White Online

Chapter 143 - Zero Thieves.

Sulo and the rest of the Ten Thieves members landed on the ground with the help of the rope. They expected to see their Captain, and they did... But not in the condition they expected.

They saw Rob lying on the ground as a corpse with blue liquid trickling down from his head and his face showing despair.

''Captain!'' They shouted with disbelief and couldn't believe what they were seeing.

Their Captain, who has led them for over 10 years, is dead!

Sulo wiped his teardrops and angrily looked towards the darkness, ''Come out, coward! Fight like a man!''

The rest of the Ten Thieves also looked enraged and didn't only plan to kill him; they would make him suffer in every way possible.

''Haha...'' A laughter was heard from the darkness.

''What is so funny?!'' Sulo shouted with an enraged look.

''You guys used poison against me and complain when I didn't fight fairly...'' Isaac, in the darkness, sighed and could clearly see Sulo and rest in the distance. There was slight light coming from the hole in the ceiling, enough to illuminate a small area.

He aimed his Musket Rifle towards one of the black-robed figures and pressed his trigger.


Sulo and everyone flinched after the sound came and quickly lied flat on the ground, but one of them was too slow, and it was exactly the person Isaac was aiming at.


The bullet pierced through his throat, and another one died.

''Emme!'' Sulo screamed and saw the dead-looking face of another one of his friends who had just died.

''Fuck!'' He angrily slammed the rocky ground.

They thought they couldn't be angrier; they were mistaken.

Yrjo seeing his friends dying left and right, could barely hold his dagger steady.

In the darkness, they heard the sound of Musket Rifle being reloaded.

To them, it was the sound of death approaching.

''I-I can't be here...'' Yrjo grabbed the robe and looked towards the hole in the ceiling.

''Get down!'' Sulo screamed and tried to drag Yrjo down.

''N-No, I can't stay here!'' Yrjo grabbed the robe with both of his hands and started climbing.

''Yrjo, come back here!'' Sulo screamed, and soon his face showed despair as the terrifying sound came behind them,


''Aaahhhh!'' Yrjo screamed and had to let go of the rope.


He crashed on the ground, and his friends were already ready to help him, but blue blood was gushing out of his wound in the stomach, and it didn't take long for Yrjo to take his last breath as he died.

[You Killed Thief Yrjo]

[500 XP Earned!]

''Fuck! No!!!'' Sulo grabbed his hair and almost pulled it out.

*Step* *Step*

Sulo and the rest of the Ten Thieves members snapped their heads towards the direction of the sound and saw an outline of a person who had a full black outfit.

They quickly stood up and aimed their daggers towards Isaac, with killing intent erupting from them.

''I could kill you all from the darkness... But, I will give you guys a chance to fight back.'' Isaac surprisingly said and emptied the chamber and put all the bullets back on the pouch.

Sulo frowned and wondered what he was planning. Since the beginning, he used trickery to survive all the way here.

There is no way he would fight without his weapon after getting so far!

Why would he risk his life for no reason?

Isaac understood that his reasoning for them was suicide, but he didn't think it was suicide.

He rubbed the blade of the Musket Rifle, and once making sure that it was sharp as ever, he pointed the blade towards them and said, ''Come on, weren't you guys so eager to kill me?''

''RAAAHHH!'' Sulo and the rest rushed forwards with their daggers ready to kill.

Isaac bursted into motion at the same time.

Five figures with their daggers were rushing towards a lonely-looking white-haired young man with their daggers ready to make him suffer.

The white-haired young man was rushing fearlessly with his Musket Rifle that wasn't meant for melee battles, but here he is, about to do something reckless, and to some, it might be suicidal.

But, there wasn't an inch of hesitation on his face.


Isaac swung the Musket Rifle, and it stopped the approachment of Sulo's dagger.

Taking advantage of him being busy blocking, a black-robed figure appeared next to him and swung his dagger with deadly speed towards Ichiro's torso.

Sulo smirked, ''Fool, you are dead!''

''Not quite,'' Isaac said and squeezed the trigger!

[Icy Shot!]

Sulo widened his eyes as an icy bullet left the barrel and struck him in the forehead!

The layer of frost covered his head and made it impossible for him to keep breathing.

The one who was attacking Isaac became shocked because of the turn of the events and accidentally stopped the attack's momentum, which gave Isaac more than enough time to use the side of the Musket Rifle to send the dagger away.

The black-robed figure's hand broke as the Musket Rifle struck his wrist. The dagger flew out of his hand without being able to do anything.

His face turned pale, filled with despair, and the next thing he saw was a blade slashing through his throat, and his vision started seeing the hole in the ceiling.

Three other black-robed figures were looking at the scene with disbelief after another one of their friends died by beheading!

Sulo was anxiously trying to break the ice, he was slowly suffocating, and there was nothing he could do. Slowly, his movements became sluggish and slow.

He dropped down to his knees and stopped moving altogether.

Another two messages popped up in front of Isaac.

[You Killed Thief Sokki!]

[400 XP Earned!]

[You Killed Thief Sulo!]

[700 XP Earned!]

The three black-robed figures stumbled backward with horror-filled gazes as their Co-Captain died as well.

Isaac turned his head towards the last remaining individuals and said, ''Mythical VR Helmet, huh... I think... I might be able to defeat Players who are five levels above me....'' With these thoughts, he finished off the last remaining black-robed figures.

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