White Online

Chapter 139 - The Legend Of Wraith.

Isaac nodded and sat down next to Ian.

He slowly put his two hands together into a praying gesture and looked towards the statue.

The grey statue was a figure of a muscular man with long hair and half of his face being obscure, while the other half was disfigured. The figure was holding a hammer in his left hand, and his right hand was on flames.

Ian closed his eyes and lowered his head.

Isaac stayed in his thoughts for close to ten minutes before Ian finally decided to open his eyes.

''Thank you for listening to my ramblings, God Hephaestus...'' Ian muttered under his breath and turned his gaze towards Isaac, who also opened his eyes.

''Isaac, I see you made your choice.'' He said and looked at Isaac's white outfit.

''Yeah...'' Isaac replied and asked, ''Why Icy Shot?''

''Why not?'' Ian asked back with a small smile, ''Because it doesn't sound fancy like Sniper of Flames, I gotta admit... Arthur has good naming sense.'' He chuckled innocently.

''It sounds inefficient...'' Isaac scratched his head and decided to reveal his thoughts, ''Explosive Shot is obviously offensive skill, and so is Sniper of Flames, while Icy Shot can only freeze my opponents, why won't I use ordinary bullet so I can at least injure them?''

''There is a reason why Arthur didn't add cooldowns on your Skills, Illusionary Shot and Icy Shot... They can be fired infinitely, but Explosive Shot and Sniper of Flames have restrictions. Do you understand what I am trying to say?'' Ian saw Isaac realizing something important.

''Now that I think about it... It indeed has its uses.'' Isaac rubbed his forehead and couldn't believe that he had forgotten something so simple. He never noticed a reason why there aren't restrictions on his skills.

Ian gently patted his shoulder and slowly stood up, ''Aye... I have indeed gotten older...'' He grabbed the wooden cane from the side and used it to keep himself standing.

Isaac used his arms to push himself up, he still had questions about the old man's identity, but he didn't know how to ask about them.

''It is no time for you to ask important questions...'' Ian said, and at the end of his sentence, he had to catch his breathing before he could continue again, ''You are young, still weak and inexperienced... When you reach level 100, come back, and I will answer your questions.''

''What is so important?'' Isaac asked as Ian started walking towards the door, ''Isn't this only a game?''


Ian tapped the floor with enough strength to make the whole building shake, but Isaac's didn't feel like only the building was shaking.

It was like the whole world was!

Isaac trying to stabilize his body, almost fell down on his butt, but soon, the shaking stopped.

Ian sighed and continued his walks with his aged words ringing in Isaac's ears, ''This is not only a game... It is much more than that.''

After he left, Isaac woke from his stupor and knew that he had touched a sensitive topic.

For the old man, it didn't seem like it was only a game. It was like real life.

''100th level... Then I can know the answers...'' Isaac gazed at the closed door one last time before a pearl appeared on his hand, and his words echoed in the empty room, ''Forest of Unknown.''



The wind started blowing in greater intensity, which caused the leaves and the tree branches to move alongside the wind.

In the middle of the forest, a small pearl appeared out of nowhere, and next, a figure with an outfit full of white appeared out of nowhere.

Isaac raised his head and looked around him quickly; he saw himself standing in a dimly lit forest with trees everywhere around him.

''Black.'' He muttered, and soon his white outfit changed colors.

First, it was his hood that changed from white to black.

Then his shoulders all the way to his fingertips.

After that, the color started spreading like a plague from the sleeves all the way to his collar.

It didn't take long for his jacket to be fully painted on black, and then it was time for his pants. The colors slowly started changing, starting from the top of the pants slowly the black color tainted the white color.

After his pants were black, it didn't take long for the same fate to happen to his shoes.

Isaac looked at himself and could barely see his fingers, let alone his outfit. In the dark forest, he was almost invisible.

At first, he thought about using brown and green colors, but black was obviously a better choice in a dark forest.

After he was done checking out if it worked, ''Interface...'' He opened the Interface and looked at his Friend List.

He currently had five friends, and all of them were online.

What he looked at was nickname [Night]

He added Luna as his friend while he was waiting for clothes, and it didn't even take 10 seconds for her to accept.

''...'' He swiped his hand and closed the Friend List; he pressed the Inventory button and took his trusty Musket Rifle from there.

Moving his jacket slightly, he saw his pouches hanging from his waist and counted the bullets quickly, and there was more than enough.

After he was done counting. It was time to go grind XP.

''Been so long since I could only play without any interruptions...'' He remembered his time in Swornword Village and the first time he entered Forest of Unknown.

He only fought against Monsters and Beasts, but after that, he fought against other Players and Mythical Figures like Baba Yaga.

This time, he isn't only grinding XP.

It was time to see what can his Mythical VR Helmet do.

He has gotten somehow used to the movement, but it still seems too fast, which almost makes him trip every once in a while.

Slowly, he started walking, before he started jogging and soon, he was running.

He noticed the trees were going past him much faster than before, and he felt like he could do anything.

He saw a tree in the distance, and he had a wild idea.

Isaac remembered how easily Archers could move in the trees, and he felt it being very useful.

A grin appeared on his face as he put all his strength on his right foot.


He made a jumping motion, and soon his foot left the ground and became airborne.

Isaac was nigh invisible in the dimly lit forest, and there was no one who could have seen the incredible sight.

His body almost flew through the sky, but when he was about to land on the ground, his foot collided with the tree, and he used it as a spring to leap towards a nearby tree branch.

Swiftly and with ease, he landed on the tree branch.

''Haha...'' A small chuckle escaped his mouth as he looked down to the ground.

Just like that, he easily jumped over 10 meters. He doesn't have to climb trees anymore.

He can jump instead!

Isaac, after getting over his initial excitement, jumped towards the next branch and kept using the trees and branches as his foothold.

Soon, he got the hang of it and started moving stealthily in the trees, invisible and dangerous.

This was the start of Isaac's legend.

Legend of Wraith, The Most Feared Sniper.

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