White Online

Chapter 230 - Delicious

Chapter 230 - Delicious.

Sebastian appeared in the dining room with trays of delicious-looking food.

He neatly put the plates down on the table while the scent of the food managed to travel all the way to Isaac's nose.

''Mmm…'' Madison closed his eyes with satisfaction and smiled, ''Sebastian, you went all-out, didn't you?''

Sebastian smiled and stepped to the side, ''Food is served.''

Isaac, Madison, and Malcolm stood up and sat down around the dining table.

The food was still smoking hot, but they could barely resist taking a bite.

Isaac grabbed the metallic fork and took a piece of the steak.

Once he did that, juices started pouring down from the steak's interior, making Isaac gulp.

His hand trembled, and he desperately wanted to take a piece, but he would burn his tongue.

''The steak is called Ribeye Steak.'' Sebastian explained, ''Its combination of luxurious tenderness and big beefy flavor makes it one of the best steaks in the world.''

Isaac nodded and decided that it had cooled down enough.

He moved his hand, and once the steak piece was inside his mouth, he closed his mouth and enjoyed the steak's flavor.

His eyes widened in pleasant surprise and slight shock.

He had never tasted something so tasty.

Sebastian stood calmly while Whitelock Family members were dining. He was confident in his cooking, and rarely did he have a chance to show off his cooking skills, but now he could.

Isaac's respect for Sebastian grew even more after tasting the salad on the plate.

It looked somewhat simple compared to steak, but it wasn't any worse than steak.

The sauce on top of the salad gave it an exotic taste, which he had never tasted before.

Malcolm used a napkin to wipe the greasy stains from his mouth, and after he was done, he opened his mouth while looking at Isaac, ''About the story, I told you before, the bear's claws are in my office.''

''Really?'' Isaac asked with surprise.

Malcolm nodded, ''We all took souvenirs of the beast we killed, and I was lucky enough to get the claws.''

Madison wryly smiled and shook her head, thinking that Isaac wasn't that interested and was only acting.

''Can I see them?'' Isaac asked with slight excitement. He wondered how sharp the claws were if they could cut through a wooden trunk!

''O-Oh, sure,'' Malcolm replied with slight surprise. He didn't expect Isaac wanting to see them.

'He knows how much hunting means for Malcolm…' Madison thought with a gentle smile, 'Maxwell indeed taught him well…'

She had a bigger misunderstanding, thinking that Isaac just asked out of politeness.

Malcolm glanced at his wife and quickly said to Isaac, ''Actually… I will go on a hunting trip with my friends next Saturday.''

Isaac widened his eyes in surprise, ''Really? Can I co—'' Before he could ask, Madison interrupted.

''On Saturday?'' Madison raised an eyebrow, ''Wasn't it supposed to be on Friday?''

''Well…'' Malcolm scratched his cheek and replied, ''Friday will have that thing… Remember?''

''Oh… Right.'' Madison facepalmed after completely forgetting an event that would change the world.

''You were saying..?'' Malcolm asked from Isaac, who wanted to ask a question before his wife interrupted.

''Umm… Nothing.'' Isaac shook his head and thought it would be too quick to ask if he could come with them.

He doesn't want to be a bother to them.

Soon, they finished the food, and Sebastian went to wash the plates that were filled with food only a few minutes ago but were now empty, without even sauce left.

''Isaac, I will show you your room.'' Madison stood up and whispered something towards Malcolm before grabbing Isaac's hand and leading him to the upstairs.

They went all the way to the third floor, where Isaac's room was located.

Madison stopped in front of a wooden door where the nameplate with Isaac's name was located.

Master crafter crafted it, and it clearly showed.

Madison smiled after seeing Isaac's surprised look, ''We went to get it from an old friend, who owed us a favor— it's beautiful, isn't it?''

Isaac nodded dumbly and looked at the nameplate for a few seconds longer until Madison finally opened the door and showed the room.

The room was insanely large.

Isaac crouched and touched the soft carpet. His hands felt the texture of the softness and wondered what it was made from.

He knew that it was far from cheap.

Next to the window, a beautiful desk was located with a chair in front.

Another door led straight to the bathroom, which was larger than a room in an ordinary citizen's house.

A wooden wardrobe was located next to the bookshelf, full of books.

The wardrobe alone could easily fit all of Isaac's clothes, and even still, it would look like it could fit much more.

Madison looked around the room and nodded with satisfaction. She put quite a lot of effort into the room and even bought the bookshelf and hundreds of books.

She thought that Isaac would like to read the books because her son did.

A large TV was nailed on the floor, with consoles on top of the small table that was under the TV.

Madison didn't want to take any risks and bought everything a young man would need and put them all in Isaac's room.

''This is… Insane.'' Isaac couldn't describe it with anything else. His room in Snowstar was a joke compared to this.

He would be fine with a simple bed and wardrobe, but now he has basically his own house inside the room.

Madison gently smiled and then remembered one thing that was missing from the room, ''Ah, I forgot something!'' She left the room in a hurry, and Isaac heard her footsteps getting further away.

Isaac lowered his bags and put them gently on the soft carper.

He felt strange while looking at the room.

He was missing his family, but he knew that he wouldn't be alone, even though he barely knew his grandparents.

Isaac decided to use this as the first step to his adulthood.

He wanted to learn to be independent, and now was the perfect time.

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