White Online

Chapter 203 - Punch

Chapter 203 - Punch


A bullet shell landed on the snow ground next to the white-haired young man.

Isaac picked up the shell and stuffed it inside his pocket.

He was hiding behind a snow hill and only moments ago fired a bullet towards his attacker, who managed to dodge.

'He is good…' Isaac thought and didn't manage to get a proper glance at his attacker's gender because it was dark, and the figure had the body stature of a boy at first.

But also, Isaac noticed something very dangerous about his attacker.

'He noticed me instantly after my head popped up from the mountain… He has either insane eyesight, or he can see better in the dark than others.'

Isaac tested that theory while chasing LotusOfDeath and managed to find out the truth.

He saw how he rapidly turned the head around like he was trying to see if anyone was close, but with such speed, it would be impossible to see anyone.

Except if he had something that could instantly locate them.

'Night Vision, maybe…' That was Isaac's guess, and it would make sense to him, and he decided to treat him like he had a night vision.

''Come out; I know you are hiding behind the snow hill!'' Isaac heard a shout, which sounded very female-like.

'I guess he was really she…' He narrowed his eyes and thought why she wanted him to reveal himself.

''And why would I do that?'' Isaac shouted back and waited for an answer; his body sneakily started moving away from the snow hill.

Soon, he was hiding behind a tree while his attacker's voice had become silent.

''Give me your food, and I will let you live!'' The voice, this time, came from a different direction.

''No, you won't!'' Isaac replied back with a shout.

He heard the sound of a girl giggling coming from the dark forest. Isaac felt pressured because it felt like the sound came all around him.

''That's right, you killed my friend, and I will kill you to avenge her.'' Her innocent voice became enraged.

'I killed someone? Who?' He had no idea and didn't really care either, because he knows vividly everyone he had killed in the game, and it was impossible for him to know who did she meant.

He still had to survive, and no matter how he tries to reason with her, he knows that she has an obsession with killing him and won't stop until she has succeeded.

''I will give you a choice to kill yourself, or I will do it by slicing your limbs off.'' Her enraged voice rang in his ears.

'What the fuck is wrong with her?' Isaac thought with a strange look.

''So, what is your choice?!'' Isaac perked up his ears and, this time, tried to find her general location

And he managed to do so.

Isaac left his hiding spot and ran over the snow hill, only a few meters away from him; on the other side of the snow hill, he saw a dark cloaked figure aiming her musket rifle at him.

''Gotcha!'' She grinned and squeezed the trigger.


Isaac twisted his waist to the side, and the bullet brushed right past his waist, but the bullet managed to hit the plastic bag, which exploded into pieces, alongside all the food.

''Tsk!'' LotusOfDeath quickly reloaded again and aimed at Isaac, but he was already slashing with his musket rifle.

She didn't have enough time to squeeze the trigger and had to put the musket rifle as a block.


LotusOfDeath successfully blocked the thin blade of Isaac's musket rifle.

A grin appeared on her face, and she did a quick kick at Isaac's shinbone, making him fall down on his knee.

Once his knee landed on the snow ground, LotusOfDeath moved around her and used her musket rifle to start choking Isaac.

''Ugh!'' A grunt of pain escaped Isaac's mouth as the musket rifle was crushing his throat, stopping him from being able to breathe.

''Any last words?!'' LotusOfDeath screamed in his ear and increased his strength.

[-20 HP]

Isaac saw a rain of notifications popping up in front of him, and his HP was reducing in scary speed.

He tried to reach his musket rifle, which was lying on the ground only a meters away from him, but LotusOfDeath didn't allow him to do that.

''No last words? Fine by me.'' She grinned and was about to crush his throat.

Isaac felt that not being able to breathe was one of the most uncomfortable things he had ever felt and was almost sure that it might be the cruelest way to kill someone.

After seeing that she didn't seem to have any shred of mercy in her, Isaac decided to stop being merciful against her.

He grabbed something from his jacket, and soon, the item he grabbed became visible.

It was the Flintlock Pistol that he had been hiding since he left the cave!

LotusOfDeath didn't notice it yet, but soon, she felt something touching her stomach.

Her head lowered, and instantly her eyes widened in shock as she saw a very familiar-looking gun being held by Isaac.


Isaac squeezed the trigger without waiting for her to react to it.

The bullet instantly pierced through her stomach.

[-200 HP!]

''Haaahhhhhhh!'' Isaac took a long and relieved breath after LotusOfDeath stumbled back out of shock and completely forgot to keep choking him.

He slowly stood up while rubbing his painful throat.

LotusOfDeath touched her bleeding stomach and became even angrier.

She saw her musket rifle lying on the ground only a meter away. She quickly grabbed it and was about to pick it up, but then a foot slammed on the musket rifle, which stopped her from picking it up.

She gritted her teeth and turned her gaze towards Isaac, who was standing on top of the musket rifle.

Isaac glimpsed at his Flintlock Pistol and threw it away, even though it had one bullet left.

''What are you doing?'' She asked with venom but also confused after seeing the white-haired young man throwing away his weapon.

Isaac didn't answer, instead punched with his bare fist.


The punch landed on her cheek, which sent her sliding several meters.

''Ahh…'' She rubbed her numb cheek and gritted her teeth with hate, ''Is this how you treat women? Just wait until I mention this in forums; you are ruined!''

Isaac unbuttoned his jacket and showed the red marks and bruises around his throat.

''See?'' He pointed at the bruises and said, ''You did this.''

''So?'' LotusOfDeath snorted, ''Your point is?''

Isaac buttoned his jacket, and once his throat was covered, he replied, ''At first, this wasn't personal and only a game, which should be enjoyed, but you made it very personal.''

''Haha, what are you, a kid?'' LotusOfDeath put her hands in front of her and grinned, ''This is nothing compared to the real world, where I fought against wolves and bears.''

''No, you didn't fight against them…'' Isaac clenched his fist and continued, ''You ambushed them and didn't let them even fight back, just like you tried to do with me, isn't that right?''

Her eyebrow twitched as she screamed, ''Enough talking, I will kill yo—'' Her words were cut off as Isaac's punch landed on her cheek, making her fall down on the ground.

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