White Online

Chapter 218 - Unbeatable

Chapter 218 - Unbeatable.

''Hmph, useless.'' On top of one of the tallest trees, a dark cloaked figure was seen sitting, while a large dark-cloaked gun was resting on his arms.

His bright blue eyes underneath the mask started glowing, and he instantly knew where the other Players were.

He fired two bullets.



Somewhere in the ground.

TwistedReversed, the person who had been carefully moving entire tournament saw a chance in victory.

'Daughter… I will win!' He swore in his mind, but then he heard a haunting sound, and he thought that it wasn't aimed at him, but soon a sharp item pierced through his eye.

King Klaus looked at the notifications with a cold gaze.

[Player TwistedReversed DEAD!]

[Player Orylan DEAD!]

[Contenders: 2]

''One more… And finally, I have reached my goal.'' He once again scanned the area with his Eye of Tracker and saw the last remaining person hiding behind a mountain.

''You can't hide from me…'' King Klaus aimed with his dark-cloaked gun, and once the figure was in his sight.

He pressed the trigger.


[Wall Breaker Used!]

The bullet flew like a missile, and at first, it looked like it was going to hit the mountain, and so it did.

But… The next part was fascinating.

The bullet effortlessly pierced through the mountain wall and still kept going!

Isaac, who was currently panting heavily, heard something approaching from the mountain!

He widened his eyes in shock and quickly lied flat on the ground.

Second, later, he felt something flying past his head.

Isaac turned his head and was shocked to see a bullet flying away, which seemed to come from the mountain.

He stood up and looked at the hole in the mountain wall.

''It was Skill… But, how did he know that I was here?'' He frowned and looked at the number of Contenders left.

Only two remained.



His heart started beating rapidly as he knew that he was only one kill away from winning.

He never thought he would reach this far, and once he did, he wanted to win!

King Klaus, who was still sitting on top of the tree, decided to go on the offensive.

He jumped off the tree and landed softly on the ground.

''Huff…'' He breathed out and started running towards the mountain in the distance.

His blue eyes again started glowing, and he saw that the figure still hadn't moved!

'Amateur.' King Klaus thought and ran straight towards the mountain!

He wasn't slowing down, and it looked like he was going to crash, but then…

[Wall Runner Used!]

King Klaus jumped, and once his feet landed on the mountain wall, he didn't fall. Instead, it was like his feet got stuck in the mountain!

He didn't wait anymore and started running up the mountain wall!

It took him only several seconds to reach the top of the mountain.

Once his feet landed on the snow ground, he crouched and used all his agility stats to jump straight towards the sky!

He didn't reach the sky. However, he managed to jump twenty meters up in the air, which was an incredible achievement.

King Klaus looked down, and from the air, he managed to see the white-cloaked figure.

''Hmph.'' He scoffed and aimed his gun straight at the oblivious youth.


He didn't wait any longer as he fired his shot.

His heart was beating rapidly as he knew that he was very close, only one kill away, and then finally, he had reached his goal.

If he gets his hands on the Legacy, he will be the most powerful Player alive!

Isaac, however, heard the gunshot, and he had already jumped away.

The bullet landed only an inch away from his leg, and it wasn't far away from completely crippling him.

Isaac raised his head and widened his eyes in shock as he saw a dark cloaked figure floating in the sky!

At first it looked like he was floating, but he was slowly descending.

But, the next thing shocked him even more.

King Klaus' blue eyes started changing colors until they were bright red!

[Heat Vision Used!]

A beam of crimson light left his eyes, and it flew straight towards Isaac with even greater speed than BlackNight managed to do!

Isaac quickly jumped backwards and saw how the heat vision destroyed the nature to pieces.

'It was the same attack… He has some kind of copying ability?!' Isaac felt like facepalming, 'This is some bullshit… Where is my broken ability?!'

King Klaus landed on top of the mountain and rubbed his eyes as an annoying, itching feeling appeared.

While rubbing his eyes, he shouted, ''Give up, I am much stronger, smarter, and skilled than you are!''

Isaac didn't answer, instead hid behind a tree and had his musket rifle ready to be used.

''I won't be defeated by you, and no matter how much you struggle, I will win.'' King Klaus kept blinking his eyes, and soon the itching feeling disappeared, and he could concentrate again.

Isaac took a deep breath and shouted back, ''King Klaus, right?!''

King Klaus clicked his tongue, ''Tsk, you must know my status then? Give up, and you will not be bothered in the future.''

''Sorry… But, not happening!'' Isaac left his hiding spot and fired!


[Illusionary Shot Used!]

King Klaus quickly jumped out of the mountain, and when he was airborne, he saw Isaac squeezing the trigger again.

''You can't shoot that fast!'' He shouted and frowned, 'Does he not know that you can't fire rapidly? What a fool.'

But soon, his eyes widened in shock.


Another bullet left the musket rifle's barrel, and it didn't take long for it to arrive in front of King Klaus.

King Klaus was shocked but managed to think calmly.

Bright red eyes returned while a beam of crimson light left his eyes.

The crimson light surrounded the bullet and turned it into ashes.

''Useless, try!'' He shouted and was about to land on the ground, but then he saw Isaac doing something strange.

Isaac touched the snow, and a puff of cold air left his lungs, ''Work…''

[Icy Shot Used!]

The snow below him froze, and without any warnings, the ice started spreading all around him, but Isaac tried to control it and successfully managed to do so!

The ice rapidly started moving forwards, and King Klaus noticed that the ice was rushing straight towards him!

Once his feet landed on the ground, the ice had already arrived and froze his legs!

Isaac quickly aimed his musket rifle but then saw something unbelievable.

King Klaus simply moved his legs, and the ice broke.

''How?'' Isaac lowered his weapon and couldn't believe his eyes.

King Klaus grinned as his eyes started glowing in red, ''Marksman Skills won't work on me!''

''I have two skills. The first one nullifies every Marksman ability, and the second one is that I can copy any ability from a person I have killed in the last 24 hours!''

''I am… Unbeatable!''

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