White Online

Chapter 159 - Streamers.


Isaac touched the side of his headgear and turned the VR Helmet off before putting it back down on the black box.

After leaving Paradise, he noticed that there wasn't anything left to do in the game and decided to log out for the time being.

He closed the black box, and once his hand touched it, he felt the very smooth and hard texture of the box.



He knocked on the box several times with his knuckles and didn't even make a dent on it.

Isaac had never seen a box like this before and was, as usual, curious about what was it made from.

He was certain that it wasn't metal, instead something else.

But, even though he was curious, he wasn't that interested currently finding out what it was made from. He is quick to get bored of such tedious tasks.

He stored the black box inside the wardrobe, right next to the box which was keeping the Bronze VR Helmet.

Isaac took a glimpse towards the Bronze VR Helmet, but soon afterwards, he closed the wardrobe's doors.

His next destination was his desk, or more precisely, the cabinet. He took his silver key from the place he hid it and opened the lock.

With a swift movement, he opened the door of the cabinet and took a notebook from there. He sat down on the chair and put the notebook gently on top of the wooden desk.

From a cupboard, he grabbed a pencil and started writing down the things he did today. It took him half an hour to finish writing everything, and once he was done, he stored it back inside the cabinet and closed the door.


The key went inside the keyhole, which was used to lock the cabinet tightly.

After he was done, he went towards a small shelf, which had books of different kinds. He grabbed a book, which was one of his old school books and stored the key inside the book, and put it back on the shelf.

''I wonder what Underlord is up to...'' Isaac murmured and saw his laptop lying down on top of the desk, where he was an only moment ago still writing.

The laptop was connected to the charger, and a green light was shown, which signaled that it had 100% battery.

Isaac took off the charger and grabbed the laptop before returning back to the bed.

He sat down on his soft bed, which made his body bounce slightly before coming to a stop.

After putting the laptop down on the bed, he opened it, and the screen started turning on, which showed the familiar screen, with a wallpaper of Isaac and his family.

He used the laptop's mouse and clicked the Internet Browser couple of times.

It only took a second for it to pop up on the screen. Isaac felt it weird for his laptop to be so fast when compared to that old computer he used in the abandoned hospital.

The difference was like Heaven and Earth.


Isaac tapped the mouse and started typing on the keyboard.


He pressed the enter button on the keyboard, and soon the website loaded, and the three most popular streams currently were the first ones that became visible.

Isaac took a deep breath after seeing them having over 2 million viewers each; it was an amount that was too much for him to comprehend.

''Imagine having so many watching you play or talk... Aren't they nervous at all?'' He asked from himself and didn't know what the streamers thought about such attention.

Did they like attention?

Did they feel nervous?

Aren't they worried about making fun of themselves?

He did not know the answer to any of these questions. Isaac started scrolling down and went to the section, which showed his followed streamers, and at the top was Underlord with view count that surprised Isaac greatly.

[Viewers: 1,046,435]

''This is insane... I only remember him recently having 50k...'' He used the mouse and entered Underlord's stream.

He leaned on the wall behind him, but before that, he put a pillow behind him that allowed him to watch without any uncomfortableness.

In the stream, he saw Underlord walking in the forest with a group of well-dressed men and women.

Most of them were very beautiful, some handsome, but all of them had one thing in common. Each one of them had a similar camera floating around them.

''All of them are streamers...'' Isaac murmured and scanned all of the people present. He sighed after seeing all of them dressing in a way that made their looks stand out. Most of them didn't even have armor, which is crucial, but Isaac had noticed that having good looks made streaming career much easier.

Without good looks, you either need to be extremely good at the game or funny, which some of the top streamers greatly lack and only count on their looks.

Underlord was also quite handsome with an overall gentle look around him that made him very popular with the opposite sex. He was also very good in White Online, which made his streaming career explode in popularity.

Isaac curiously looked at the chat.

He saw quite many complaining about dying before level 6 and had to buy a new VR Helmet, but he didn't have any money. It is another problem, if they die and won't have enough buy new one instantly, they will be left behind.

Isaac sighed and then remembered, ''Ah right... If someone is getting spam killed until he/she is below 1... They have to buy a new VR Helmet, imagine if I died...'' He had chills knowing that if he was reduced all the way to level 0 and had to buy a new one, but he has Mythical VR Helmet, and he would definitely cry tears of blood if that happened to him!

After getting rid of those nightmarish thoughts, he also saw the chat complementing the looks of the beautiful young women who were in that group, and Isaac has to admit that they were pretty, but frowned and shook his head after seeing them having almost no protection.

They were wearing dresses, which makes their mobility bad, and also makes protection nonexistent.

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