White Online

Chapter 239 - End of Party

Chapter 239 - End of Party.

In the throne room.

Couples of beautiful women and handsome men were dancing under beautiful violin music.

Old couples, younger couples, and married couples were dancing with each other in a rhythmic and beautiful manner.

Their dancing looked mesmerizing to look at. Every movement was executed perfectly.

Emperor Lock Stronglord kept looking at the dancing couples, but soon, a beautiful middle-aged woman with heavy makeup appeared next to the throne.

She had beautiful blond hair that reached all the way to her thighs, with a mature-like body and wide hips.

''Your majesty.'' Empress of Stronglord Empire said with a polite bow, ''I have a question, may I ask?''

''Go ahead.'' Emperor Lock replied with a wave of his hand.

''Why were you so respectful towards those two youths?'' She asked while glancing at one of the tables where Luna and Isaac were talking.

''You are so narrow-minded, as always.'' He replied with a click of his tongue.

The Empress didn't look hurt, instead waited for the answer that had been infiltrating her mind.

''They might be weak currently, but their potential is what makes them valuable.'' He said and looked back at the Empress, ''Do you understand?''

Empress nods and then looks at Isaac, ''Well… He doesn't look that strong.''

''Because you only look at the outer layer and not the interior.'' He said while looking at her face, which was filled with makeup.

He feels disappointed because of the lack of brain the Empress has.

''He still looks weak…'' Emperor murmured and left to go mingle with other nobles.

Lock Stronglord frowned and looked towards Isaac, who was talking with Luna.

'He looks weak? Then why do I feel like he has an incredible power hidden inside him.'

''How did you get your legacy?'' Luna asked curiously. Her eyes sparkled after knowing that she wasn't the only one with a legacy, and someone like Isaac got a very powerful one.If you want to read more chapters, visit pa nda-novel,c.o,m

That made her happy after knowing that she wasn't the only one with a legacy, which caused most of her pressure to vanish.

Hecate has told her about the importance of legacies, which caused her to feel like she was carrying a mountain on her back.

''I was part of the tournament, and the winner got a legacy.'' Isaac replied and took a piece of the food, ''I managed to win.''

''Wow!'' Luna looked amazed and knew that Isaac was amazing, but that was way beyond her expectations.

''By the way, how are you doing?'' Isaac asked after swallowing the food. His question was way more serious than the previous light-hearted conversation they were having.

''I had surgery, and now I feel much better!'' Luna replied cheerfully.

She soon continued with, ''I might get cured soon, and I will be able to leave the hospital!''

''Ah, that's great.'' Isaac nodded with a smile but had a sinking feeling that curing Winter Illness isn't so simple.

No one has been cured yet, and the chances of Luna being the first one was… Slim.

''Hehe.'' Luna giggled and then remembered, ''I will be visiting my granddad with my mom and dad!''

''Oh.'' Isaac looked surprised and said, ''I am also visiting my grandparents.''

''Hehe, what a coincidence!'' Luna giggled and said something that had been on her mind, ''I am not sure I can play much when I go visit…''

She sighed and continued, ''I haven't been able to visit granddad for a long time, and I am not sure when I be fully cured and when I can visit again, so I want to spend as much time with him as possible!''Want to see more chapters? Please visit pan da-novel ,c.o.m

She showed her frail arms and tried to flex her imaginary muscles.

Isaac nodded and pushed the plate away after finishing the food, ''Yeah… This is my first time visiting my grandparents, and I am unsure how I should act around them, especially because I don't know anything about them.''

''I am sure it will be fine!'' Luna replied with confidence, ''I met two nice old people not long ago, and they seemed excited to meet their own grandson, whom they haven't met for a long time. I am sure it is the same with your grandparents!''

Isaac leaned on the chair and smiled, ''Yeah, maybe you are right.''

''Hehe, of course!''

After the pleasurable conversation, Isaac remembered that he planned to play only for several hours, before going to sleep.

''Interface…'' He murmured and took a look at the clock that was nearing 9 P.M.

''Are you planning to stay at the party?'' Isaac asked.

''Are you leaving?'' Luna asked and saw Isaac nodding.

''Then I will leave as well!'' She stood up, and Isaac could finally have a full view of her beautiful dress that made her look very lovely.

Isaac nodded and offered his hand.

Luna blushed and looked at the hand for several seconds before grabbing it firmly.

They soon left the throne room, and many noticed it but didn't go after them in fear of bothering them.

This time, their walk in the corridors was way slower.

Once they reached the room with a statue on it, they circled around it and entered another corridor, which led to the palace's exit.

''Mmm…'' Luna hummed gently while looking at the paintings on the walls.

Soon, they left the palace and saw the long stairway in the distance.

''Not again…'' She pouted and remembered the feet pain she received.

''Maybe you should take your shoes off.'' Isaac gave an idea.

He saw the shoes Luna was wearing, and they didn't look very comfortable.

''Good idea!'' She replied and crouched to take the shoes away.

Once her shoes were off, she threw them inside her Inventory and felt much more refreshed.

She fidgeted her soft-looking toes and smiled cheerfully, ''Much better. My feet were hurting so much.''

''Difficulties of being a woman, I guess,'' Isaac replied with a chuckle and offered his hand again.

This time, Luna grabbed it without a second thought and replied, ''Indeed. Hecate gave me suggestions about what I should wear, but everything she suggested hurts to wear.''

She rubbed her sides and said, ''Especially the bras. They are so tight!''

''Ahem…'' Isaac coughed awkwardly and wryly smiled, ''Right…''

Luna pouted and said, ''In the hospital, I don't have to wear them because they usually irritate my skin.''

Isaac rubbed his forehead and wryly smiled, ''Ahem, right, sounds tough.''

Luna giggled and started dragging Isaac behind as they walked down the long stone stairs, ''Heh, it is!''

Isaac shook his head and followed after the cheerful girl.

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