White Online

Chapter 662 Crimson Menace.

Chapter 662 Crimson Menace.

''S-Someone help!'' The soldiers shouted while trying to climb over their fellow comrades. Everyone was panicking, and those closest to the gates had already retreated to the White Paradise. It wasn't looking good!

Amour moved through the screaming soldiers. It was like he was trying to swim against tidal waves. However, soon later, he managed to reach the frontlines of the army and instantly came face-to-face with hungry-looking demons.

He drew his crimson axe and held it with both hands while slashing through the demons. He immediately left behind the corpses of two red-skinned demons.

The scene had already attracted the attention of the demons. There were basically only two men fighting, while everyone else was trying to run away. They were God Ares and Amour.

''?'' God Ares kicked Raizo away and turned to the battlefield. He was angry at the scene he was seeing. However, after seeing one man fighting, he nodded with appreciation. But then, the crimson axe caught his attention and made him gasp in shock.

'Amour, why are you here?' he asked from himself, but soon knew why. 'I see. Even you were unable to stand still when war was happening right outside your door. I know what you are feeling!'

God Ares felt exactly the same when he was younger. The only thing on his mind was war and battles. It was a thrilling and addictive feeling. He hadn't taught Amour to keep those impulses in check. He didn't have time to do so.

'He doesn't have to control those impulses. Use all those impulses; it makes you strong!' God Ares grinned and continued his fight against Raizo. The bloodshed started as two giants started trading blows.

''Argh!'' Amour gritted his teeth in pain as he was suddenly tackled by two demons. They grabbed his legs and pulled him down to the ground.

The demons immediately gathered around him. Their mouths salivated and their eyes turned crimson. There were close to twenty demons surrounding fallen Amour, and they all looked like they had missed breakfast and were feeling incredibly hungry!

''Hands off me!'' Amour smashed his fist into the demon's skull and freed his right arm. He wielded the crimson axe with only his right hand, but even that was enough. He slashed diagonally and shredded through the demons' throats and bodies. Their body parts flew across the air.

Amour placed his hands below him and flipped himself over. After finishing his backflip, he grabbed the crimson axe with both hands and rushed against the demons' army alone. There were thousands of demons rushing towards him!

''Dieeee!'' Amour swung the axe and rammed into the demons. The thousands of demons pushed into him like a thousand cars, and he was immediately run over.

Amour crashed on the ground and was immediately stomped over by hundreds of demons. The golden blood started flowing down from his nostrils and mouth.

The demons stomped over Amour and continued chasing after the retreating army. There were only a few hundred soldiers from humanity's army left on the battlefield. Everyone else had entered White Paradise already and scurried away into the streets.

''No..'' Amour awkwardly stood up and was immediately attacked by hundreds of demons, who were surrounding him. They were like a pack of wolves, lunging towards their prey.

Amour's arms were locked by the demons, and then some of the demons lunged forward and sank their long teeth into his throat and body.

''?!'' He coughed out golden blood and felt incredibly cold suddenly. It was like the demons were sucking all the body fluids from his body. Soon, the demons again swept his legs from underneath him, causing him to fall back to the ground. The demons immediately mounted him and started munching on his flesh like ravenous beasts.

''No...'' Amour muttered while only seeing the faces of laughing demons in his vision. He stretched his blood-covered arm towards the faraway sky and started regretting giving in to his impulses. He could still be watching the battle from his TV, enjoying the warmth of the building. Now, he was being eaten alive.

The pain was unimaginable and it was the only thing he felt. This was a fate he wouldn't even want to share with his worst enemies.

''W-Why... did my impulses betray me...'' Amour thought while streaks of tears flowed down from the corner of his eyes. He started thinking about his father, his deceased mother, and her brilliant smile. Then, the images started warping, and suddenly he imagined them getting eaten alive like this.

His eyes immediately slammed open and a crimson glow left his body. The crimson axe suddenly started glowing brighter than ever before, and the black night sky suddenly became crimson!

''CRIMSON MENACE!'' Amour's shout echoed across all the continents and even reached the ears of Demon Kings. They couldn't mask their surprise as they saw the darkness disappearing, replaced by crimson.

The demons surrounding Amour suddenly started exploding. They were like human bombs. The demons who arrived at the gates of the White Paradise suddenly exploded. They were only a step away from entering the city.

Amour was left alone in the midst of exploding demons. Their corpses weren't left behind, but instead pools of blood and ashes.

''Ah... ahh...'' Amour tried to stand up but he was heavily injured. Even breathing was difficult, let alone standing. His legs were bleeding as he was eaten by several spots. It was a horrendous scene.

Then, a desolate drone flew into the air. It filmed everything. Everyone watching from their TVs was utterly terrified, and many were worried for Amour's well-being. Was he going to survive those injuries?

'Amour...' Ares gritted his teeth as he dodged Raizo's sudden punch. He couldn't help his successor and was shocked to see Amour end up in that state. It seemed that he didn't enter the state of impulse at first. Instead, it took him much longer, and that caused the crimson sky. He finally entered that state.

It's strange since it was a legacy skill and Amour could have used that skill since the beginning.

'What are you planning, Amour?' Ares thought his successor had something up his sleeve, but this was madness!

Amour reached his hand towards the crimson sky and let out a weak smile. ''I now understand... the secret behind demons' regeneration...''

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