straight into Isaac. He grabbed the white-haired man's face, smashed it against the ground, and then tossed him through a dozen God City buildings.

Isaac had his arms crossed as his back crashed through the buildings. After going through another wall and entering the street, his feet firmly planted against the concrete road and stopped his momentum.

Asmodeus' figure appeared above the buildings, with his cloak fighting against the wind. He reached his hand towards empty air, then a black whip appeared in his hand with a leather handle.

He flicked his wrist. The whip slashed down at the nearby building and sliced it right in half. He then turned to Isaac and lashed the whip down.

Isaac grabbed the whip with his right hand, but then his hand started burning as the whip started burning with black flames. He immediately let go, and the black whip lashed across his face.


Isaac's body crashed through a wall, leaving behind a fallen brick wall.

"You bastard, do you have any idea how much of a headache I have?" Asmodeus spoke with hatred as he moved the black whip around him. "First, my sleep was ruined, then I flew back and forth in the God Realm almost a thousand times, and my favorite suit was ruined!"

After done yelling, he lashed the black whip down at the building, where Isaac flew to, and shredded it. The dusty cloud blew and hindered the vision.

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