White Online

Chapter 187 - Flintlock Pistol’s Differences.

''Huff... Huff...'' Isaac walked in the dark forest, his feet being surrounded by the piles of snow, and the moving was getting increasingly more difficult with each passing moment.

''Haahhhh...'' He took a deep breath and looked around where he was.

He was surrounded by dozens of trees and a rock boulder not far from him.

Isaac's eyes sparkled as he saw the rock boulder, ''I have arrived...'' He started moving his legs and pushed the snow to the side as he started getting near the boulder.

Once he reached the boulder, he wiped the snow from the surface and saw some kind of scribbles on the surface.

He trailed his finger on the initials and wiped the rest of the snow that covered them.

The initials were I.V.W.

''Isaac... Vayne... Whitelock.'' Isaac put his palm on the surface of the rock boulder and remembered the time when he wrote those initials on the rock boulder.

It was only moments ago when history's most disastrous snowstorm appeared, and Isaac got lost in the forest.

He barely remembers anything from that day, and it was like every memory that happened for the next few days after writing the initials were erased.

''Nostalgia...'' He removed his hand from the boulder and grabbed his Flintlock pistol from the jacket. A cold air left his lungs as his heart started beating out of excitement.

He took his leather pouch from the jacket and strapped it next to his waist like he had done countless times on White Online.

''No one should hear it from all the way here...'' Isaac murmured under his breath, and he was around a kilometer away from nearby civilization, which made him more confident to use this as a testing ground.

He was wearing open-finger gloves that didn't cover his fingertips. It made it easier for him to use Flintlock Pistol; that's why he chose it, even though his fingers were starting to get colder.

He grabbed a bullet from the leather pouch and stuffed it inside the Flintlock Pistol's chamber.

''Haahhh...'' Isaac took another puff of cold air and finally aimed the Flintlock Pistol towards the tree that was 20 meters away.

It seemed very natural like he had done it hundreds of times.

His finger slowly approached the trigger, and soon his cold fingertip touched the metallic texture of the trigger.

''Haahhh...'' He took a quick breath and calmed down his trembling body.

With his last remaining hand, he unbuttoned the jacket so that he could breathe more freely.

Soon, his arm stopped trembling, and he was ready to fire.

His face turned into absolute concentration, and his body stopped moving. Small snowflakes floated around Isaac's body, almost making a miniature tornado.

But they weren't disturbing his attention even the slightest.

He was ready to shoot and see was it any different than ingame.

More strength appeared on his fingertip as he started slowly squeezing the trigger.


A loud menacing sound appeared in the dark forest, which caused a few small avalanches around the place where Isaac was.

The bullet left the barrel like a cannon, and it didn't even take a second for it to arrive on the tree trunk.


The bullet effortlessly destroyed a big portion of the tree trunk.

Broken pieces of the tree flew around, almost landing all the way where Isaac was.

''Argh!'' Isaac suddenly had a grunt of pain as he grabbed his arm, which was aching after firing the gun.

''That's... More painful than I expected.'' He moved his arm around and felt the recoil spreading more pain than he at first expected.

His body was weaker than his White Online avatar, but he didn't expect it to have such a big difference.

He was using Flintlock Pistol when his level wasn't that high, and his body wasn't that strong, but there was still a massive difference.

After the pain had reduced slightly, he wanted to test if the Flintlock Pistol had a similar cooldown as ingame.

He grabbed another bullet from the leather pouch and was trying to put it inside the chamber.

But, when the bullet was about to enter the chamber, a familiar clanking noise didn't appear. Instead, the bullet seemed very loose inside the chamber.

Isaac frowned and used his thumb to push it deeper, but the bullet didn't get stuck inside like it was supposed to.

''What the hell...'' He scratched his head out of frustration and tried for another 10 to 20 seconds until finally, a clanking sound appeared, and the bullet went into position like it was supposed to.

It wasn't Isaac's doing. Instead, the bullet seemed like a magnet that went into the right position without him having to do anything.

''It has been exactly 30 seconds after I fired...'' Isaac sighed deeply and was fascinated that the Flintlock Pistol had the same cooldown system, but it worked differently.

Inside White Online, he can't even open the chamber when it's on cooldown, but in real life, he can, but he can't put the bullet inside the chamber properly.

Small changes, but huge differences.

Isaac wiped the snow from the top of the Flintlock Pistol after snowflakes started piling up.

He looked towards the dark sky and saw snowflakes dropping with greater intensity with each passing moment.

He has gotten used to snowing randomly, but he wanted the weather to stay calmer for half an hour at least, but he didn't get his wish.

Isaac decided to do one final test.

The Flintlock Pistol was aimed straight towards a tree branch, which was very skinny and seemed to be a target that was difficult to hit even with luck.

But, Isaac doesn't like to rely on luck; instead on his own skills, and that's exactly what he was doing.

His fingertip once again touched the hard and somewhat cold metallic trigger.

He slowly squeezed, and once again, the recoil made him take a step backward, but this time, Isaac was ready for the pain and managed to make his arm stiff before the shockwave of the recoil could damage him anymore.

The bullet flew through the air and even crushed a few snowflakes on pieces.

It's target, the tree branch was getting nearer and... The result was satisfactory.


The bullet split the tree branch in half and kept flying until it was out of view.

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